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- Captain America : Civil War -

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[Avengers HQ]

Alexei faced Tony stoically back at Avengers HQ. He and Wanda were now essentially prisoners in this supposed "safe house" under Tony's watch.

"How is this safe?" Alexei challenged. "We're confined here against our will."

Tony held up placating hands. "It's a precaution, until things smooth over. Temporary."

Alexei remained stony-faced. "Confining someone without consent isn't safety, it's imprisonment."

"Don't be dramatic. I'm trying to keep you out of harm's way," Tony insisted.

"Are you?" Alexei countered coldly. "Or just removing obstacles, people who disagree?"

Tony looked taken aback. "That's not... Look it's complicated, with the Accords..."

"Seems simple to me," Alexei cut him off harshly. "You made your choice without considering how it would affect the team." His jaw clenched.

As Alexei turned his back, Tony reached out and grabbed his arm. "I'm doing this to keep the team together!" he insisted desperately.

Alexei yanked his arm away. "By fracturing it?" he spat accusingly. "Locking up your own teammates?" His eyes blazed with anger and disappointment.

Tony flinched but stood his ground. "I'm trying to save us from being torn apart completely. Keep us from becoming criminals. Can't you see that?"

"The only criminals I see are the ones who think they can control us," Alexei retorted coldly. He shook his head. "I wanted to trust you Tony. But it's clear you only trust yourself."

Tony reeled, stricken by the contempt in Alexei's voice. "That's not - Will you just listen for one damn second?" he implored heatedly.

But Alexei was already storming away, done with this conversation. 


Alexei sat staring numbly at his phone, at the dozens of missed calls and unread texts from Tony over the past 24 hours.

He knew they needed to talk after their blowup argument over the Accords and the fracturing of the Avengers. Alexei's anger had cooled to a simmering resentment, and an aching sense of disappointment remained.

Tony was trying, at least. But Alexei didn't know if he was ready to hear excuses or more hollow reassurances.

His phone lit up with another incoming call - Tony again. Alexei hesitated, finger hovering over the answer button. Maybe he should just hear him out...

Before he could overthink it further, Alexei hit accept. "What is it, Tony?" he answered wearily.

"Alexei! Thank god, I was starting to think you were screening my calls," Tony said in a rush. 

"Look, clearly we need to talk things through," Tony went on earnestly. "Properly discuss this whole mess, without yelling or tossing accusations around. I know you're beyond pissed at me, and you've got every right to be. But don't shut me out completely. Please, just give me a chance to explain."

Alexei closed his eyes, taking a slow breath. As much as it pained him to admit, part of him had been wrong in their past arguments.

Alexei took a slow, calming breath. He was still so bitterly disappointed, but he was tired of the distance between them. "I'm listening."

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