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Or maybe not...

Alexei paced his room agitatedly, arms crossed. Kissing Steve had been an impulsive mistake. Now everything felt more complicated before it had even begun.

Wanda would surely have words over his rash actions. Needing some space to think, Alexei left his room, wandering until he found himself outside Tony's lab, making sure to avoid Steve.

Tony glanced up from an intricate hologram and grinned. "Hey kid, pull up a stool. Wanna help with this new repulsor design?"

Alexei perched hesitantly next to him. "I don't really know engineering..."

"No problem, I'll teach you," Tony said, enlarging the hologram to point out the technology woven through the virtual gauntlet.

Alexei listened intently as Tony explained the mechanics, following his guidance to carefully manipulate the responsive hologram.

"You're a natural at this," Tony praised warmly. Alexei ducked his head, pleased but embarrassed by the compliment.

They worked comfortably, Alexei asking questions as Tony patiently elaborated on the engineering concepts. Being here, immersed in learning and creating, helped settle Alexei's turbulent emotions.

"Pass me that particle calibrator," Tony requested absently, hand extended.

Alexei's eyes widened uncertainly. "The what now?"

Tony chuckled. "Sorry Rock of Ages, I'm used to Bruce just knowing my tech. Here..."

He gently took Alexei's hand, guiding it to the right tool. Alexei shivered at the contact.

"I can teach you all this if you want," Tony offered with a crooked smile. "For now, just enjoy the view." He gestured cockily at himself.

Alexei laughed and playfully shoved his shoulder. "You're impossible."

Tony waggled his eyebrows unrepentantly. "You like it." Growing serious, he gave Alexei's hand a warm squeeze. "It's nice having you here."

Alexei softened. "I'd like to stay." Being near Tony soothed his turbulent emotions.

They worked quietly, focused on the holograms. When their hands accidentally brushed, a spark arced between them.

They jerked back awkwardly. "Sorry, didn't mean to zap you," Tony mumbled, rubbing his neck.

Alexei leaned into him teasingly, heart racing as Tony's eyes darkened.

Fiddling with a tool, Alexei asked softly, "Is this what you always do?"

Tony cleared his throat. "Yeah, pretty much. What else would I do?"

"I don't really know you," Alexei admitted softly. "But I'd like to."

Tony looked briefly surprised before a warm smile spread across his face. "I'd really like that too." He bumped Alexei's shoulder playfully. "So, who are you avoiding?"

Alexei jerked back, looking at Tony with wide eyes. "What? I'm not..."

Tony gave him a knowing look. "Kid, no one comes up to my lab unless they need something or are hiding from someone. So what's up?"

Alexei sighed, shoulders slumping. "It's stupid. I...just messed up with Steve." 

Tony listened quietly, keeping his expression neutral despite the flare of jealousy. "Hey, it's okay," he soothed. "Emotions are high right now." He gently tipped Alexei's chin up. "But you should talk to Cap eventually."

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