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- Captain America : Civil War -

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[Avengers HQ]

An explosion rumbled in the distance. Alexei, Vision, and Wanda rushed to the window. Vision looked concerned.

"Stay here, please," he said seriously before heading out.

Suddenly Clint emerged from the shadows behind them. On instinct Alexei flung a knife at him telekinetically, stopping barely shy of his face.

"Guess I shoulda knocked," Clint said wryly, lowering the blade.

"Clint! What're you doing here?" Wanda gasped.

Clint sighed heavily. "Disappointing my kids. I'm supposed to go water skiing. Cap needs our help. Come on." He shot arrows to disable security systems.

"What happened to Steve?" Alexei questioned urgently.

"I'm guessing Stark left that part out," Clint said grimly. "Let me catch you up on our way." He beckoned them to follow quickly.

Exchanging a resolute look, the siblings hurried after Clint, trusting he'd explain soon. Whatever was going down with Steve, it had to be serious for Clint to get involved and break them out.

"Where are we going exactly?" Alexei asked as they raced through the compound. No matter what came next, it seemed they were now firmly on Steve's side.

Their escape was cut short as Vision appeared, blocking their path. "Clint, you should not be here," he warned gravely.

Clint turned back impatiently. "Really? I retire for five minutes and it all goes to shit."

"Consider the consequences," Vision implored.

Clint's eyes narrowed. "Oh I have." He tapped his wrist device. "We gotta move, now!"

But Wanda hesitated, plagued by doubt. "I've caused enough problems..."

"Wanda!" Alexei pleaded. "This is Steve. He needs us."

Wanda met his eyes sorrowfully. "I know how much he means to you. But Alex, Lagos..." Her voice broke. "All I bring is chaos and fear."

Alexei stepped closer urgently. "Lagos wasn't your fault. You were trying to protect people."

Wanda just shook her head, near tears. "But I made things worse. Made the team look dangerous..."

"Made us look dangerous..."

Clint huffed in frustration as Wanda continued to waver. "Look, you wanna make amends? Then get off your ass and help Cap."

Suddenly Vision broke through his forcefield and snatched Clint into a headlock. "You cannot overpower me, Clint."

"Don't need to," Clint grit out. He caught Wanda's eye meaningfully.

Squaring her shoulders, she stepped forward as scarlet energy swirled around her hands. "That's enough, Vision. Let him go."

Vision held Clint firmly. "Wanda, I cannot allow you two to leave."

Alexei stepped forward, metal debris rising to circle him. If Vision stood in their way, he'd go through Alexei next.

"Don't make us fight you," Alexei warned, hands raised.

Scarlet energy swirled dangerously around Wanda's hands. "That's enough, Vision. Let him go."

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