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- Captain America : Civil War -

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Wanda and Alexei Maximoff sat at a small café table idly stirring sugar into their coffees. Steve's voice came over their comms.

"Alright you two, what do you see out there?"

Wanda surveyed the scene. "Standard beat cops, small station, quiet street. Looks like a good target."

"There's an ATM on the corner, so..." Steve trailed off leadingly.

"Cameras," Alexei finished.

Steve sighed. "Means our guy doesn't care about being seen. You see that bulletproof Range Rover halfway up the block?"

"Yeah, the red one? It's cute," Alexei commented.

Natasha chimed in wryly. "Also means more guns, more headaches. Probably for us."

Wanda smirked. "You guys know we can move things with our minds, right?"

"And the SUV is literally made of metal," Alexei added, amused.

"Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature," Nat said firmly.

"Ever tell you you're a little paranoid?" Sam joked.

"Not to my face. Why, you hear something?" Nat shot back.

Steve redirected them. "Eyes on target, folks. Rumlow's our first solid lead in months, we can't lose him."

Sam sighed over comms. "If Rumlow sees us coming, that'll be the least of our problems. He hates us."

Just then a garbage truck barreled recklessly through traffic toward the institute.

"Sam, tag that truck," Steve directed. Sam launched a scanning drone, reporting back, "Loaded heavy, driver's armed - it's a battering ram."

"He's not hitting the police," Steve realized. "Go now!"

The Maximoffs jumped into action as Steve relayed what he saw. Sam flew in, using his wings to block gunfire as he took out two hostiles on the roof.

"Make that six left," Sam updated.

Wanda flew overhead, catching one thug in her powers. "Sam," she called, tossing the soldier his way on her energy tethers. Sam snagged him on a wing. "Five now," he corrected.

Alexei stormed in, ripping the guns from two men's hands before crumpling their armor around them like tin foil until they passed out.

"Make that three," Sam amended with an impressed whistle as Alexei strode off.

Sam's drone scanned the building. "Rumlow's on the third floor."

"Wanda, just like we practiced," Steve directed. Wanda lifted Steve up and through a window using her powers.

"Rumlow's got a biological weapon," Steve updated grimly.

"I'm on it," Natasha confirmed, jumping off her motorcycle to take out soldiers while Steve engaged Rumlow. But the fugitive managed to grab Natasha and drag her onto an armored vehicle briefly before she electrocuted him.

"He's in an AFV heading north," Steve reported.

"I've got eyes on five, they're splitting up," Sam called back.

Natasha was back in pursuit on her bike as the assailants scattered. "I'll get the two on the left," she said.

"I've got the rest," Alexei affirmed, rushing in. His hands glowed as he crumpled the mercenaries' weapons, leaving them defenseless for capture.

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