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last chapter before we get into Thor: Ragnarok, so hang on, this is a long one-

last chapter before we get into Thor: Ragnarok, so hang on, this is a long one-

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"So you're going to Wakanda?" Alexei asked, raising a single eyebrow.

Bucky nodded, his gaze fixed on where his metal arm used to be. He looked more at peace but with a lingering hint of unease in his eyes.

"Do you feel comfortable with it off?" Alexei inquired with genuine concern.

Bucky turned to meet his gaze evenly. "Yeah, it's better for everyone if it stays off," he stated, his voice steady.

Alexei studied him thoughtfully. "I understand why you'd want to keep it off," he acknowledged.

"It's not just about wanting to," Bucky said seriously. "It's about doing what's right for others. The arm's a liability. I don't want to endanger anyone else."

Alexei nodded. "I respect that. But know that you can learn to control it."

Bucky gave a faint smile. "Easier said than done."

Alexei fell silent for a moment as Bucky asked, "Why did you join Stark?"

Bucky glanced down remorsefully. "I know what I did was wrong. Didn't expect that."

Alexei looked out the window. "Well, two on one wasn't fair."

Bucky snorted wryly. "I'm pretty sure Iron Man can handle himself in battles."

"Against two superhumans?" Alexei challenged.

"He didn't seem to have trouble," Bucky pointed out.

"Wow, calling yourself weak?" Alexei teased lightly.

"Absolutely not," Bucky chuckled, a true smile finding his face.

 Alexei turns back to Bucky with a faint, wry smile. "Well, it's not that I think you're weak. I just wanted to even the odds, you know?" he explains. 

Bucky nods in understanding. "I get it."

Bucky looks seriously back at Alexei again. "I know I can't make up for what I did," he says heavily. "But I want you to know, I truly am sorry." His eyes are haunted but sincere.

Alexei's expression softens with empathy. "You don't owe me an apology," he replies gently. 

"What happened wasn't your fault. I know what it's like to have your mind and actions controlled."

He holds Bucky's regretful gaze. "The fact that you feel remorse shows the real you is still in there. So don't lose hope."

The faintest glimmer of relief crosses Bucky's face at the absolution. The long road of healing stretches ahead, but the first steps have been taken.

As the jet began its descent, Steve announced, "We're here."

Bucky and Alexei stood up and joined the group as the aircraft slowly landed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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