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Alexei lay sprawled across his bed idly turning a smooth stone over in his hands. Rain pattered against the window as a storm rolled through outside.

His sister Wanda lay on the floor nearby, flipping through a book. She glanced up at Alexei. "So how are things going lately?" she asked.

Alexei's gaze flicked to her briefly before returning to the engraved runes on the stone. "It's alright," he said with a small shrug.

Wanda raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Just alright?" She closed her book and sat up facing him. "What does 'alright' mean?"

Sighing, Alexei set the stone down on his chest and stared up at the ceiling. "I don't know...everything is still confusing".

Alexei was fiddling with the engraved stone from Thor when he noticed Wanda across from him fidgeting restlessly with her book. She kept glancing up at him like she wanted to say something.

Alexei sighed, assuming she must have found out about the situation with Steve and wanted to lecture him. "Alright, out with it," he prompted resignedly. "I'm guessing you know what happened with Steve?"

But instead of scolding, Wanda bit her lip, looking shy. "No, it's not that. I um, I actually have some news of my own."

She took a deep breath. "I found my soulmate. It's Vision."

Alexei bolted upright in surprise. "Wait, really? When did this happen?"

Wanda couldn't contain her smile at his astonishment. "It's all still very new. But there's just this connection between us, like I've found the missing piece of myself." Her eyes were bright with wonder.

Alexei shook his head in amazement. He never expected his sister to find love with an android. But her joy was contagious.

He took her hands excitedly. "Well, tell me everything! I'm happy for you, Wanda."

Wanda finished recounting how she and Vision discovered their bond, her expression radiant. Then her brows furrowed slightly.

"But wait, what were you saying happened with Steve?" she asked in confusion.

Alexei's smile faded. He looked away, fiddling with the stone. "Oh, uh, nothing really..." he mumbled evasively.

Wanda leaned forward, studying him intently. "Alexei...did something happen between you two?"

Alexei hunched his shoulders, refusing to meet her searching gaze. He should have known he couldn't hide anything from his sister for long.

"I may have...impulsively kissed him in a moment of vulnerability," he finally admitted. "I know it was stupid, I wasn't thinking clearly."

Alexei risked a glance at his sister. Her expression was sympathetic rather than judgmental. She took his hand gently.

"Oh Alexei, I know everything feels very emotional and confusing right now," she said understandingly.

Squeezing his hand supportively, she continued "Don't be too hard on yourself. What matters most is that you talk to Steve sincerely. I'm sure he'll understand."

Alexei shifted guiltily. "Well, I may be avoiding him a little right now," he admitted sheepishly.

Wanda abruptly dropped his hand, leveling a scolding look at him. "Alexei, we can't run away from problems anymore. Things are different now."

Alexei hunched his shoulders. "I know, I know. I just...needed some space to think first." At her continued stern gaze, he held up his hands. "But you're right, I do need to talk to him properly. I will, I promise."

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