Calm Before the Storm

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Ragatha was sitting in her bed, reading a book as usual. Her door was cracked open, beams of light streaming in from the bright hallway. She was humming to herself, the main theme of the circus.

Suddenly, the lights in the room turned on and a voice called out from the intercoms.

"Rise and shine, my cheerful companions! Another amazing digital day is upon us! Come to the main circus for breakfast!"

She put the book down, standing up and smoothing out the wrinkles in her dress. She exited the room, peeking around the hallway to see if anyone else was awake.

Kinger waved to her, and she waved back as Zooble was already leaving the hallway. Kinger walked over to wake Gangle, and Ragatha knocked on Pomni's door.

Pomni answered quickly, rubbing her eyes. Ragatha greeted her happily. "Hey Pomni! How'd you sleep?"

Pomni stepped out of the doorway, smiling. "Actually pretty well, surprisingly. I didnt expect the beds to be that comfy."

Ragatha laughed, nodding. "It's scarily real!"

Their conversation is rudely interrupted, as Jax kicks open his door and walks over to the girls. "Hey ladies, what's happening here?"

Jax winks, and Ragatha rolls her eyes. "We're fine. Shouldn't you be heading to breakfast now?"

Jax rests his elbow on Ragatha's shoulder. "Just wanted to greet my favorite friends."

Ragatha shoves his elbow off, walking forward while beckoning Pomni to do the same. "We should go see the others."

Pomni jogs a bit to catch up, walking beside them. "So uh.. what does a usual day look like for you guys?"

Ragatha smiled. "Its actually pretty nice here. We eat breakfast, have an adventure, have dinner afterward, and then have a bit of free time before bed. If Caine is tired, some days we don't have an adventure!"

Pomni sighs. "Well, not as chaotic as I thought it would be."

Jax pipes up, a smug expression on his face. "Oh, Dollface here is leaving out a whole lot of details."

Ragatha shushes him, leading Pomni toward the dining table.

The other characters wave, and Caine seems to check his watch impatiently. "Took ya long enough! Now we can begin talking about today's schedule! So today I've decided on having a calmer adventure. It'll be a SCAVENGER HUNT!"

Jax groans. "Not another scavenger hunt. So how will we be divided this time?"

Caine points his cane at Jax. "Grrreat question! I've decided to split you up into pairs, but before that, I'd like to clarify! This isn't just a normal scavenger hunt, it's a special scavenger hunt! As we speak, gloinks are ransacking your rooms for important items, and it's your job to find them!"

Gangle whimpers. "Oh no.. did they take my comedy mask?"

Caine flies close to Gangle, inspecting her closely. "Hmmm... You're not wearing it, so I'd assume so, yes! Anyway, the pairs! You'll be partnered up with someone.. not of your choosing. Sorry! Our teams are, first up, Zooble and Pomni!"

Pomni looks to Ragatha, nervous. "But.. Zooble's scary."

Ragatha kneels down, putting a hand on Pomni's shoulder. "You'll do just fine. Go talk to Zooble! They're really not as mean as you think."

Pomni nods, and walks off to Zooble's side.

Caine pats the two on the head. "Team Zooble. Next up, Gangle and Kinger."

Gangle reaches out to Kinger for a high five. Kinger simply yells in response.

Jax looks over to Ragatha. "So that leaves.."

Caine pats Kinger and Gangle on the heads as well. "Team Gangle. And finally, last but not least, Jax and Ragatha!"

The two make eye contact, and Jax sticks his tongue out at her. She does the same.

Caine scooted the two closer together, and patted them on the heads. "Team Ragatha! And now we're done, so you may begin looking for your items."

Jax turns and walks in the opposite direction, leaving Ragatha behind.

Caine's hand stretches out and grabs Jax. It pulls him back to the others. "Nuh uh uh! This is a team event. You will stay together or there will be consequences!"

Ragatha puts her hand on her hip. "Great, I'm stuck with you."

Jax grins and nudges her with his arm. "Come onn, I'm not that bad, am I?"

Ragatha glares at him. "Yes, you are, actually."

Caine shushes them, returning to his place in the middle of them all. "As I said, you may begin. And please stay near your teammate, I will know if you aren't! Have fun, and don't die!" Caine spins and dissapears into thin air.

The others leave, and Jax and Ragatha are left in the middle. Ragatha speaks up first. "So, where do we go first?"

Jax shrugs. "The team is named after you, so why don't you make the decisions?"

Ragatha crosses her arms. "Well, I need some input! I can't do this alone."

Jax raises an eyebrow. "Really? That's just too bad, doll."

Ragatha sighs. "Whatever. Actually.. what are we even searching for? Caine said they took something important to us."

Jax stands upright, raising his eyebrows. "Oh. Something important to us? That's not.. good. Maybe we can split up after all."

Ragatha chuckles. "Why, don't want me to see whatever you've got?"

Jax rolls his eyes. "That's not important, let's get going. We can check the stage first."

The two start walking toward the stage, bickering about meaningless things, as usual.

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