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Another boring, usual day had passed, and now it was time for the gang to head to sleep. Ragatha walked to her room, turning the door handle and walking the door. The door does not open. She tries at it a couple times, before turning back and seeing a smirking Jax.

Ragatha scowls, holding her hand out. "Give me the key."

Jax grins. "Have fun sleeping in the hall."

He runs into his room, shutting the door behind him. She knocks on other's doors, asking to sleep in their room.

Gangle shook her head, glancing back into her room. "Uh... it's a uh... mess in there, sorry..."

Kinger simply shut the door slowly, maintaining direct eye contact.

Zooble pointed to Pomni's door. "Go ask her."

Pomni stuttered, clearly wanting to say no but not sure how. "Uhm... uh, I'm not sure... I just need to, uh..."

Ragatha waves it off quickly. "It's fine, I can figure something else out. Good night.."

Pomni shuts the door, and Ragatha sighs, walking back to her door. She sits against it, deciding to pass the time by counting the tiles on the ceiling.

Ragatha finds herself talking to nobody in particular, just voicing her thoughts through whispers. "God, why is Jax such a nuisance?"

Her repeated rambling grows more odd over time. "I hate Jax. His annoying laugh, his dumb smile, his stupid jokes, his.."

Her rants drain out and fade away, eventually falling asleep.


Ragatha wakes up, looking up to see Jax standing over her. It's still dark, and Jax seems embarrassed. "Hey, uh... sorry for locking you out here."

Ragatha rubs her eyes. "Why are you apologizing? This is just your regular shenanigans."

Jax stands up, crossing his arms. "I felt bad, okay?"

Ragatha laughed, standing up and yawning. "Okay, give me the key."

Jax rubbed the back of his neck, grimacing. "That's the thing. I kinda.. lost it..."

Ragatha stares at him, blank faced. "What?"

Jax looks at the ground. "Sorry. I, uh... don't know how to help you..."

Ragatha puts her hand on her chin, thinking. "I have an idea."

Jax looks up, hopeful. Ragatha seems a bit unhappy with her solution. "The best solution I can think of is that I sleep in your room for the night, but with the amount of stuff in there, I doubt there would be any room."

Jax walks towards his door, glancing back to Ragatha. "I can clean up, it won't take long. Cmere."

Ragatha follows him, eyes still weary from being woken up late in the night. Jax is kicking aside trash and props in his room, trying to clear space.

Ragatha sits down in an empty spot, yawning. Jax sits down on his bed. "Alright, well, that's the best I can give you."

Ragatha nods. "Okay. Goodnight."

Jax flops onto the bed, pulling the covers over himself. "Night."

Ragatha looks around, curling into a ball and pulling her dress over her knees to act as a blanket.

Ragatha decides to not speak this time, and instead think in her head. Jax let her sleep in his room. Maybe he's not so bad after all. Not very welcoming though, making her sit on the floor.

She found her eyes drooping, hard to keep them open. She closes her eyes, trying to fall asleep. It feels odd and wrong, being in a different room.

She shifts around, trying to get comfortable. She drifts in and out of consciousness, almost falling asleep, before being woken up by something moving.

She sees Jax sitting up, and shuts her eyes as if she was sleeping. He stands up off the bed, walking a bit closer to her before crouching down, almost to check if she was awake.

After Ragatha's rigorous attempt to pretend to be asleep, Jax seems thoroughly convinced. After a few seconds, Ragatha's uplifted from her spot on the floor.

Jax places her gently on the bed, pulling the covers over her. He sits down on the floor, in the spot where Ragatha was sitting before.

Ragatha stares at the wall with bug eyes, simply comprehending what just happened. Jax would do that? How did he lift her? Why??

Ragatha slowly turns over, facing Jax. He seems to be focused on trying to go to sleep. Ragatha takes a deep breath, trying to speak quietly. "Jax?"

Jax's ears stick straight up, and he seems startled. "Uh."

Ragatha continues despite her nervousness. "You.. let me sleep on the bed instead?"

Jax crosses his arms, looking away. His ears stick out behind him, not unlike an angry cat. "Don't talk about it. Just go to sleep.."

Ragatha smiles. "That's pretty nice of you, Jax. Thanks."

Jax pulls his ears over to cover his face. Ragatha chuckles, and gets comfortable again. The bed is definitely better to sleep in, and she falls asleep quickly.


Ragatha wakes up to bright lights and loud music, assumingly haven woken up after the announcements.

She scoots to the edge of the bed, rubbing her eye. Jax is at the other side of the room, rummaging through a drawer.

After a few seconds, he pulls something out of the drawer. "Aha! Got it."

He tosses it in her direction, and she catches it. "Found your key."

Ragatha stands up, raising an eyebrow. "You had to wait until the morning to look for it?"

Jax rolls his eyes. "One, I was tired. Two, you gotta admit sleeping in a different room for a change was kinda fun."

Ragatha shrugs. "I mean, it was nice. I got to see that soft side of yours underneath all that rough exterior."

Jax pouts, his ears twitching. "Shut up."

He mumbles something else, too quiet for Ragatha to hear.

Ragatha turns her head, squinting. "What was that?"

Jax pushes past her, leaving the room. "Nothing!"

Ragatha follows him, brushing it off quickly.

She walks to her door, unlocking it and sighing. Home sweet home.

A Strange Adventure | TADC | Jax x RagathaWhere stories live. Discover now