A Question

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Getting settled back in the tent, Ragatha starts talking with the others. Jax skirts around the outside of the group, glancing to Ragatha often.

Ragatha spoke to Pomni first. "You feeling okay?"

Pomni nodded. "Just a bit hungry. I'm better now."

Ragatha looked around the others mingling, checking for any conversations she needed to stop. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, she walked to the dining table and sat down, relaxing.

Someone tapped on her shoulder, and she jumped. She turned to see Jax standing a foot or so away, looking nervous.

Jax broke eye contact immediately. "Hey. Can we talk... privately?"

Ragatha stood up. "Of course. Where do you wanna go?"

Jax fidgeted with his hands. "Uh, just behind the stage is fine. Anywhere away from the others, really."

Ragatha and Jax walked behind the stage, and Ragatha leaned against a support beam. "So, what's up?"

Jax hesitated a bit, forming his sentence. "I, uh... I'm not really sure how to say this, but uhm.. I kinda, like.. like you? I guess?"

Ragatha's eyes widened. Jax was looking at the ground, either in embarrassment or shame. "And I was wondering.. if you wanted to... go on a date or something. Gosh, this sucks. I'm really sorry."

Ragatha laughed a bit, tapping on the beam with her finger. "It's fine.. I, uh... can I get a bit to think?"

Jax started walking away backwards, smiling wide, although he wasn't looking very happy. "Of course! See ya..."

Jax ran away, leaving Ragatha alone.

...What in the world? This is out of nowhere. But he was complimenting me and being nice for a while... how long has he been thinking about this? Is this what he was gonna say in the ferris wheel?!

Worse... what do I tell him? I don't wanna crush him, but I'm not sure how I feel myself.

I mean, even if I don't love him, having to think this hard about it must mean there's something there. It can't hurt to go just to figure out what I'm feeling... But I need a second opinion.

Ragatha walked back to the others, looking for Kinger. She spotted him chatting with Zooble, probably about some bug or something. She walked over, waiting until they were done talking to say something. "Hey, Kinger, I need some advice. Can we talk?"

Kinger seemed delighted to be helping someone. "Of course! Sorry Zooble, I will be back soon."

Zooble nodded, and Kinger followed Ragatha to an area away from the center. "So, what do you need help with?"

Ragatha spoke through gritted teeth. "Okay, so. Hypothetically, if someone asked me on a date, and I wasn't sure how I felt about them, but I didn't wanna hurt their feelings, what should I do? Hypothetically."

Kinger thought for a bit. "First question. Jax?"

Ragatha sighed, and dropped her head. "Yeah. He asked me out and I'm not sure what to do about it."

Kinger nodded. "I thought so. I see why you came to me. You thought of me and Queenie, yes?"

Ragatha picked her head up. "Yeah. I thought you would know how to deal with this kinda thing."

Kinger looked off into the distance mournfully. "I still remember what love felt like, even in this digital prison. It was truly a wonderful experience. If I were in your shoes, I would go. Even a glimmer of happiness can keep you sane, and perhaps, for you, that happiness is with Jax. You'll never know until you go for it."

Ragatha chuckled. "Wow. Wise words from the old man. Kinda cheesy though. I'll... think about it. Thank you, by the way."

Kinger raised his hand for a high five. "Always! I admit, I am feeling a little sad now. But the show must go on!"

Ragatha tentatively accepted the high five, a little confused. They walked back to the main area, and Jax is nowhere to be seen. That's fine. Ragatha still needs a bit more time.

She walks to Gangle, who seems a bit more chipper than usual. "Hey! What's up?"

Gangle waves, bouncing up and down slightly. "Caine said I could have a sketchbook in my room for drawing! Now I don't have to ask for paper every time I want to draw!"

Ragatha smiled. "That's awesome! What kinda stuff do you draw?"

Gangle stops bouncing, thinking for a few seconds. "I draw the other people in the circus. Mostly Gloinks, cause I think they look funny."

Ragatha nods. "Nice! I'd love to see some sometime."

Gangle stops and stares at Ragatha, almost expectantly. "You're not gonna ask me to draw you?"

Ragatha shakes her head, shrugging. "I assume you get a lot of that already."

Gangle looks into space with a scared look, as if she's remembering traumatizing experiences. "Yeah. You got that right."

Ragatha laughs. "Well, I'm not gonna burden you with that. I'm gonna go grab some food for Pomni."

Ragatha walks away, grabbing a few pieces of leftovers. She considers bringing it to Pomni, but decides against it. "Hey, Pomni! I found some food!"

Pomni runs up, taking the food from Ragatha and munching down on it. "Thank you!! I was really hungry."

Ragatha starts walking away, calling back to Pomni. "Make sure to chew!"

Pomni gives a thumbs up, and Ragatha enters the hallway, heading toward her room. Maybe a fresh mind in the morning can give her a better idea on how to handle this situation.

She opens the door to her room and closes it behind her, walking over to her bed and flopping onto it with a thud. She hadn't been in her bed in a while, had she?

She rolled to the other side of the bed, pulling the covers over her. It wasn't very late, but she expected to be getting a lot of sleep tonight.

She drifted off to sleep with one thing in the back of her mind.

A Strange Adventure | TADC | Jax x RagathaWhere stories live. Discover now