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Ragatha looks into the hole, searching for him. "Jax??"

No answer, and her heart starts pounding faster. "JAX?"

Still no answer. She yells for Caine, swiftly appearing. "Caine, I- I think Jax fell in! I can't find him!"

Caine's eyes pop out of his jaws. "Oh no! I'll try to save him, just you wait! Go to your room to rest from this accident."


Ragatha paces in her room, shaking her hands. Is Jax dead? Oh God, what if he's dead?

She paces back and forth, if she kept going any longer she'd form a dent in the middle of the room. She decides to read a book to pass the time.

She picks up the book and reads a few sentences.. then puts it back down. Not in the mood.

It's dark out now, how long has Caine been trying at this? What if he gave up, and Jax is abstracting somewhere? She can't let that happen. She has to help him.

Ragatha slowly leaves her room, hoping nobody saw her. She looks around, seeing nothing in the dark. She starts softly making her way down the hall...

Suddenly, speaking coming from in front.

"That... was horrible... I never wanna do that again."

"Well, you should never have to! Unless you decide to be dumb."

Ragatha freezes, trying to identify the voices. One of them is strained and bugging a bit.

A light shines from the mouth of the hallway. Caine holds a candle, and floats in. He retreats to the corner of the hall.

The next person walks in, and Ragatha freezes.

It's Jax. He's alive.

She runs toward him, embracing him in a hug. "Jax, I was so scared."

Jax laughs, reciprocating the hug. "I missed you too, Dollface."

Ragatha breaks away, grabbing his hands. "Are you okay? Do you need anything? Are you hurt?"

Jax shrugs. "Oh, actually, I'm like, so weak right now. Can you take care of me?"

Ragatha rolls her eyes. "You know what? Fine. I'll help you just this once."

Jax smirks, and starts walking to his room without her. Ragatha waves to him. "Night!"

She closes the door behind her, smiling. She could sleep peacefully knowing Jax was alive and safe.


Early morning, Ragatha wakes up and heads to the breakfast table. She grabs two plates that are on the table.

She carries them back to the rooms, using her elbow to turn the handle and enter Jax's room.

She sets one plate on the nightstand, shaking Jax awake. He blinks open his eyes, looking at her in confusion. "What. Why are you here?"

Ragatha smiles at him. "You told me to take care of you, so I am. Breakfast is on the table."

Jax sits up, his expression softening. "Oh. Thanks. That's actually really nice of you."

They begin eating their breakfast, chatting back and forth while waiting for Caine's announcements.

Ragatha thinks for a second, then tells a dumb joke. "Hey, what do you call a fish with no eyes?"

Jax rolls his eyes. "What?"

Ragatha holds in a grin. "Fshhh."

Jax busts out laughing. "I've heard that at least a million times before, Dollface."

Ragatha chuckles. "Well, unhear it, Cottontail."

Jax jokingly punches her in the arm. "Hey! I told you to not call me that!"

Ragatha smirks. "Stop calling me Dollface."

Jax stands up, walking next to Ragatha and putting his arm around her shoulder. "Guess I'll have to deal with it, huh?"

Ragatha starts to talk, but gets cut off by the lights turning on and Caine starting his announcements.

Jax ushers Ragatha to the door. "Well, you've gotta go do your morning stuff. Head out."

Ragatha digs in her heels, spinning around to face Jax. She pokes Jax on the nose. "You're coming with me! I'm not letting you get into any trouble again."

Jax rolls his eyes, trying to seem grumpy but remains smiling. "Fine."

They exit the room, Ragatha walking in the lead. They walk over to Pomni, waving. Jax puts his arms around Ragatha's neck, resting his head on hers.

Ragatha looks up, giggling. Pomni looks between the two of them quickly, squinting. "Uh... hi, you two..."

Ragatha looks back at Pomni. "Hey! How're you?"

Pomni gives a thumbs up. "Good. What's up with you two?"

Jax replies before Ragatha can. "Nothin much. Since I got a little bugged out, Raggs here decided she would be my personal bodyguard."

Ragatha lifts her hands to hold onto Jax's arms. "Yup, nothing is getting through me."

Zooble decides to stop by, making a quick remark before leaving. "You guys look like a couple."

Ragatha stares at Zooble for a bit, before breaking out of Jax's grip. "What?!"

Jax just laughs. Zooble snickers and walks away. Ragatha stands there in disbelief. "I can't believe it."

Jax puts his hand on his hip, smirking. "They're just saying we'd be a great couple. Don't get your hair in a knot."

Ragatha crosses her arms. "Fine.. let's go meet up with the others."

They get to the table, and the other characters are confused as to why two of the plates are missing. Jax and Ragatha sit down in those spots.


Ragatha stares at the empty space in front of her, slightly regretting not leaving her plate. She looks to Jax, and catches him staring at her. He raises his eyebrows, and looks away quickly. Ragatha looks away as well.

Caine flies up to Jax. "Oh, yes! Jax, I managed to save your object in the commotion! Here you are!"

He hands Jax a small paper, Jax snatching it away and folding it up before Ragatha could look at it. Ragatha raises an eyebrow, but Jax is focused on the table in front of him.

Ragatha reaches her hand out. "Can I see?"

Jax grips the paper tighter. "No."

Ragatha pouts. "Oh come on! It can't be that bad."

Jax rolls his eyes. "Fine.. I guess you can see it... don't judge me."

He hands over the paper, and Ragatha unfolds it. She stares at it for a second, before smiling at Jax. He looks away, blocking his face from view with his hand.

Ragatha chuckles. "Aww, Jax! Your important thing was this picture? That's adorable!"

Jax mumbles. "Shut up.."

The picture is a picture of him and Ragatha together. Jax has his arm around her shoulder, and Ragatha's head is leaning against his. They look happy and peaceful, a rare sight in the midst of this circus. It's understandable why Jax had this hung up, but why is Jax so embarrassed about it?



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