Engaging in Ridery

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Pomni points to the digital fairgrounds, shouting to the others. "Cmon!! They have bumper cars AND a ferris wheel!"

Kinger follows Pomni reluctantly. "I'm just gonna supervise."

Jax slaps Kinger on his shoulder. "Too scared, old man? Don't be a wimp, hoo-ha."

Gangle runs forward with Pomni, excited to try all the rides. Ragatha follows them, beckoning the rest forward. As they get closer, the sky spins and becomes night time.

Lights around the fair turn on, glowing different colors from all across the rainbow. They illuminate the paths between rides, and the characters look up to see the stars, or what looks like them.

Pomni leads Ragatha to the bumper cars, Gangle waiting already in one. Ragatha helps them get set up, then watches as they play bumper cars.

Ragatha feels someone ruffle her hair, and looks up to see Jax smiling at her. "Hey, what're you doing here? The others are out having fun, and you're sitting here watching."

Ragatha shrugs. "I'm not sure, I guess I just don't know what to do."

Jax looks to Gangle and Pomni, confirming that they're fine on their own. He grabs Ragatha's arm. "You're coming with me. You've gotta see this."

Jax drags Ragatha to the ferris wheel, hopping into a carriage. Ragatha steps in after him. They sit across from each other.

Ragatha looks out the window, grabbing the seat as it starts moving. "So, uh... why did you bring me here?"

Jax stands up, looking out the window. "It's amazing, you just have to wait and see."

Ragatha gets up and stands next to him. "It's nice, I guess."

Jax turns to her, leaning against the wall. "Well, we have a bit to talk before it reaches the top. Anything new?"

Ragatha shrugs. "It's been good. Nothing much. Anything with you?"

Jax seems bored. "Same. Just wanted to uh, say something.."

Ragatha tilts her head to the side. Jax fidgets with the straps on his overalls. "You look really.. pretty.. tonight."

Ragatha adjusts how her hair sits, avoiding eye contact. "Oh! Thanks. Jeez, you've been being really affectionate."

Jax glances out the window. "It's cause- I just- oh!"

Jax grabs Ragatha's hand and looks out the window. "Look! We're at the top! You can see the whole grounds from here!"

Ragatha looks down at their hands, then out the window. It is really pretty. She looks over to Jax, and he seems really happy.

Ragatha laughs a bit, adjusting to hold Jax's hand more comfortably. "You should smile more. It looks good on you."

Jax looks at her for a bit, staring. "I think I might die here."

Ragatha laughs, covering her mouth with her hand.

Jax's smile softens, and his ears bend in the middle, flopping over.

He looks down at their hands, letting go quickly. "Ah! Sorry.. I didnt realize I was doing that."

Ragatha sits down on the bench again. "It's fine. I don't mind."

Jax sits down as well, still looking out the window.

The carriage opens and Ragatha hops out. Jax follows, looking around for any others.

Jax sighs. "Okay, good. Alright, we don't talk about that, okay? That's just a you and me thing."

Zooble pops out from behind a wall, questioning them. "Don't talk about what? You two got a secret here or something?"

Jax jumps. "Aah! Zooble! None of your business."

Zooble side eyes them. "Alright, lovebirds."

Zooble walks away, leaving Jax and Ragatha dumbfounded. Ragatha walks away, intending to find Pomni.

Ragatha finds Pomni playing a game, trying to throw balls to knock over metal bottles. She seems to be doing pretty well. "Hey! Look! I'm winning! Where were you?"

Ragatha looks at the game, patting Pomni on the head. "Rode the ferris wheel with Jax."

Pomni grins slyly. "Ooooh, how romantic!"

Ragatha rolls her eyes. Pomni throws the last ball, just barely missing. "Aw man!"

Ragatha looks around the counter. "There's nobody working here... how do we get your prize? I think you deserve one."

Pomni jumps over the counter and snatches a big giraffe pushing. "Thievery!"

Ragatha laughs. "Can't do anyone any harm."

Ragatha points to a roller coaster nearby, labeled "The Cyclone". "Let's go! I've been itching to go on there!"

Pomni and Ragatha run to the roller coaster and sit down. Kinger pushes the button to start the roller coaster, waving to them as they depart.

They go through loop-de-loops and twists, Pomni holding onto her hat when they go upside down.

When Pomni gets off the ride, she walks to the side a bit before vomiting black goop all over the ground.

Ragatha rushes over, putting an arm around her and walking her back to the front of the fair. Kinger follows them, carrying Pomni's giraffe.

Gangle, Jax, and Zooble are all waiting for them. Jax is glaring at Zooble, then looks toward the trio coming toward them.

Jax turns and starts walking away. "Well, I've had enough fun for today. I'm gonna cool off at the lake."

Gangle starts after him, then stops. "I'll come- Oh. I would get soggy..."

Gangle holds up her ribbon arms to emphasize her dilemma. Zooble follows Jax, looking back to Gangle. "We can probably find a pool tube or something. Cmon."

Ragatha takes the giraffe from Kinger. "I'll go run this into your room, Pomni. Go ahead and go with the others."

Pomni nods and starts walking away. Ragatha walks to Kinger, lowering her voice. "Make sure she's safe, okay? She might not be feeling good."

Kinger runs after Pomni, and Ragatha walks back to the circus tent. The sky spins again and the sun is out all of a sudden. Ragatha squints, blocking the sun with her hand.

She walks to Pomni's room, placing the giraffe on her bed. She decides to pick some things up off the floor, but Pomni will need to clean later.

She returns to the grounds, running to catch up to the rest of the gang.

(comment name ideas for the giraffe :3)

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