Stuck With You

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"Aw, cmon, you're a party pooper." Jax looked at Ragatha, disappointed.

Ragatha groaned. "Will you stop with this? Your silly nicknames are getting annoying."

Jax crossed his arms, walking faster so he could walk backwards to face Ragatha. "I'm not gonna stop calling you them, Raggs."

Ragatha chuckled. "Why don't I come up with a nickname for you? Then we'll be even."

Jax shrugged. "Sure. What could you possibly come up with? Nothing better than mine, of course."

Ragatha smirks. "How about... Cottontail?"

Jax stops walking, dropping his smile. "What?? No! That's humiliating!"

Ragatha laughs. "Good! I'll be able to get back at you for all those times you've embarrassed me!"

Jax sighs. "Okay, deal. If I stop calling you bad nicknames in front of everyone, you won't say... that either."

Ragatha grins. "And what if I say no? Nothing you can do to stop me then, Cottontail."

Jax stammers a bit, pointing a few feet away to change the subject. "Well, uh, we're- we're here, so let's check the curtains. They could be hiding stuff."

Ragatha giggles. "Alright. Let's see."

They start shuffling through the curtains, getting lost in the red fabric.

Ragatha calls out. "Found anything?"

Jax replies, not too far away by the sound of it. "Nope. Where are you, by the way?"

Ragatha pushed her way through the folds. "I'm over he-"

She's cut short by a thunk as the two's foreheads collide, and they fall backwards.

Jax yelps, rubbing his head. "Owww! What was that for??"

Ragatha gets up, fixing her bow. "I didnt try to bump into you! It's really hard to see!"

Ragatha extends her hand out to help Jax up, and he pushes it away and stands up himself. "I don't need your help."

Ragatha steps back, trying to find her way out of the backstage curtains. "I was just trying to be nice..."

When she finds her way back to the front of the stage, Jax is there waiting for her. "Well, that was uneventful."

Ragatha flops her hand forward. "Well duh."

Jax sits down on the stage, putting his hands behind his head. "I need a break."

Ragatha puts her hands on her hips in disbelief. "Really?? It's the first search! We can't just let the others beat us!"

Jax closes his eyes. "Is it a race?"

Ragatha sits down a few feet away, her dress poofing out around her. "Well, I guess not. We can take a small rest, I suppose."

Jax smiles. "That's what I thought. Now, I'm gonna take a nap. See ya, Dollface."

Ragatha frowns, and rolls her eyes. No use fighting it now. In the meantime, she might as well form a plan.

Ragatha gets to thinking, but she's interrupted by Gangle and Kinger greeting her.

Gangle waves. "Hi, Ragatha. Any luck yet?"

Ragatha sighs. "Nope. We got lost in backstage and now Jax is being lazy and taking a nap."

Kinger fidgets with his hands. "That sucks. You really didnt deserve to get paired up with a guy like him!"

Ragatha rests her chin on her hand. "Yeah. I wonder if I could ask Caine to just switch Pomni and Jax, so I could have Pomni as my teammate instead."

Gangle whines. "You shouldn't say that.. what if Jax can hear?"

Ragatha smiles. "Nope, when he's out, he is out. Even if he did hear, he wouldn't care."

Gangle nods. "Well, we should get going now. Hope it gets better for you!"

Ragatha nods, and they wave goodbye.

Once Kinger and Gangle are out of earshot, Jax opens one of his eyes. "You would really replace me?"

Ragatha jumps. "Oh- I didn't- I mean- I didn't really mean it, I'm just a bit frustrated."

Jax sits upright. "Hm, okay. Well, what should we do next?"

Ragatha shrugs. "Not sure yet. I was trying to think, but then they showed up, and now I've lost my train of thought."

Jax scoots to the edge of the stage, hanging his legs off the edge. "Maybe we can just chill then?"

Ragatha does the same, sitting next to him. "Alright then."

There's awkward silence for a moment, before Ragatha speaks up. "So, it's a.. uh... nice day today?"

Jax laughs, looking over at her, dissapointed. "Really? Was that your form of small talk?"

Ragatha pouts. "I can't really say the usual things like, oh, the weather's nice today, or anything like that, because there's no weather! It's the best I can do!"

Jax snickers. "You're pathetic, Raggs."

Ragatha lightly punches him in the arm, trying to contain her smile. "Okay, but at least I tried!"

Jax leans back, closing his eyes. "Okay, let me try... I got one. Hey Ragatha, your hair looks nice today, did you do anything different? See, plain and easy!"

Ragatha laughs. "Okay, sure. It's easier for you, because at least I have qualities worth mentioning."

Jax clutches his chest, faking offense dramatically. "How could you! I have plenty qualities! My exquisite charm, my handsome smile, etc!"

Ragatha smirks. "You had to say etc. I think that's a bit self-explanatory."

Jax rubs the back of his neck. "I can't think of stuff on the fly, yknow?"

Ragatha pushes Jax to the side. "Whatever. This has been enough talking. We need to get back to searching."

Jax stands up, pointing at her. "But! Where do we go?"

Ragatha grabs his hand and uses it to stand up, almost pulling Jax down with her. "Dunno. That's the fun of it! Freestyle, you understand?"

Jax starts walking in a random direction. "I like your style."

Ragatha speeds up to walk next to Jax. "I'm gonna be honest, this adventure isn't going as bad as I thought it would be."

Jax rests his elbow on her shoulder. "Oh? Well, you better prepare, cause it's gonna get a lot worse."

Ragatha chuckles. "Suure. I guess I'm stuck with you, huh?"

Jax tilts his head toward Ragatha, smirking. "That's right!"

They walk toward the Gloink cave, laughing together.

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