My first kiss went a little like this...

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Being a teenager is hard. Learning to manage your emotions without a parent guiding you through these impossible times is even more challenging. So, can you imagine having a significant piece of your dead parent's belongings tainted and morphed into something you couldn't recognize? If you were in my shoes and found the only tangible item you had of your parents that wasn't a picture on your phone, it was gone forever. Let me tell you, t is fucken devastating.

At that moment, I imagined squishing Sammy's face in the palm of my hand. This did not satisfy me or diminish the anger that hungered for revenge. I was on a whole different level of being pissed off, leaning against the sidelines with the rest of the students who finished the ceremony. I can feel my body waiting for her to come down the steps.

Initially, I wanted to react when she gave the ring to Helen as she carried a devilish smirk on her face, but I miraculously managed to walk off stage without causing a scene. Jenna called my name to stand near her, but my body never moved an inch.

'I just want to talk to her ' was what I had thought primarily. Now, the plan has changed once she revealed her true intentions by giving a condescending grin.

As soon as Sammy took the last step off the stage, I felt my body move towards her, ready to smash my fist against her fake crooked smile. If it wasn't for the wicked grin as she came down the steps that erupted, a burning of fury, Fred's chanting in the back of my head didn't help either. His influence in reminding me of my mom's precious ring and how she worked so hard to buy something for herself was another reason why Sammy needed a black eye.

My steps quickened, and my hands were ready to snatch her blonde straw hair so I could drag it across the floor. Sammy wouldn't have realized it was coming if it wasn't for the fact that a tall, colossal douchebag held me back. My peripheral view must be jacked up because I didn't notice him as he stood beside me.

"Get your fucken hand off me." I snapped at Alex, who held my wrist tightly. My knuckles were inches from contacting Sammy's face. It could have been a glorious first punch if it wasn't rudely interrupted.

"Hitting her won't change anything," Alex said, his voice in a low whisper, trying to steer the situation away from Helen's radar. Helen continued her speech, oblivious to what was happening on the side of the stage.

My arm was being forcefully retracted, but I wasn't giving in that easily. I had another arm for a reason, but as quickly as Alex came to intervene, so did Rei. Call it adrenaline or the power of being royally pissed off that I almost succeeded in removing myself from Rei's grasp. Realizing that I nearly escaped, Alex's amber eyes widened in alarm for a brief second. He used both his arms to pull me back from Sammy. Rei eventually stepped back.

"Mikaela..." Alex warned with his arms around me. If anyone were watching from the sidelines, it would appear as if Alex was giving me a tight hug and not restraining me from honoring my mother.

"What did I do to you, MK?" Sammy's eyes swelled with crocodile tears, pretending to be fearful and shocked. She was terrible at acting, but I gave her props to cry on the scene.

Jenna had made it to our circus fiasco, where Alex held me like a straitjacket. Rei stood between Sammy and me, attempting to keep a smile on his face as if nothing was wrong. Jenna wasn't buying it.

"What's going on?" Jenna questioned, glancing between me and Sammy with worry and confusion, wondering why Sammy was crying and why I looked like a crazy person.

"I tried to be friends with her like you said, Jenna, but I can't. She's fucken insane." Sammy said, her voice portraying like she was the victim in this story. Another surge of anger filled me as I attempted to pull myself out of Alex's shackled arms.

I accidentally summoned a Demon and I call him FredWhere stories live. Discover now