~Chapter 27: Just Wait for Time~

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"How could he throw me out like that? After all I did for him! I haven't sleep in days because of him!"

I walk and shout out loud towards my home. I am so furious! How could he tell me to leave? My happiness faded away as I walked out of the hospital Peeta was in. I thought he would have been so happy he would want me to stay with him. Of course I would be confused, but then I would be glad and want to see my children and my spouse.

But no! He just wanted me to leave and get some sleep.

I open the door to my home which belongs to a loving family, including the foolish husband that told ME, Katniss Everdeen to leave! After all I've done.

I close the door, I was going to slam it but I remember Pearl was asleep.

Willow must have heard me because she comes running to me. She looks up at me with hopeful eyes and asks, "Any good news?"

"Oh yes!" I sit dramatically on the couch, making her confused.

"Then why aren't you happy?" She looks scared. No, worried about me. Why is it that I've seen that face on everybody?

I simply answer her, "I am mad! Your 'father' woke up and once he saw me he told me to...leave!!!"

Willow suddenly starts laughing. Laughing at me! Isn't that preposterous! She's gone insane. I'm mad and she just laughs at me!

"What is so hilarious? I told you I was mad and you simply laugh!

She sits next to me and says happily, "I felt angst for a second there! I thought you were about to tell me dad wasn't going to make it or you don't love him anymore!"

"Well then! Since nobody here is logical enough to know what he did was wrong, I will leave."

I stand up and as I walk away Willow shouts, "You're acting peevish!" Pfft, me peevish.

I'm surprised Pearl isn't awake by the shouts. I turn a corner and enter my room. I lie on my bed and close my eyes, thinking about years ago. All these memories are so wonderful yet hurting. My heart starts beating, fast. I hate the torture of these memories. I can't help but start breathing heavily.

I don't think I'm alright. I can't breathe. "Willow! Willooo-"

Willow walks in my room with a frightened expression on her face. I try to talk but I can't. I can't even breathe! My face feels hot. Willow runs and gets the phone, trying to get help. Rye scares me because he came out of nowhere and is telling me to breathe. I'm trying to breathe.

My vision becomes blurry. I hear Willow shouting at Rye because he's crying and at the phone to hurry up. Everything is starting to spin. My head hurts and so does my chest. I feel like I'm a fish trying to breathe out of water. Is this how it feels. Am I dying? Everything turns black.


_22 hours later_

I feel bad for telling Katniss to leave. But it was for the best. I was tired and not prepared to face anybody. But know I feel worried. Katniss would have come back by now well I thought so anyway. She's probably still mad at me.

Nobody has visited me other than Haymitch. He just came for a couple of minutes and was very caustic. He was told to leave by my nurse because I had to bathe. The only people I've seen are Dr.Yester, the demure and kind nurse, and a few patients walking outside my room. They all look tired. It's so depressing.

With the silence I have been able to think more. I hope nothing bad happened to Katniss. She was very angry when she left.


"So, did you tell dad?" Willow looks at me with hopeful eyes.

"No. He looked too unhealthy. I think if I told him he would have been too shocked," I tell Willow. She just nods her eyes full of concern.

She looks down and silently says, "I don't know what to do now."

"Well I would just wait for time and sit back." I sit down when I look up I see Willow looking at me with wide eyes

I curiously ask, "What happened to your angel face?"

She looks at me with straight face and loudly says, "I hate you so much! How can you be so careless? You're so cavalier! My mom hasn't woken up since she went unconscious! You are such an irresponsible mess, do you know that? If not then I got news for you, you're INSANE!!!"

At first I look at her, shocked. How can someone so kind say that? I open my mouth and say, "Woah there kitty cat. You finally showed your nails like your mom."

I don't know what I said but Willow starts crying. She looks like an emotional mess. That poor girl has gone through so much. I don't think this will end well. Neither of her parents are healthy and since she has nobody at home, who will take care of her and her siblings. Nobody has thought of that yet I guess. I'm sure not suitable that is for sure. I feel like Willow will scratch my eyes out.

Willow storms out of the waiting room, slamming the door so loud and with such force that everybody's head turned to the door. Of course most of them were listening to our conversation and giving me a dirty look.

I shrug my shoulders and sit back. Somebody clears their throat behind me. I look back and jump back, surprised by how close the attractive young lady's face was to me.

She asks, "Aren't you going to go after your kid?"

"She's not my kid."

I turn back and close my eyes when the lady says, "Aren't you Haymitch?"

I open my eyes and turn back at her, interested by this new comment.

"I'm Deliah." She hands out her hand and I shake it with a toothy grin, "Now go get that kid that just shouted at you." With that my smile left.

I stand up and say, "A pleasure to meet such a stunning but strict women," and with that I leave to get Willow.

--- Hey Peeps! Sorry I haven't posted much. But next chapter will be so dramatic and longer! ;) So just wait a bit for it because it will take a lot of thought to write. Sorry this chapter was kind of boring and short, I'm trying to build it up for the next chapter.

Anyways keep reading

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