~Chapter 22: Crazy Day~

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      ~Chapter 22: Crazy Day


So I’m leaving for like about two weeks to my sister’s house to go to Disney land and other places. Don’t judge me, I’m a teenager, but NEVER too old for Disney Land. So that’s a long time not to update! Booo! I know what you’re thinking, update over there. I’ll probably not have time. But I made a juicy chapter! J Hope you Love it! Here’s a bunch of different point of views.



     I finally arrive at the hospital. Finnick and I run inside, well I do and he follows me. I look crazy but it’s not my fault. I don’t know what will happen if somebody dies. I push the hospital door open and news reporters attack me.

     They all scream questions like this: Annie! Annie! What do you feel about Peeta’s injury? Why is Johanna with a stranger? Do you think the baby will live? If the child lives what will they call it? Will you ever get married again? How old is your child?

     At first I was confused; Peeta has an injury and Johanna’s with a stranger? Then it got too personal. I didn’t know what to do.

“Mom, what are they talking about?”

“They’re crazy. Just ignore them.”

       Fortunately, Haymitch tells the hospital security to get them all out. I was actually glad they left. They were annoying.

“And she calls them crazy,” somebody young whispers.

     I turn to the young voice. It’s a girl a bit younger than Clarisse. She has brown hair, blue pants, and a white shirt. I give her a mean face and she looks away. I tell Finn to wait and walk up to the girl.

     I don’t care what people will say but I tell the girl, “I know you’re young but you don’t have to be a brat. Do not act like an immature child! Act your age, and I think you’re too old to judge people! I’ll always remember you as an annoying, little girl!!!

     The girl looks at me with a blank face, and then she frowns and rolls her eyes. She stands up, but a girl about five years old pulls her down.

The little girl looks at me with sad little eyes and says, “Sorry Annie. It’s just that my dad died two months ago and my mother is very ill. She still misses dad, like my sister and I. My sister’s just cranky since we haven’t eaten in three days.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, we would work but we have to go to school.”

“Well I can work, you just don’t let me,” the girl’s sister said.

      The little girl pinches her and the other girl stays quiet. Now that I look, they both look skinny. The little girl has golden like hair and freckles. She has a dirty dress and her sister’s clothes don’t look better.

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