~Chapter 18: Kidnapped~

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                                       ~Chapter 18: Kidnapped~




        My name is Johanna Mason. I just woke up, trying to calm down. My doctor told me whenever I feel angry to tell myself something that’s real. So I say my name, because no matter what, I am real, and so is my name. I just had a dream that scared the hell out of me. I bit my tongue to keep in the anger boiling inside me, but I couldn’t help it. I stood up and screamed. Once I finished, I realized I was crying.


      I wiped my tears away with my tears. I was so tired from yesterday; I just walked to my bed, laid down, and went to sleep.  I tighten my hands into a fist and look for something to punch. I walk to my white wall, and just punch it. I punch it over and over again, until my knuckles start to bleed.

       I turn my back to the wall and start to cry. I start to slide down until I am sitting down. I can’t help it, I cry. I sob and cry, because I feel like it. Everybody’s a crybaby once in a while, right. But not me! I stand up and wipe the tears away with my shirt and breathe in, but a tear just ends up sliding down my eye. No! Suck it up Johanna.

     Why can’t I ever be happy? I lost my family, my neighbors, my friends, but I also lost the capitol and the stupid ass hunger games. A tear runs down as I see the faces of my family, my boyfriend, my friends, and Finnick. Finnick. How much Annie talks about him, I can’t blame her. He was an awesome dude. He was my first friend after my family died. He actually understood me, even though I was a jerk to him. I laugh by the memory of his smirk and his stupid jokes that made me laugh even though I didn’t want to. He sucked at making jokes, but he was my friend. How I miss that pain in the ass.

      A tear slips by, but I let it I want Finnick to know I still love him, as a best friend, as a brother, and as a jerk. Sometimes I feel like its Katniss’ fault he died. But it’s not. It’s those stupid lizard monsters that Snow let out so basically it’s Snow’s fault.

     I don’t like calling him President Snow. Never have and never will. He was….cold as snow. Let’s just put it that way before I punch something else. I stand up and walk to the kitchen.


 I look for ice cubes, and I finally find it after thirty minutes. I get two ice cubes and put them on my knuckles. Put it doesn’t work. I throw the ice cubes in the sink. That was stupid, I think as the ice cubes don’t fall inside the sink. I walk to them and pick it off the green and white floor.

    I put the ice cubes in the sink and turn it on. I put my left hand in it but I discover hot water burning my hand. I scream and turn it off with my other hand. I curse, and this time I turn on the cold water. I don’t want to look at my knuckles because they must be turning purple. Blood washes off as the cold water rushes on my hands. I turn it off once I feel better.

      I go to my room, passing the kitchen I open the white door and walk inside my plain white room, nothing decorating the walls. You would my room is messy, okay it is sometimes. But I try to keep it clean.

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