~Chapter 5: The Old Dirty Man!!!~

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  • Dedicated to Willow Melark Everdeen

                                                ~Chapter 5: The Old Dirty Man!!!~


      So as dad and I walk to the shop happily with Rye I wonder why mom was trying to rush us out to the bakery. I know I heard a voice inside, a low man voice. But Idon't want to tell dad because he might get mad because mom is hiding a secret. But I am so curious. I skip to the shop. Then I start to race Rye to the bakery, I let him win because he is a little boy and I am mature! I think? No, I am! Maybe? Whatever!!! So dad unlocks the door and I run inside to the sweet smell of warm bread. I say, "Mm mm!!!" Dad must know I am hungry because he says, "Want a piece of cake?" I smile and say, "I sure do!" He laughs and I follow him to the oven. He takes out a freshly baked chocolate cake and puts it on the counter. It's not a really big cake, it's just a cake that is meant for about five or six people.

     I tae in the smell of chocolate cake and then I take a look at it It has pink frosting with cherries on top. Decorating it are yellow flowers. I whip off a little bit of frosting with my finger and lick it. Dad comes with a white plain plate and a shiny knife and cuts a piece for me. I snatch it out of his hands once he puts it on the plate. I gobble it up and dad says, "Wow, you didn't want milk with that?" I say with cake full of chocolate cake in my mouth, "Umm, sho shankshoo." He didn't understand that I said no thank you. He just laughed and gr abed a napkin and cleaned my face a bit off. I say once I ate the cake, "I can do it."I take the napkin from his hand and clean myself off.

       Dad says, "Your just like your mother. Your want to do everything on your own." I like bieng like mom. You know she defeated an evil man called President Snow and stopped a bad game called the Hunger Games where kids killed each other. My mom is a big hero! Dad always talks boasts about her and she blushes and tells him to stop. When I'm big I want to be in love as much as they are. But I don't want to play the Hunger Games. Mom said that was a horrible games. I bet it was. But she says that will never happen again. She always talk to where Prim, my aunt dies and cries so much that she can't talk anymore. I would have died if Rye disappeared. He can be really annoying but I love him so much! He's my little brother. After I eat dad says, "You guys can go out and play if you want." Rye doesn't want to but I say, "I am!" Dad says, "Don't run away! I'll die if that happens to me again."I laugh even though I know it's not a joke. As I walk to the corner of the shop where I play the Jeblin twins come running towards me. Sammy and Danny Jeblin. 

      They are so annoying. They both have brown hair and thick eyebrows. Sammy is skinny and Danny is okay. He's not fat or skinny. I hate them both.They says I am ugly and mean, they are such dumbies. I flip my hair in their face because they hate it. They are both wearing black pants and blue shirts. You can always tell between them because Sammy has shorter hair than Danny. Sammy is meaner than Danny. Danny can be nice sometimes but Sammy is never nice. Sammy says, "Hi!" I said, "Go away!" He says, "Why are you mean? Is it because yoy are ugly and I am not!" I stand up and push him and  then Danny says, "Your so mean. Why did you push him?" I say, "Because he is ugly and stupid! So are you!" Danny looks sad and then he shouted out, "I hate you!" He pushed me really hard and I fell in dirt. My dress was so dirty. I got really mad because this was my favorite dress. I say back at him, "At least my last name is not Jeblin!" Sammy says, "My dad's name isn't a bread and my mom's name isn't Catnip. They run around me saying, "Catnip, Catnip, Catnip is stinky!"

         I stand up and shout out, "Shut up! You are ugly and I am pretty! My mom is a hero! Your mom is a lady who just cleans clothes! Go away bg fatties!" Danny looks hurt and Sammy is full of anger. Sammy kicks me and Danny says, "You deserve it!" I slap Sammy and say to Danny, "Shut up big fat ugly boy! They are really mad because Danny says, "I hope your mom dies!!!" Sammy says, "Your dad is stupid because he just bakes! That's a ladies work!" I say, "Baking is for men and women and....my mom saved your butts! You might of been in the Hunger Games! I kick them both and run to dad. 

     I don't start crying until I am in dad's arms. He hugs me and says, "Don't worry, I will tell their parents tomorrow." Then he wakes up Rye from a short nap and says, "It's late. Let's close the shop and go home. He turns off the lights and the oven. It's a tiny mechanical fire burner. Then we walk out the door as the bell rings. Dad tells us to wait as he locks the white door. Then he hugs Re and holds my hand. We look at the sunset as we walk. Dad says, "See that orange sunset color. It's my favorite color." I say, "What about mom's favorite color. What is it?" He smiles and says, "Your mom's, her favorite color is green. She told it to me when we were in a train traveling to the capitol. I told her mine to.

      Dad doesn't say much after that. He just says that we have to sleep once we get home. I am just going to jump on my bed and sleep. I want to sleep forever. I am so tired and mad at Sammy and Danny! I hate them both! When we get home dad tries to open the door but it is locked. But he has a spare key so he opens it. Inside is mom and a man. The man is leaning in to kiss mom but she is pushing him away. She makes a face disguised face at him. The man looks like he just worked really hard because he is dirty and he looks older then dad.

       Dad says, "What are you doing Katniss! What is this?" Mom tries to explain but dad says, "Don't answer. You were just lying to me this whole time! With all that we have been through. I actually loved you. I thought you loved me too. But it was all a lie. That's evil you know. I thought you were kind, but I guess your not!" Dad's eyes are red and he looks like he's about to cry. Then he says, "You can have her Gale!" Dad runs outside. I grab his sleeve but he says, "Leave me alone Willow! Go with Gale and Katniss! Go!" He looked really sad. He never shouted at me so loud. I wanted to cry but he just said that because he is upset. 

      So the man's name is Gale. Rye is confused. He just walks to his room. I walk up to the big man and say, "Go away! You made my dad sad! You are mean! I hate you!" Mom says, "Don't say that! You don't understand. This is Gale, my old friend. I still love your dad. I will always love him! Gale just came to visit. He was about to leave. Right Gale?" Gale looks mad. He says, "I don't want to leave Katniss. I want to be here, with you! I need you! I love you! Why Peeta?" Mom says, "Because Peeta loves me, and I love him! He never kissed other girls like you! He just loved me! I never loved you! I thought I did deep down but I didn't. Go away!" 

       Gale says, "I will when you back! Give me a chance!" Mom says,"I have two beautiful children and one on the way. I have a home, a shop, and a kind hearted husband I love! Your just a old friend I used to hunt with! You and I had no relationship at all! Go!" Gale starts to cry and he says, "Fine! I will come back! Tomorrow or any time I want! I knew you first and you were supposed to marry me. I don't know why you love Peeta. He makes his hands in a fist and hugs my mom. Mom hits him on the chest but he holds her tighter. I hit the man with my hands but it's no use. He is to strong. I shout, "Let go of her! Your stupid! Let her go stupid old dirty man! Go away and leave her alone!" He just ignores me.

       Then he just kisses mom! Dad can only do that! Mom tries to fight back but the man is to powerful. I bite Gale and he shouts and mom falls to the ground. Mom runs to the room and grabs the bow and arrow. She says, "Go away Gale or I will shoot." Gale says in pain, "You wouldn't dare!" Mom says, "Then you don't know me!" Gale says, "Fine! But I will come back!" He leaves and I run and hug mom. She is crying  as she says, "He's gone. Go to sleep. He's gone." I do as she says because that man must have brought up bad memories because she is crying a lot.

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