Chapter Two Pg 2

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Once we got home, I took Nahele over to the device where he could string the deer up and skin and prep it for consumption. "Hey, can I watch?" I asked in curiosity. "Sure, Luka." Nahele hummed. I only nodded and strung up the deer. I watched curiously as and began to skin the deer. Once he finished skinning the deer, he began to gut the deer as well. Once he finished gutting the deer, he cut his head off along with the front legs of the deer. Once everything was prepped, he finished skinning the deer and threw its pelt over a rack to scrape off the leftover meat and washed the pelt so it could be delivered to the wendigos the next morning. After he finished gutting the deer, he put all of the usable organs in a bucket and rinsed them off with cold water so he could give those to the wendigos as well. Once that was finished, he began flaying the deer's flesh off for consumption. Once he finished prepping the deer, he rinsed off each piece of meat so it was clean and could be cooked later. Once he finished cutting all of the meat off of the deer he helped Luka carry it all inside so he could put it in his freezer to keep it fresh so they could cook and eat it later tonight for dinner. Luka then took what was left of the deer carcass carried it along with the organs and placed it outside the cave for the wendigos and their wachuge mate. Once he left, he walked into the house to see Nahele curiously staring at the TV and tilting his head from side to side as a show played on it. He then looked at me and grinned. "Luka, what is this strange screaming rectangle?" Luka asked in curiosity. "Oh, that is a television set you watch to keep yourself entertained," I explained. Nahele tilted his head in confusion. "Watch it? All it does is make weird noises and show moving pictures. What's the use of that?" Nahele said in confusion. "Well, it's entertainment, that's why you watch it," I said with a grin. I walked over to the TV and changed the channel to Animal Planet so I could watch my favorite show, which was surprisingly on at the moment. I sat down on the sofa Nahele quickly following. "So you watch the television to entertain yourself?" Nahele asked. "Mhm," I nodded. "Oh, I see now," Nahele said with a grin. Nahele then looked over to the TV and began to watch Treehouse Masters with me. After watching TV for about thirty minutes, I noticed Nahele was transfixed on the TV, not looking away, not even for a moment. I chuckled slightly and changed the channel to the Discovery Channel to see how he would react he looked up at me and frowned. "Why did you change the station?" Nahele asked a bit annoyed. "I thought you might like Planet Earth. It only airs on the Discovery Channel." I hummed softly. "Oh," Nahele hummed. "Well, I'm gonna make some venison stew with the fresh venison we procured earlier today," I said with a smile. "Okay," Nahele said while staring at my TV, still transfixed. I nodded and walked into my kitchen. I opened my freezer, pulled out some venison shoulder meat, and put it in some lukewarm water to defrost it so I could cut it into cubes later. I then grabbed carrots, celery corn onions, and potatoes and began to cut them up, slicing all of them. I began with the carrots. I sliced the tops off, peeled them, and sliced them at an angle. I then sliced the celery into small chunks and cut the onions as well. I then cut the potatoes into cubes. I then filled the pot up with beef broth water salt pepper stew seasoning and some heavy whipping cream. Next, I grabbed the meat and put it in some flour in a bowl. Then I covered the meat up in it and began to sear it off. After finishing that, I put all of the vegetables into the pot along with the meat and let it simmer. After about an hour, I added a bit of cornstarch to thicken the stew and left it to cook some more. After that was finished, I peeked into the living room to see Nahele was still transfixed on my TV and crying. I walked over to him to see what was going on. "What's wrong, Nahele?" I asked softly. "The poor cheetah lost its mother!" Nahele said, tears running down his cheeks. "Yeah, that part always gets me as well, Nahele," I said with a glum look. "Well, the stew's done. Do you want some?" I asked. Yes, please." Nahele hummed. Nahele turned off the TV and followed me to my kitchen, where I fixed him some fresh venison stew that I made myself. I handed him the bowl and fixed myself a bowl as well. I was sitting across from Nahele and began to eat my stew. 'So how is the stew Nahele?" I asked softly while sipping my stew. "It's wonderful, Luka!" Nahele said with a grin. "I'm glad you like it, Nahele. I spent four hours making it for us to eat." I said with a smile. Nahele grinned and continued to eat the stew I had so lovingly made. While he was eating, he stared at my coffee pot and looked back to me. "Hey, what is that brown liquid in the pot over there?" Luka asked curiously. "Oh, that? It's called coffee it helps me stay awake." I hummed. "Can I have some?" Nahele asked. "No, I don't think you be able to handle it quite yet, I get some decaf later when I go to the store I'll start you on that first so you won't get jittery." I said with a hum. After a while, we finished our dinner, and I parted ways with Nahele, who went to his guest room to sleep.

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