Chapter Five Pg 1

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We had been walking for a solid hour now, and my hooves were getting tired. "How much longer till we get to the village Nahele?" I whined slightly. "We're almost there just a five-hour walk, and we'll be at the gates," Nahele reassured. "Okay, Nahele," I whined. Nahele looked over at me and sighed slightly. "Okay, we'll take a seat for about thirty minutes to rest your hooves." Najele hummed. I gave him a big grin and took a seat in the field, giving my aching hooves a well-deserved rest. Nahele also took a seat next to me as well. While we were sitting, we also took several sips of water to rehydrate ourselves. As we sat, we enjoyed the scent of wildflowers that rustled in the expansive field. "Wow, this field is beautiful, Nahele!" I gasped in awe. "Yeah, I know, Luka, this is why the previous chieftain built the village here. It was safely secluded and pretty as well." Nahele hummed. "Wow." I hummed. "Well, it's been thirty minutes Luka let's continue. We're halfway there," Nahele said as he stood up. I nodded, stood up, and stretched. "Okay, I'm ready," I said while tapping my hoof on the ground. "Alright, let's get walking." Nahele hummed. I smiled and nodded as we continued our walk to the village. As we walked, I spotted the village in the distance. The fence was made out of large twenty-foot-tall stone walls, and the gate was made out of wood. "Wow, that village is huge!" I gasped in disbelief. "I know it's big enough to fit two entire dragons inside it." Nahele laughed. "They even have a small prison here and a guillotine for executions as well." Nahele hummed. "Thankfully, it was only ever used twice in the entirety of my life, and one of those times was Misu, my ex." Nahele hummed as we got closer to the village. "Dang." I hummed as we got closer. While we were walking, I heard a scream in the distance behind us, causing Nahele to jump and tense up. "Luka, whatever you do, don't panic. That's just a hunting scream," Nahele said calmly. I gave him a worried look and nodded. After everything calmed down, we resumed our walk to the Innix village. As we walked, we spotted a group of five wendigos in the distance. They were carrying a large deer carcass in their arms, and they were walking. One of them was unlike the others. He had stunning white fur and glowing green eyes. I looked at Nahele in shock and smiled. "Damn, he's hot." I whistled. Nahele gave me a sharp glare before chuckling. "Yeah, he's not in your league honey he's my baby brother, and he's only twenty-four." Nahele laughed Nahele said with a soft hum. "I was twelve when he was born." Nahele hummed. "What's his name, Nahele?" I asked curiously. "His name is Delsin Rue Frost. "My name, as you know, is Nahele Bane Frost, Bane being my middle name," Nahele said while we walked. "That's cool, Nahele," I said with a smile. Thanks. I watched as the silver wendigo that was Nahele's baby brother carried the deer up to the village gates where both wendigos bowed and pushed the gates open, letting them inside. We had now been walking for about four and a half hours, which meant we were close. "Okay, Luka, we'll be there in about an hour." Nahele hummed. I only nodded as I stopped to stretch. "As soon as we get there, it'll be dark, and everything will be closed, so we'll have to sleep in an inn for the night." Nahele hummed. Finally, after what felt like forever, we reached the gates. One of the guards looked up and smiled at Nahele. Then he bowed. "Good evening, Prince Nahele. How are you this evening?" The wendigo gaurd hummed. "Oh, I'm doing fine Kosumi how about you?" Nahele hummed. "I'm fine, I see you brought a guest. May we know his name?" Kosumi hummed. This is Nahele, my boyfriend." Nahele hummed while showing me off like a prize. I blushed as two sets of glowing blue eyes locked onto me. "Oh, goody, a boyfriend!" Kosumi chirped. "Mhm." Nahele nodded. "Catari, help me open these gates, will you, we have to let the prince in." Kosumi hummed. "On it, Kosumi!" Catari chirped. I watched as the two wendigos pushed the gates open, allowing me and Nahele inside. Nahele waved to the two wendigos who waved back. As soon as we passed through the gates, they shut behind us. "Okay, the inn is two blocks down. we should get there rather quickly." Nahele hummed as he quickly walked down the street. I quickly followed behind him as we approached a two-story building. He pushed the doors open and stepped inside. As soon as we were inside, he walked up to the desk and rang the bell. A wendigo practically ran up to the desk bouncing on her hooves. "Prince Nahele!" The female wendigo practically screamed. Nahele sighed and shook his head at the bubbly female wendigo. "Hi Shiki, I need a room for me and my lover for the night." Nahele hummed. "Ooooh, another boyfriend, is he nice?" Shiki said with a click of her tongue. "Yes, he is. He's very nice." Nahele said with a blush. "I'll get you two a room, Don't go making any babies, okay?" Shiki hummed. "Sweet Vail, SHIKI!" Nahele whined while facepalming. Shiki only giggled and shook her head. "Oh, Nahele, you know i'm only kidding with you." Shiki laughed. "I know Shiki, but I'm fucking exhausted both me and Luka." Nahele sighed. "Well, I'll show you to your room then." Shiki chirped while skipping up the stairs. "The younglings these days." Nahele said while shaking his head. Well, follow me Luka dear." Nahele hummed as he climbed the stairs. I only nodded and followed him up the stairs. Once upstairs Shiki opened a room door with a key and smiled. "Enjoy your stay you two!" Shiki said with a wave. Nahele nodded and waved Shiki goodnight. Once we were in the room he collapsed in the bed and instantly passed out leaving me to get comfy and fall asleep alongside him.

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