Chapter Five Pg 4

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I woke up in the morning to hear the sink running. Yawning, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Nahele, are you in the bathroom?" I called out weakly. I heard the bathroom door open, and Nahele stepped out with a douche bottle in hand. "I was just rinsing my velva out." Nahele hummed. "Oh," I said while stretching. After I finished stretching, I hopped off the bed and got dressed. I had the liberty of packing extra clothing for me to wear. Once dressed, I watched as Nahele put on a knee-length open-side skirt with a tie to close it. Once he was all dressed, he smiled at me and hummed. "Hey, how would you like to go around the town with me, I'd like to show you around," Nahele said while smiling. "I'd love that Nahele!" I said with a big grin. "Alright, let's leave then!" Nahele said with a smile. I nodded and followed. We soon left the inn and stepped outside. Once we were outside, I grabbed Luka's hand and led him to a pastry shop. Walking inside, I looked around to see the room had a few wendigos sitting and eating pastries of all shapes and sizes. Nahele dragged me over to the counter and smiled. "Hey, Kisa!" A dark-furred wendigo turned around and walked up to the counter with a grin on his face. Prince Nahele, you're back! What can I get you?" Kisa chirped while grabbing some tongs. "I'll have three lemon tarts and two iced cherry tarts as well," I said while holding Luka's hand. "Oki Doki on it right now!" Kisa chirped. Kisa pulled out three lemon tarts, and two cherry tarts put them on some parchment paper and handed them to me. I then pulled out the slivers and put them on the counter. Kisa gave me a surprised look and took them. "All I needed were three golds, buddy." Kisa chirped. I only sighed and pouted a bit. "I don't have any gold coins on me at the moment," I said with a sad look. "Ah, I see. Well, stop by the bank and trade some things in and request gold in return," Kisa said with a smile. "Alright, I'll have to see what I can trade." I hummed back. "Come on, Luka, let's go take a seat." I hummed softly. Luka only nodded and followed me to a table where we took a seat. I then handed Luka a cherry tart and a lemon tart. He gingerly picked one up and took a bite out of it. As soon as he tasted the sweet lemon Marange inside the tart, he hummed. "Mmmm, Nahele, this tastes wonderful!" Luka hummed. "Well, I'm glad you like it, darling." I hummed while eating my lemon tart. As soon as he finished the lemon tart, he ate the cherry tart, devouring it in mere minutes. After we finished eating our tarts, I picked up the leftover lemon tart and stored it for Shiki since she likes anything Kisa makes. I waved goodbye to Kisa and we left the shop. Soon enough, we were at the town's center. There was a fountain with a statue of a wendigo holding a pitcher, and his head was tilted downwards. The pitcher had a small spigot inside it so water could pour out. All along the base of the fountain were small copper pipes pouring water into the fountain as well. I then pulled out a bronze coin and tossed it into the fountain. Smiling, I took Luka's hands and kissed him in front of the fountain. "May our love last for all eternity, Luka," I said passionately, kissing him. "Nahele... itti susí nú," Luka said while kissing me back. "Itti susi nú Tél Luka." I purred back. I held Luka close to me as we stood by the fountain. I gazed longingly into my lover's beautiful lavender eyes as the sun began to set on the horizon. Just then, two wendigos darted by us all the while four guards chased after them. Luka gave me a shocked look, and I only sighed. "Looks like those two stole something yet again, which means they'll be sleeping in the slammer for the night," I said with a shake of my head. "Wait, you guys have a prison here!?" Luka gasped. "Uh yeah, of course, where else would we put all the naughty wendigos who steal from the shops and whatnot?" I said while laughing. "Thankfully, only two wendigos have ever been executed here," I said, shaking my head. "Wait, executed!?" Luka gasped. I nodded slightly. "The first guy to be executed did some very bad things to the younglings in this town. That's all I'm gonna say." I hummed. "The second guy was Misu, my ex-boyfriend," I said. "Well, that's pretty obvious," Luka said with a nod. I looked up to the setting sun and smiled. "There's one more place I'd like you to see, Luka." I hummed. "Really? Where is it?" Luka hummed. I then took Luka's hand and walked him through the town, and started to hum. "Soon we came upon ol Chopper the guillotine."This is ol Chopper. We only used him twice." I hummed while holding Luka's hand. "Wow, a real guillotine! I thought only France used these." Luka hummed. "Well, we made it ourselves just in case the need arises." I hummed. I looked over to the guillotine, which had a blockade around it to keep the younglings and fledglings out. I then took Luka's hand and walked him back to the inn, where I saw Shiki standing at the inn's desk. "Heya Shiki!" I chirped. "Heya Nahele, turning in for the night?" Shiki hummed. "Mhm!" I nodded. "Oh, here's a lemon tart for you." I hummed. Thanks, Nahele, I see you stopped by the Sweet Fang Bakery." Shiki hummed. "Oh, I heard Kisa has a small crush on you Shiki, you should ask him out sometime." I said with a grin. "Really!?" I'll ask him tomorrow!" Shiki squealed. "Well, I'ma take Luka up to our room so we can get some rest, okay?" I hummed. "Alright, Nahele, you take care!" Shiki chirped. "Will do!" I hummed. After that conversation ended, I took Luka up to our room and helped him into bed, we fell asleep together.

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