Chapter Four Pg 5

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I woke up at about ten am to Nahele, sifting through my kitchen cabinets. I sighed and got out of my bed and went downstairs to see him looking for a small bite to eat. "Hey, do you have any dried venison jerky?" Nahele asked. "I'm sorry we're out, Nahele. I'll have to cure dry and prep some more. We still have venison pepperoni sticks, though." I hummed while fixing myself a bowl of cereal. "Okay, that'll do." Nahele hummed. Suddenly a knock came at my door and I sighed. I slowly got up and made my way over to the door. When I opened it, I saw Rexx standing there with a smile. "Hiya Luka!" Rexx chirped. Hey Rexx, I said with a yawn. "I just wanted to drop by and see how that little wendigo lover of yours is doing!" Rexx hummed. "Oh, he's doing fine." I hummed. "That's good." Rexx hummed. "Well, are you gonna let me inside or what?" Rexx laughed. "Oh, sorry," I said with a slight blush. I smiled and stepped aside to let Rexx inside. Rexx smiled and walked inside, taking a seat on my sofa. "So, how's your day going?" Rexx hummed. "Oh, it's fine, sleepy but fine." I hummed. "So how about yours?" I hummed. "My day's been fine." Rexx hummed. "That's good, Rexx, so how are the kids?" I asked while fixing him a cup of coffee. "Hectic, that's all I can say at the moment." Rexx sighed. "I'm sorry to hear that, Rexx." I hummed. "Oh, it's fine Luka, you don't need to be sorry," Rexx said with a soft smile. Just then, Nahele came out, giving Rexx the side ey and growling slightly. "Nahele, calm down," I said with a soft hiss. Nahele only whined and took a seat in one of the recliners and pulled his hooves to his chest. "Luka, give him some time, I can see why he's apprehensive of me." Rexx hummed, crossing one leg over the other. "Yeah, it'll take him a while." I hummed while patting the space between his antlers. Nahele purred at my touch, and his tail swished lightly. "Nahele, you need to trust Rexx. He's my childhood friend he's not gonna hurt me," I said while rubbing Nahele on his head. "I'll try Luka, I just don't feel comfortable around him, that's all." Nahele hummed. "Alright, love, just try, that's all," I said while stealing a quick kiss. Nahele leaned into my kiss and smiled. He then looked over to Rexx and smiled nervously. "How long have you known Luka for Rexx?" Nahele asked hesitantly. Rex smiled softly. "Well, we were nearly ten when we first met, and we were friends throughout middle school high school, and both college and medical school so about twenty-six years," Rexx explained. "That's neat." Nahele hummed. I smiled down at Nahele and handed Rexx his coffee. "Thanks, Luka." Rexx hummed. "Don't mention it, buddy." I hummed cheerfully. Nahele looked at me again and whined slightly, squirming in the recliner. "What's wrong dear?" I hummed softly. "My velva feels very itchy," Nahele whined. "Well, take a quick shower and clean off, I just wait till you're done, I wanna catch up with Rexx anyways." Nahele nodded, hopped off of the recliner, and walked up my stairs. I smiled and winked at Rexx, who hummed. "So you took it to base three, I see." Rexx giggled. "Indeed I did Rexx Indeed I did, he felt amazing too." I hummed. "That's wonderful to hear Luka, at least you're not with Glen anymore, that guy was no good for you, and treated you like shit too might I add," Rexx said anger lacing his voice. I only nodded slightly as I heard my shower upstairs running. "Well, would you like something to eat? I have snacks if you're hungry." I hummed. "No thanks, Luka, I'm fine." Rexx hummed. "Alright, just let me know if you're hungry, though. I'll get you something to eat, okay?" I said with a soft grin. "Okay, I'll let you know if I ever get hungry," Rexx said with a nod. After a while, Nahele finished his shower and came back downstairs, wearing one of my pairs of sweatpants. "Luka, my velva still itches, and it's swollen and hot to the touch, and it throbs too," Nahele whined slightly. I looked at Nahele with a bit of concern. "Is your velva red and irritated?" I asked, trying to piece things together. "Yes." Nahele said while squeezing his legs together. "Alright, I make an appointment with the gynecologist tomorrow." I said with a reassuring smile. "For now, I'll get some Monistat for your velva." I hummed softly. I walked into the first-floor bathroom, where I kept all of my medicine and pulled out a tube of Monistat for Nahele. I then made my way back to him and smiled. "Slather, some of this on the outside of your velva don't put it inside it'll burn okay?" I said while handling the tube of Monistat to Nahele. "Alright, love." Nahele nodded. Nahele took the cream and walked off to somewhere private so he could put it on. After a few minutes, he came back and handed me the tube. "Here, Luka, I put some on." Nahele said as he handed the tube over. I smiled and took it from him. "Does your velva feel better?" I asked with a soft smile. "A little bit." Nahele said while tapping his hoof a bit. "That's good." I hummed. I looked over to Rexx, who was smiling at me. "Sorry, Rexx, I had to make sure Nahele wasn't feeling bad down there." I hummed to Rexx. "Well, yeah, everybody knows how much of a pain in the ass a yeast infection can be." Rexx said with a grin. Rexx then stood up and put his empty coffee cup down. "Well, I better get out of your guy's hair and get back to Raymond." Rexx said as he walked to the door. "Okay, Rexx, you have a good afternoon." I said while waving him goodbye. "You too, Luka." Rexx said, waving back. With a final wave, Rexx left me to tend to Nahele and get him signed up for a doctor's appointment.

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