Chapter Seven Pg 4

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As soon as my brother left, I put the car seat in the new car, and I smiled at Nahele. "Let's get Miki some clothing, shall we?" I hummed. "Yes, let's." Nahele hummed. I walked over to Miki, plucked her out of the playpen, and carried her over to the car. Once she was all strapped into the car seat, I hopped into the driver's side, and Nahele sat in the passenger side. Miki, who had never been in a car or a car seat before, started to let out little whimpering sounds. "Oh shush, you're okay, sweetie." I cooed softly as I turned on the car. As soon as the car turned on, Miki instantly started to full-on scream and cry and kick the seat she was facing. "Oh, someone's unhappy." Nahele hummed. Nahele reached behind him and pressed a button that was on a toy that was connected to her car seat handle. She stopped crying for a moment when noises started to play on the car seat toy but started up again when the noise stopped. "Let's hope a moving car calms her down." I hummed as I pulled out of the driveway. As soon as the car started to move, Miki calmed down a bit and stopped screaming. Finally, after ten minutes, we arrived at Walmart, and I parked in a parking spot and got out of the car. "Okay, let's get enough clothing for Miki to wear without us having to worry." I hummed as I took Miki's car seat out of the car. "Yeah, let's get some clothing for our little pumpkin." Nahele cooed while tickling her. Miki squealed and giggled as Nahele tickled her. "Okay, let's get inside before the store closes." I hummed. Nahele only nodded and followed me into the Walmart. Once we were inside, we went to the baby aisle and began browsing baby clothing. "Hey Luka, look at this lavender and blue romper it's so darn cute!" Nahele said while holding up a blue and lavender romper with the phrase "bad girl's club" written on it. "Awe, it is cute." I hummed. Nahele put it in the cart and went back to browsing baby clothing. He soon found a mint green shirt and some blue shorts and held them up. I smiled and nodded, and he put them in the cart. I then found the cutest fucking dress ever. It was green with a picture of a cucumber printed on it and it read "Cool as a cucumber" on it. I put it in the cart and smiled. I then picked out a couple of green blue and purple shorts along with some grey and black shorts to go with them. I then found another dress this time it was lavender with mint blue ruffles at the cuff and bottom and it had the words Pretty Little Princess written on it in the dark blue text along with a tiara in the center of the text. After about an hour we had gotten enough clothing for Miki we headed to check out and smiled. Just before we could though a toddler hugged Nahele's legs and looked up at him. "Fluffy deer man!" He squeaked. "Hello, random child!" Nahele yelped slightly. Nahele looked down to see a little boy no older than three years old clinging to his leg. "Um hi, where's your daddy or mommy?" Nahele asked softly. "Tey fogot mwe." He said while sniffling. Nahele looked at me and I knelt in front of him. "They forgot you?" I asked softly. "Yea, they left mwe here awone." He sniffled. "What's your name buddy?" I hummed. "Milo... I'm thrwee!" Milo said while holding up three fingers. I smiled at him. and picked him up. "Come on buddy let's find your mommy and daddy." I hummed. I then told Nahele to push the cart while I went to look for the boy's parents. I made my way over to the check-out counter and spoke to the cashier. "Hey, can you help me find this boy's parents?" The cashier took one look at the boy and gasped. "That's my nephew!" He gasped in shock. "Milo sweetie, come here!" The man gasped. "Uncle Nate!" The little boy cried. I handed him over to the man as he held him in his arms. "I keep telling my brother to stop having babies but he just won't listen," Nate said with a shake of his head. "How many does he have?" I asked. "He has twelve not including Milo." Nate hummed. "I see, well he hugged my boyfriend's legs and called him fluffy deer man." "Milo's papa is a wechuge." Nate hummed. "That makes sense, he walked up to what he thought was a familiar face," I said softly. Just then a very panicked wechuge came storming through the doors along with what looked to be a leshy. "How could you forget Milo!?" The wechuge yelled. "We have twelve kids Cyrus, how am I supposed to keep track of them all?" The leshy yelled. "I don't know, Nelson! Maybe put child leashes on them!" Cyrus yelled. "Yo, brother, over here!" Nate yelled. I watched as the two men turned in our direction and ran over. "Oh, Milo sweetie!" Cyrus said while taking his son from his uncle's arms. "Daddy!" Milo cried. The wechuge buried his snout into his son's neck and purred. "Thank you, sir, for finding my son!" Cyrus said while tearing up. "No problem, sir. I have four-year-old nephews, and I recently adopted a baby wendigo as well." I said while smiling. Just then, Nahele met me at check-out with more than enough clothing to last us a while. "So, did you find the boy's parents, babe?" Nahele asked. "I did. They're right here." I said while nodding my head to the wechuge. "That's good to hear. Well, Miki is starting to get cranky and whine, so we should check out and head home." Nahele hummed as he patted a whimpering Miki on the head. I nodded and began to check out so we could take Miki home.

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