Chapter Five Pg 8

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We had just finished eating dinner when Nahele lifted his head to the sound of a noise outside. "Luka, do you hear that?" Nahele whined slightly. "No, why?" I asked as I did the dishes. "Well, it sounds like crying to me," Nahele said as he winced a bit. I stopped scrubbing the pot and tuned my hearing to see if I could pick up on anything. Sure enough, I heard a soft crying sound it was faint, though. I ignored it, though, thinking it was an animal of some kind. "Okay, I only heard crying. Nahele, calm down it could only be an animal of some kind," I said while I resumed scrubbing the pots. "But what if it's a pup in distress?" Nahele said, panicking slightly. "Nahele if it was a pup of some kind I would be drawn to its cries, but since they're faint it has to be Mallory's pup or possibly Maru's as well," I said while still doing dishes. "Alright, if you say so, Luka," Nahele whined. After I finished doing the dishes, I put all of them up and went to our room. Once in the room, Nahele crawled into the bed and looked up at me. "Where's my reward for being such a brave boy?" Nahele asked in a sultry voice. You'll get your reward as soon as you wash yourself I ain't fucking you if you smell like death warmed over. I huffed. Nahele only groaned and slid off the bed. "Well you're joining me got that?" Nahele hissed. I only chuckled and followed Nahele to the bathroom where he stripped and filled the tub with warm water. Once the tub was filled he sat down and began to scrub himself clean. After he cleaned himself off he stepped out of the tub and picked me up and dropped me into the tub causing the water to splash. "What the hell Nahele!?" I hissed. Nahele only sighed and walked off. "Why did he become so fucking irritated so quickly?" I thought to myself as I scrubbed away at my body. After I cleaned my body off I pulled the plug and stepped out of the tub. As soon as I was dried off I stepped into my bedroom to see that Nahele had his head cocked to the side and he was staring intently out my bedroom window. I waved my hand in front of his face jogging him out of his dazed stare. "Nahele what were you looking at?" I asked in confusion. "The crying still hasn't stopped and It's more distressed now," Nahele said softly. "Nahele it's probably an animal calm down," I said while placing my hand on his shoulder. "I don't know Luka it sounds like a baby to me," Nahele said softly. I only sighed and patted him on his back. "I'll go take a look if it would make you happy," I said while rubbing Nahele's back. "You'll do that for me?" Nahele chirped. "Yes, Nahele I will," I said softly. After that, I got dressed stepped into the forest, and followed the crying sounds up until I came upon a thicket where the crying sounds were coming from. Pushing the thicket aside I saw a crate in the center of it. I sighed slightly thinking it was garbage. I then picked up the crate only to get a startled squeal from inside it. I gasped slightly and pried the lid off only to see an eight-month-old pup sitting on their hooves inside the crate. They had a skull like Nahele and they had pink eyes as well. Then I found a letter stuffed under a large lavender-colored blanket along with a stuffed deer doll that he was clinging onto for dear life. "Oh, buddy!" I gasped as I picked up the baby from the crate. I took the blanket and the stuffed animal along with the note as well. The pup then started to cry again causing maternal instincts to kick in and I began to bounce him in my arms. I then quickly made my way back to the house with the tiny pup in my arms. Opening the front door with my free hand I sat the baby on my sofa where they instantly started screaming alerting Nahele who came running downstairs. "I told you it was a friking baby!" Shhh shhh, it's okay buddy!" Nahele said as he bounced the baby on his lap. The tiny pup soon started to calm down and begin to babble indicating they were older than six months. I then began to pay attention to the letter that was in the crate with them. I opened it up and began to read.

Dear creature, To whoever's reading this, I am no longer able to care for my Precious little girl Miki Riverclaw, for I am very sick and close to death. She is eight months old, and she and her favorite food is sweet potatoes, and she has her favorite purple blanket and a handmade stuffed deer that I made for her to help her sleep at night. Pease take care of my sweet little pup and raise her right, Signed Silvia Riverclaw.

As I finished the letter I was shocked. "She abandoned her baby she was dying of an incurable disease," I told Luka, and he bounced the pup in his lap. "Could they be one of Mallory's or Maru's pups?" I asked Nahele. "No, both of their pups are male." Nahele hummed. Nahele soon picked up the tiny pup and sniffed it. "Ugh, you need to be changed!" Nahele gagged. "We don't have any diapers, though!" I gasped. "Well, get some and some wipes as well, too!" Nahele hissed. I nodded and grabbed my car keys. Once in my car, I drove to Walmart and stepped inside. I soon made my way to the baby aisle and grabbed some size two diapers and wipes. Once I grabbed those, I bought them and left. As soon as I got home, Nahele was playing with the pup and blowing raspberries on their belly, causing them to giggle. I tapped him on the shoulder, picked up the pup, and put him on the table to begin the task of changing them and getting them squeaky clean.

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