Chapter Two Pg 3

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It had been three days since Nahele had started staying at my place, and he was constantly asking me questions. "Hey, Luka, what does this do?" Nahele squealed while flipping my light switch on and off. "That turns my lights on," I said with a smile. "Oh, I see, We didn't have electricity in the clan that I live with only candles." Nahele hummed. Nahele then wandered off. Thankfully I was quick to teach him how the toilet worked so I didn't have to go into too much detail and to my surprise he figured out how to use my tub on his own so I didn't have to teach him that at least. I hummed to myself. I walked into my kitchen to see Nahele looking in my fridge and humming. "Hey, Luka, what is this frozen container for?" Nahele hummed. "Oh, that contains ice cream." I hummed. "Oh, I know what that is! It's considered a delicacy since we don't have proper ways to freeze our food." Nahele hummed. "Oh, I see. Well, you can have some if you want." I hummed. "Really!" Nahele squealed. "Mhm." I nodded. Nahele ran over to my drawer, where I kept my utensils and grabbed a spoon. He then took the ice cream over to my sofa and began to eat it at a fast rate. That was a big mistake cause he howled in pain, dropped his spoon, and clutched his head. "Ow ow ow, my head hurts!" Nahele cried while grabbing the sides of his head. I walked over to him and picked up the spoon. "Looks like you got a brain freeze, Nahele." I chuckled softly. "Brain freeze!?" Nahele whined. "Yup, it happens when you eat cold stuff too quickly," I explained. "Oh," Nahele whined. "That's why you eat ice cream slowly buddy, it hurts your head if you eat it too quickly," I said while patting his head. Nahele looked at me with a frown. "You could have told me this before I began inhaling the ice cream," Nahele said while folding his arms and tapping his hoof in annoyance. "I didn't expect you to inhale it, you dunce!" I snapped back. "Well, I could have at least warned me!" Nahele hissed. I sighed and shook my head before picking up the empty container and throwing it away in my trash can. After that little squabble, I went to my room and began to read one of my favorite books of all time, Maximum Ride. I was currently on the third book, and I was enjoying myself quite a bit. Suddenly, I was interrupted by Nahele knocking on my door. "Luka... I'm horny will you help me, please?" Nahele asked nervously. I put my book down and looked at my calendar. It read on January 15th. "Sure, I'll help you, Nahele, come in," I called back. Nahele opened my door and walked in slowly. I could smell his arousal from my bed. He blushed slightly. "I want you to eat out my velva, Luka," Nahele said with a slight blush. "Wait, you have a velva!?" I gasped slightly. "Uh yeah, I'm an omega!" Nahele said with a blush. "I couldn't tell you to smell like an alpha!" I said with surprise. "Oh, I can see, I used scent maskers to protect myself," Nahele said with a hum. "Ya think!?" I said with a giggle. I soon patted my pillow to let Nahele know I was ready. Nahele blushed and climbed up on my bed. I then put my hands on both his hips and began to kiss him gingerly. "Mmm, just eat me out already, you sexy incubus!" Nahele huffed impatiently. I giggled. "Alrighty, you sexy little omega." I hummed. I hooked my fingers under the hem of his breechcloth and yanked it down, exposing his frost-blue thong. I then yanked it down as well. "Part your fur, sweetie." I purred. Nahele blushed and parted his fur, exposing his hyper-aroused velva. I grinned and leaned into his velva, breathing in his scent. "Mmm, raspberries and cream." I purred. I then leaned into his velva and brushed my tongue against his velva, getting a creamy taste from him. "Mmm, fuck, Luka!" Nahele moaned while pushing my head into his velva. "Mmm, you taste good Nahele, like creamy raspberries." I purred seductively. "Luka shove your tongue deep inside my sweet little velva!" Nahele moaned lewdly. "If you wish sugar." I purred. I shoved my tongue inside his aroused velva getting a moan out of him. "Ohh Luka!" Nahele moaned. "Nahele..." I purred back while devouring his velva. Then I hit that bundle of nerves that made him scream. "LUKA! ITTI'O WAWA!" Nahele screamed. I paused for a second and thought. "What does that mean? Probably something dirty." I thought. I continued to eat out his velva causing him to spread his legs wide open and scream. "ITTI'O WAWA LUKA ITTI'O WAWA!" Nahele screamed yet again. As soon as I hit that final cord Nahele screamed and squirted all over my face giving me my answer. "Oh, I think I know what he meant by that. He said he was cumming." I thought with a grin. I looked up at Nahele who had a lewd look on his skull and he was panting tongue slightly lulled out. "Did you enjoy yourself, sweetie?" "Sì Dammí." Nahele panted. "What do you mean by that?" I asked curiously. "I said yes darling in wengolin." Nahele explained with a blush. "Ah, I see." I said with a blush. I crawled up. next to Nahele pulled him into my arm and snuggled his neck purring. "You're sweet Nahele." I said with a blush. "Thank you, Lulu." Nehele said with a soft smile. "Lulu?" "I asked. It's my nickname for you." Nahele said with a blush. "Well, I'll call you Nele then." I said with a soft blush. I leaned in to squeeze Nahele. "Well let's get up I have to make dinner." I hummed softly. Nahele nodded slipped off of my bed and pulled his thong and skirt back up. I smiled and got off the bed as well and made my way to the kitchen to begin prepping tonight's dinner.

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