Chapter Three Pg 7

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Once I got outside, I got into my old beat-up Honda and began the long drive to the store. About thirty minutes later I arrived at the store and I parked my car so I could go inside. Once I got out of my car, I walked up to the doors and went inside. Once inside, I went to the aisle that held all the contraceptives, and I grabbed a box of condoms and a few tubes of spermicide. While I was in that aisle, I spotted a young man who looked like he had just gotten out of medical school. "Hi, I'm Luka. Who might you be?" I asked with a smile. "Oh me, I'm Kelsy." The man hummed. "Nice to meet you, Kelsy. Hey, by any chance, did you graduate from Elkwood Medical School?" I asked. "Not yet, but I graduate this May, and I'm studying to be a medical examiner," Kelsy said with a smile. "Oh, that's interesting. I'm also a medical examiner as well, and I've been working at Elkeood Hospital for eight years now." I hummed while browsing the contraceptives. "That's interesting, well maybe I'll see you soon and maybe I'll be training under you." Kelsy laughed. "Maybe you never know." I hummed. "Well, I've gotta get back to my girlfriend she must be worried about me." Kelsy hummed. "Fun fact I'm transmasculine and my girlfriend is transfeminine," Kelsy said with a smile. "That's neat. I'm gay." I hummed. Well, it was nice meeting you, Kelsy. Have a nice evening."I hummed. "You too, Luka. I hope to see you this winter." Kelsy humed. "You too!" I waved back. Once he left, I made my way back to the check-out counter and proceeded to check out. Once I checked out, I got into my car and began to drive home. While I was heading home, I saw a man sitting on a bench. He was covered in cuts and bruises, and he was shivering. Feeling sorry for him, I pulled over to offer some help. I slowed down and stopped in front of him so I could talk to him. Once I stopped, I rolled down my window and smiled at him. "Hey, do you need help?" I asked softly. The man looked up at me and whined slightly. "Yes, please." The man said softly. I smiled and nodded. "Get in my car and I'll take you by my house." I hummed. The man smiled softly and got into the passenger seat. As soon as he was in the car, I noticed he was still shivering. "Are you alright?" I asked softly. "No... I'm not. I was raped by my abusive ex-boyfriend, and I'm too scared to go home because he knows where I live." The man whimpered. "I'm sorry, why don't you stay with me and my boyfriend Nahele for a while, I would be glad to help." I hummed. "That's better than going home, I'm scared he'll break in again like last time." The young man whimpered. "What's your name?"  I asked softly. "My name is Wren, I'm a Celtic storm demon. "Nice to meet you, Wren. I'm Luka, and I'm an incubus." I hummed with a smile. "So how old are you?" Wren asked. "I'm thirty-six, you?" I hummed as I drove. "I'm also thirty-six. I'm also a flight attendant as well," Kelsy said proudly. "Well, I'm a medical examiner," I said while smiling. "That's cool Luka, you get paid more than I do. You're lucky." Wren laughed. "Well, you are right about the pay, but I wouldn't say I'm lucky." I laughed slightly. Well, it looks like we're home. Let's get inside, shall we." I hummed. Wren nodded, and I helped him out of the car, and I carried the contraceptives that I bought inside. Once I was inside, I saw Nahele sitting on the sofa and practicing how to read and write in English. "I'm home, dear." I hummed while opening the door. Nahele looked up and smiled at me. Luka, you're back. "I was just trying to read and write in English." Nahele hummed. "That's good. Well, I found this young Celtic storm demon on the side of the road his name is Wren, and he's gonna be staying with us for a while." I hummed while nodding to Wren. Wren smiled and waved. "Hi, I'm Wren. It's nice to meet you, Nahale," Wren said softly. "It's nice to meet you too, Wren." Nahele hummed as he smiled. "Hey, Luka, can I take a bath please, I feel gross." Wren whimpered. "Sure Wren, I'll show you to the bathroom." I hummed. Wren nodded and followed me to the downstairs bathroom, where I handed him a towel and some bath soap. "Thanks, Luka, you've been so kind to me," Wren said softly. "No problem, Wren, I know what it's like to be a victim, I also was raped along with Nahele, too." I hummed. "Wow, we have so much in common." Wren smiled sadly. "Yeah, we do, but it's not all bad, I may have PTSD but I'm working on it with Nahele." I hummed. "Well, I'm gonna start cooking dinner. Feel free to join us in the kitchen when you're done, okay?" I hummed. "Alright, Luka." Wren hummed. After I left, I stepped into the kitchen and began to cook a hearty stew with venison and potatoes. While I was cooking, I heard Wren step out of the shower and into the living room wearing my robe. I dismissed it, put the spoon down, and got him some clean night clothes to wear. Once that was done, I finished cooking and set the stew down. "Okay, everyone, the stew's done!" I called out. Nahele came running in and smiled. "Does it have venison and potatoes?" Nahele chirped. "Yes, it does." I hummed. Wren also came in all, be it a little late, and smiled. "I've never had venison before. What does it taste like?" Wren asked. 'Very gamey and tough as well." I hummed. "Wow, I can't wait to try it." Wren hummed. "You'll like it, trust me." Nahele hummed. "I hope so." Wren hummed. We then sat down and began to eat for the evening.

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