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Standing in front of her full-length mirror, nervously flipping through her wardrobe, Olivia looked with apprehension in her eyes. She had no idea why she suggested going out tonight— especially to a party. Knowing she hasn't been out since her breakup with Spencer.

Finally finding a decent enough fit for a house party outfit, she let her fingers trace the fabric's softness. A smile tugged at her lips as she admired herself. Her confidence slowly working its way back the more she looked at herself.

She moved to her dresser, rummaging through her jewelry box to spot a necklace. One that held many memories. She smiled, fastening the gold jewelry around her neck before looking back at herself in the mirror.

"You can do this, Liv." She took in a deep breath.

"It's just one night out. Away from Kai... but, it's fine because he's safe at Mama Grace's. So, you have nothing to worry about. Your baby's all good, you're all good. Everything's all good." She smiled awkwardly in the mirror before her eyes shut tightly, already feeling the regret coursing through her body.

"No... no ma'am. You're gonna go through with this. You have to. You deserve a night out. Take a load of stress off and just be... like Keith said... just be." She nodded, reassuring herself before hearing her phone ring.

Seeing a FaceTime call from Spencer's mom, Olivia smiled a little, already knowing whose face she was about to see on screen.

"Hey, my sweet boy." She grinned.

"Mommy's missed you today." She said softly, watching the smile on her son's face grow.

"Ma-ma." Kai said, followed by the most adorable chuckles when Olivia made funny faces at him.

"He's been asking for you all day." Grace smiled in the background, making Olivia's lips poke out in a pout.

"Please give him a big hug for me before he goes to sleep tonight." She said, causing Grace to nod as she tousled with Kai's hair.

"Thank you, by the way."

"Olivia, I don't know how many times I have to tell you and my son that you never have to thank me for keeping my grandbaby. This is what I'm here for." Grace said genuinely, making Olivia smile.

"Well, thank you anyway." Olivia said, causing some light laughter between the two of them.

"Have fun tonight, and try to enjoy yourself." Grace said knowingly, after noticing the weird look in Olivia's eyes.

"You can tell I'm nervous?"

"It's all in your eyes, sweetie." Grace said, giving her a sympathetic smile of encouragement.

"I don't know why I'm overthinking everything. It's just it's the first time I'm going out since..." She sighed, shaking her head with a shy chuckle.

"It's okay to be hesitant, Olivia. It's natural. But don't let it hold you back from living your life. You have to learn how to navigate through these new circumstances." Grace advised.

"How do I do that?" Olivia asked, genuinely wanting to know.

"By reminding yourself of who you are. You're young and in the glory years of your college life. Enjoy yourself. And, if that means pulling away from certain things that you feel are holding you back, then you have to do what's best for you."

"Yes ma'am." Olivia said softly.

"Now, go on! Have fun and be safe. Love you."

"Love you too, Mama Grace." Olivia smiled before the call ended.

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