|11| b r e a k t h r o u g h.

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- i know it's been a while so if you need a recap since we're back in the present... go to chapter 5: "stuckpoint"

- i always say i'm gonna make the chapters shorter but never actually have the energy to go back through & split it up 😩. so i hope y'all enjoy this long chapter!

- i'm gonna go take a much needed break now lol before i get back to writing 🫶🏾


As the late afternoon sun cast its golden hues over the quiet cemetery, Simone stood in front of her mother's gravesite. The soft rustle of leaves overhead mingled with the distant chirping of birds as a gentle breeze wrapped around her, offering a comforting embrace amidst the solemnity of the moment.

With a heavy heart, she knelt down, taking a deep breath while reading over the message engraved on the tombstone. Tears welled in her eyes, a silent tribute to the profound loss she still felt, even after all this time.

In the hushed stillness, she found peace in the whispered conversations with Tina's memory, sharing the intricacies of her life as if she were still by her side.

She spoke of the impending surgery that loomed on the horizon, the uncertainty casting a shadow over her tennis season, yet buoyed by a sanguine spirit for a positive outcome. She spoke of the mundane details of life, the absence of her mother's guiding presence still keenly felt with each passing day.

"Happy birthday, Mama." She smiled softly, her voice barely above a breath, carrying both warmth and longing.

"I'm missing you so much more today." She breathed out, a few tears falling from her eyes as she placed a bouquet upon the grave.

Simone and Tina's relationship had been fraught with challenges, the revelation of a family secret shaking the foundations of their bond. Yet beneath the tumultuous waves, there remained an unbreakable thread of maternal love, a fierce devotion that transcended the complexities of their shared history.

The love Tina had for Simone was that of a mother who would do anything for her baby girl. And, she thanked God every day that she and Simone were able to find their rhythm before she had to let her go.

In the distance, Olivia's car rolled into the parking lot. She remained seated for a moment, silently observing Simone from afar. A heaviness settled in her chest, burdened by the weight of their fractured friendship.

She couldn't shake the guilt that tugged at her conscience. It had been too long since their last conversation, and she knew she bore some responsibility for the silence that had enveloped them. Pride and hurt kept Olivia at bay, but now, as she was out of the car, preparing to close the distance between them—a sense of resolve washed over her.

"Hi." Her voice broke the quiet, reaching Simone who turned around, her eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and softness.

"Hey..." Simone's reply was just as gentle.

"What are you doing here?" She inquired, her gaze steady as Olivia approached.

"I remembered what today was. I know it's a tough one and I couldn't let you be alone." She said, her full support showcasing in her voice.

"And, you knew that anyone else showing up would've been a no-go, huh?" Simone asked knowingly.

"Yeah." Olivia nodded, a sheepish grin spreading across her face as they shared a light moment of quiet laughter and unspoken understanding.

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