Chapter one

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" Now what's wrong with him?" Questioned my mother, annoyance hinting in her voice. I sighed and shook my head.
" He isn't the one... I could feel it- I know I could never love him!" I was fed up with explaining to her, I can't just marry someone I don't see myself loving!
" Love! Ailani, the right husband isn't going to pop out of thin air darling. That carpenter had a good house to raise your children in! " she practically shrieked. Her voice echoed off the dirty pots in our small kitchen, we were sitting in the dining room, well I was, she was pacing back and forth lecturing. She was wearing her usual gown, it was brown and had patches in it. I sported an almost identical one.

    Many men have asked for my hand in marriage, 13 to be exact.
I was 16 and all the men, old, young, fat, muscular, etc. have bent on one knee for me, offered cows, gold, and many goods that could help my family but...I just can't! I was " exotic " to them as one called me. My grandmother was from a foreign land of dark hair and skin. I stood out compared to all the fair complexioned
girls. My hair was black and wavy, my eyes were green, and I had olive skin. I was tall and had curves. The girls here were dainty and fragile looking.
      Except for the black smiths girl, Roma, she was as tall as my father! Everyone likes Roma too, she had fair skin but she was covered in sweat and dirt all of the time that made her appear tanner, she had curly red hair that resembled a fire.

    I like Roma, we used to play together as children, we would go to the creek and skip rocks together. But as we got older we had to help our families more and more, so less time to skip rocks. We have always been friendly though.

   She had been asked before, by a few men, but always declined like me. But she was in love already. With her fathers helper, Matthew.
Matthew was tall and handsome, he had big hands, and could carry heavy things of metal easily. He loved her too, but was surprisingly shy, " He likes to take things slow." Roma told me. It was sweet but Roma is tired of waiting, she is 17 and it's time for her to have children.
" Five cows Ailani! Five! " Mother continued. Ugh. Just stop! Maybe I'll never find him, the one that makes my stomach flutter with butterflies. I scolded myself, I don't need a man anyway. I can't run outside barefoot if I'm married. Or swim in the creek, or climb the grand oak tree in the forest, or bath in the waterfall near the mountains where the castle is built on top. I can't do a lot of things if I'm married.
If I was, I could help my family from poverty, give them cattle and gold. I could have babies, and get away from my mother. I love her to death but I'm sick of her lectures.
When I was 13 she would see a young man and say, " He would make a fine husband Ailani! "
" He would give you many sons Ailani!"
" Look how strong he is Ailani, build you a fine house to keep warm! "
On and on and on! I'm 16 and she's still up my gown about marriage! She's never stopped, one time she said the most humiliating thing,
" No one wants an old virgin, Ailani!"
My god! I'm sure it won't take me that long! What business is it of hers what to do with my virginity!

   " Go to your room! Ailani I'm practically sweating through my dress, of anger, because of you!" She huffed. I got up and went to the door way to my room. It was directly across from the kitchen. I sat on the end of my bed.
I was tired. I was tired of men. I looked out my window, into the forest past the crop field. If I squinted I could see the castles silhouette. On top of the mountain. Where the king and his queen sit. Where prince Harry sits. I loathe him. He could chose whomever he wanted. I'm sure the queen isn't a pain. I bet she's lovely, and kind. And the king is wise and noble. It got harder and harder to make out the castle as the sun went down and the stars appeared. I yawned and changed into my night gown. I was brushing my hair as my father entered my room.
" Ailani, my darling." He sighed, his accent was heavy. I smiled up at him. He sat a hand on my head and stroked my hair softly. I placed the brush down and sat up straight.
" I have wonderful news darling." He said. He sat down on my bed and I turned toward him on my stool, I used this stool to milk cows with actually, but I keep it in my room at my desk when we bought a new one for fathers birthday.
My father my sweating and the lines on his face showed how hard he worked. His hair was gray and thinning, but my mother still coos when he holds her. That's the love I want, true and to last forever.
" Ailani?" My father piped in. I jumped a little and apologized. He hates me not listening. I wander off a lot. I need to break that habit he says.
" Darling...while I was in town today, the town messenger was announcing something very important." He began.
He had my attention now. He continued, " The prince has ordered all 16 to 18 year old girls to come to his castle tomorrow evening." He stopped and waited for my expression, I was puzzled, does that mean me? And Roma?
" I have to go? But why?" I asked.
He sighed, " I'm guessing it's to search for his wives, as you know he is still unwed, and he's not much older then you! He could offer more then any other man in this kingdom, my god, he could offer you the whole country of Ostham!" He exclaimed.
I was stunned. I couldn't believe what he just said. The prince? I could meet the prince! I could marry the prince! I felt something, it made my heart race but it wasn't from excitement.
" I don't think- I- how could he ever chose me?" I babbled. I was stunned. The prince? I can't say no to him. I would be put into slave work if I did. Or killed. They could kill me if they wanted to. If I ever said the wrong thing.
" Ailani! Why would you ask that? Of course you could be chosen you are a beauty! You are a foreign beauty! If he doesn't pick you then those 13 other men will have you!" He exclaimed.
" We need this! Your mother and I work hard, too hard for our age! This is your chance to bring honor and wealth to this family!" He grabbed my knees and shook them as he rambled on.
" But I might not see you again." I whispered. His expression softened.
"Oh darling." He pulled me into a hug. He held me as I fought tears. I hate crying. I haven't wept since I was a child. He swayed as I laid my head on him. This calmed me down. Ever since I was young his hugs helped me. I couldn't bear thinking tomorrow could be the last time I hug him.
" Please Ailani." He begged. My heart broke, at his pleading voice. My home, Roma, my father and mother. Gone all gone! I sighed and my breath was shaky. I pulled away and looked at his face.
" Okay father. I'll do it." I said.

That night I went to bed knowing that this could be last time I sleep in a bed alone.

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