Chapter nine

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Griffins P.O.V
**  flashback six months ago **

  This meeting is gonna make me slit my wrists. How long have I been here?
It feels like a whole damn fortnight that my petty officer Addams had been briefing us.

I look around to see the whole council listening intently, I had been briefed before this, hell, I supervised him while he wrote the briefing. Being general has some boring parts to it. I begin counting stone blocks barely listening,
I catch a few key points in the briefing.

" Bedlok spies have been captured in the kingdom multiple times throughout the past few months." I looked around at the council members, we were all around a circle table. Sitting in tall chairs, the men were watching with a dangerous look on their faces. There were only two women, queen Sophia and council member Agnus. Agnus was in her forties, she is an expert at archery, she was the leader of the archers, her strategy was impeccable and has saved my ass several times in battle. The Queen and her watched carefully at Addams.

" We have sent two spies of our own, one into the heart of Bedlok, the other in the outskirts of the capital, they have sent news of more spies to come. " the council people shifted in there seats. A few whispers buzzing around the table.

" Now, we don't know how they keep coming in undetected through the border, General Griffin and I suspect a traitor." The councilmen went nuts.

" A traitor?"
" It makes sense.."
" Who do you think it would be?"
" Could it be someone in this very room?"
" Don't be a fool! "
" It could happen! Why? Don't want your cover to be blown?!"
" You treacherous bastard!"
I stood up, channeling my fathers power, " Councilmen! " the room erupted with my voice. They all froze, some fingers still mid air from pointing at each other in accusation. They looked at me,  a bit of embarrassment in their faces. I may be young, but what I have managed to do during in my short career has granted me their respect. I cleared my throat,

" As officer Addams was saying, we suspect a man on the inside, a high ranked official. We aren't pointing any fingers at the moment, it's just a hunch.
But who else would have the authority to bring in these spies undetected? We shouldn't start blaming people until we have some proof to start blaming."
I eyed the men who had started the squabble. Bruce master of defense was looking rather apologetic, Hannibal the expert in the art of weaponry did too. They all looked uncomfortable.
I kept a stern look on my face as I let Addams carry on.

The meeting remained calm throughout till the end. A few Nobleman council members suspected the messengers of the country, they even talked of double agents. I trusted my spies and was sure none of them would do such a thing.

We were exiting the room, when a strong hand made a clank on my shoulder armor.
I turned to see the king, his usual jolly personality was no where to be found, he looked almost annoyed. He brought me over to the wall of the hall way. People were making there way out. The queen eyes her husband with a questioning look.

" I won't be long darling." He said reassuringly. She nodded and made her way down the hall.
He looked back to me, I was taller then the king, even though he was 6'2. His crown met evenly with the top of my head. He rubbed his beard in aggravation,

" Where the hell is Harry? Why wasn't he at this meeting, he might want to attend at least one before I die!" He whispered not so quietly. His face was flushed. If Harry was my son I'd make sure the crown went to my dog first then him.

" I suspect he's in his room your majesty." The king shook his head.

" You'd think the boy would learn something by now? My god, if I had my way I would have beat the lazy out of him years ago." He almost started pacing. I felt bad for him, I've known Harry since his birth and he sure isn't the Kings pride and joy.

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