Chapter twenty three

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Alexia has grown quite a bit, her teeth are coming in very sharp, and she is almost twice the size of Amelia's pup, Nixie. We take them out to play multiple times a day in the garden, they run through the grass and chase birds through the hedges. Amelia and I like to sit on benches and watch them play, we talk about whatever is on our minds.

" I believe autumn is coming very soon, once the rain stops." Amelia says, looking up at the cloudy sky. It had indeed become cooler, autumn was approaching, but the leaves are still their vibrant green. I nod in agreement.

" It's almost time my ladies. " the guard who has been watching us outside says. Harry has been keeping a very close eye on us, he has guards follow us throughout the day, and is starting to limit the time we spend outside.
I nod, not caring enough to argue anymore. Best to just abide by Harry's will for now. I call for Alexia who was chasing Nixie throughout the yard. She stops and obeys, following me as I make my way inside, Amelia and her pup close behind.

The gloomy halls, lit by torches and seldom any sunlight. They swallow the guards, Amelia, the pups, and I. My mind doesn't travel too far anymore, I only think about the times Griffin and I would sneak through these halls together, to escape the loud dinner parties and feasts being held. We would wonder throughout the castle, laughing and kissing. Hiding behind pillars and in empty chambers.

What fun we had, and what I'd do to have it back. But I might never get it back, Griffin might never come home again. Even if he did Harry won't let me out of his sight anymore.
Will I ever be happy again?

" Ailani!" Someone called.

I jumped out of my thoughts, looking around to see where I was and who called me. I was already at mine and Harry's wing. I looked around to see him standing outside his chamber door. He was wearing just a white tunic, and lounging pants. His curly hair was messy and he had an impatient look about his face as usual. I hurry to him, asking Amelia to take my pup to her room.

I go into his chamber, Harry is at the door shooing the guards away at once. I avert my eyes away from the balcony, wishing to not hurt today, or think about her.

" Sit on the bed." Harry says once he shuts the door. I do as he says, watching him stand in front of me. He seems uncomfortable, he crosses then uncrosses his arms across his chest. I sit still, not an ounce of concern in me can be found for what he has to say. Finally, he speaks up.

" Remember in the carriage ride, where you did that thing?" He asks me, his eyes buggy and unsure.

" What thing?" I ask, not sure of what carriage ride he was speaking of. Yes, Harry has been indecent with me in a carriage multiple times now.

" Gods, when you mounted me." He spit out hastily. I couldn't help but smile a tiny bit. What a fool. He only wants me to do it again with him. I only went on top that one Roma's funeral.

I feel sick.

" You want me to do it again?" I say quickly trying to push away the sick feeling I felt. I can't think about her right now.

" Yes." He sighs, pulling his clothes off. I pull my dress over me, feeling numb all over. The cold air from the balcony bitt at my naked body. Harry sat next to me, weaving his arms around me, kissing my neck. He was gentle, which was unusual for him. But he still cupped my breasts and hugged me to him. He was kissing me on the mouth now, I closed my eyes sleepily, feeling exhausted.
But this is my job, to pleasure him, to comfort him, and to meet whatever needs he sought for.

I rolled on top of him, he was lying down on his furs, I could feel his penis under me start to grow. I sat up, not wanting to take my sweet time with him. I straddled his thighs, Harry was eyeing me so intensely, I began to rub him down there so it would get harder.

" Do it already." He growled, he was becoming antsy and the aggressive Harry I knew was shining through. I did as he said, and put it inside me. He filled me and his hands went to my ass and starting moving my body how he wanted. I rocked back and forth, feeling it move inside with me. Harry loved it.

He came quickly, and the entire time I could feel the balcony air scratch at my back. I won't look at it. I won't look at it.

I laid down next to him, his body panting and recovering from his climax. I stared at the stone ceiling, feeling even more ill than before. I can't vomit right now. Just wait.

Harry rolled over and wrapped around me. His figure swallowing me, and I began sweating.
Every breath that he let out near my ear, made the room spin faster. I shut my eyes tight, trying to concentrate. Don't do it.

I covered my mouth with my right hand, and with my left I pushed Harry off me. I ran out of bed and went to his bathroom where his royal bench was, I stuck my head above the hole and everything emptied out of me. I hardly ate much, yet there was so much vomit. I could hear Harry rustle around in his room angrily, probably putting his clothes back on.

" What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He yelled from his room.

I don't know what is wrong with me. I felt so sick, and being with him made me feel even worse. I heard him open his chamber door, calling for someone. I stood still after I was done, trying to just crouch and rest for a moment.

" My lady?" It was Roberta calling for me as she hurried into the room with a blanket.
I looked up slowly and she was at my side already wrapping the cloth around my naked body. " Let's go now..." She said calmly.
I nodded, rising slowly, clutching the blanket around me. We walked out of the bathroom, and through Harry's chamber. I looked at him and he was disgusted at me.

" Get out!" He hissed. Shutting the door behind us. I started to cry. I'm so worthless. Roberta led me to my chamber, and put me to bed. She was fetching soup and a cold rag. I cried into my bed, what's wrong with me? I can't pull myself together. I'm such a mess.

I waited for Roberta, wanting to talk to her so badly. She was like my mother now, and I honestly loved her. If she ever asked me for anything, I would be sure to deliver and then some.

She hurried in and shut the door, with a tray of the hot soup and some water. I sat up, wiping my tears, and thanked her. She handed me the cold rag and placed it on my forehead.

" Now tell me what's happened, child." She said softly, sitting on the side of my bed.

" I'm not sure, I just suddenly felt so sick and I began vomiting.." I sighed. I wasn't crying any longer. I looked to Roberta for a response. She had the faintest smile on her face, and it bewildered me as to why she could be smiling at this time.

" If you don't mind me asking, my lady. When was the last time you've bled?" She watched me as everything seemed to fall into place in my head. I've been so caught up in my thoughts  that I never realized how long it'd actually been. The last time I can remember having it was, gods, when Griffin was still here.

" No... You don't think-" I stuttered. She nodded her head excitedly.

" I believe you are with child, my lady." Roberta exclaimed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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