Chapter four

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I remember when I was about 9 years old. Roma and I were as close as sisters, we met every morning after breakfast. Which was around sunrise since are families were up before the sky was light.
" Ailani! Let's go, hurry!" Cried Roma.
She had burst through the front door, I was stuffing my face full of bread and butter, trying to hurry. Roma was jumping up and down at the table, her wild red curls bouncing on top of her shoulders. Mother told us to settle down for not everyone was up at this hour. Roma stopped bouncing, smiling sheepishly she whispered an apology. I was standing out of my chair chewing with both hands on the table. Hurry! Hurry! I thought to myself. I finally swallowed the bread, Roma grabbed my hand and we rushed out of the door.
Our house was a sweet little cottage, it had a clothes line in the front, it faced the main road which was muddy in the morning, from the night showers. It was foggy every morning, when the sun was out the shadows from people and houses created silhouettes on the fog. I looked at the sky, it was starting to become light. Me and Roma were running in our bare feet through the muddy ground down the side of my house. The field in the back of my house where my father farmed was in front of the woods. I started to run ahead of Roma, my brown feet sinking a little in the ground every time. We finally reached the woods, we knew it like the back of our hands. We climbed over fallen trees and jumped over high roots. We were running to the grand oak tree near the middle of the forest. Finally I saw its wide trunk, Roma and I rushed over to it. We were panting from the run over, she leaned against the tree trunk setting her foot on top of a root, I put my foot on her knee, using her to prop me up to grab a hold of a branch above. I pulled myself up swinging my leg over the side. Roma stood on top of the root, grabbing on to my hand to help pull her up. Once we were both in the tree we started climbing to the top, the sun started to peak through the leaves, causing us to climb faster to the top. When our heads peaked over the top of the leaves, we were just in time. The castle was off in the distance on the side of the mountain, the mountain towered over the forest. The fog laid on top of the trees making a misty white sheet over the top. The sun was rising directly behind the castle, it was breathtaking, the light blue and yellow light burst across the sky. The clouds were fluffy and abundant, but it didn't block the sun. We were perfectly on time, the sun creeped behind the castle, causing a shadow to be casted on top of the sheet of fog. It made a perfect silhouette of the castle right there in front of us. We tried to watch it everyday.
But now I was stuck in the prepping chamber, with the sunlight peering behind a curtain on to the floor, I could see the dust in the light spinning around in the air. My head felt like it was spinning, making me wonder how Roma and the other girl felt. We were all still waiting for the prince to make a move or say something.
He was standing there, leaning against the curtained wall. His eyes scanned over us. My feet stood together tightly, I held my hands behind my back, my hands were sweaty and I felt like I could fall apart at any moment on to the cold stone floor.
" You," interrupted the prince , making me blink my eyes out of nervousness. I stood frozen for a second my eyes still stuck to the floor.
" Look at me. " he said.
I lifted my eyes to his face, he was definitely handsome. He had a chiseled jaw, and a slight stubble across his face. His brown eyes stared intently, which I could tell he just pried them away from my naked body.
" What is your fathers name?" He piped in. He got up from the wall strutting confidently over to me.
" Harmon Luka. " I said. My voice was shaky. He nodded his head,
" Well, Harmon Luka will receive ten cows and 20 lbs of gold and silver for his... lovely daughter." His voice came out breathy. My eyes widened, that was more then I expected! More money then I could ever work for in my life!
" Is that sufficient? Hm? Will that be enough for your two families also?" He questioned louder turning towards Roma and the other girl. We all nodded our heads together. Baffled by the amount of money he just offered. My body felt a wave of relief for my family, they wouldn't have to worry anymore.
" What is your name? " the prince chimed. I cleared my throat,
" Ailani Luka."
He nodded to Roma, " And you?"
Roma blinked.
" Roma Anderson." She said her voice hoarse. I could tell she was thinking about Matthew.
The prince asked the blonde girl now.
" Amelia Fraunt." She said her voice steady. Amelia, it suited her well. It was sophisticated and pretty just as herself.
Amelia of Ostham. Roma of Ostham. Ailani of Ostham. My name stood out, it was a foreign name from my fathers side. The land he hailed from was south from here, he said there was a beach there. There was no official name for the country since there was no king. He said just many villages lived there in peace. I would like to go there some day, but I know I probably never will.
I'll probably never leave this room if I keep standing here.
The prince stood in front of Amelia. He traced a finger between her breasts causing her to stiffen. He chuckled.
" You ladies are going to have to get used to me. I will be spending most of my nights with each of you." He said huskily. Desire and lust dripped off every word. He made my skin crawl.
" I hope you know that the wedding will be tomorrow. I don't intend on waiting long to have my way with each of you. "
Have his way? I bit down on my tongue, feeling disgusted at this man.
" You will each get your own room, they will be on the west wing of the castle, mine is on the north wing. I will either visit you separately in yours, or I will just bring all three of you together in mine." He exclaimed. A sly grin appeared on his face. What a gross man, three at once? Just one of us should be enough. For any decent man. He made me sick, I wanted to run away from this place with Roma.
I glanced at her she was emotionless, poor thing. Being dragged away from Matthew for what? For a perverted prince? I wanted to hit him in the face, just watching him strut around like we were nothing. But I guess we were to him. What an ass.
" Go to your rooms, get dressed we will be having dinner with the king and queen tonight, and a few other important members of the kingdom at sundown. " he said while walking to the door. Finally! I almost skipped out of the room. The three of us were lead to our rooms by a guard. Roma and I walking close together, she was silent the whole time. Clearly trying to keep it together till she got to her room.
When I got to my room, I stood in the entrance. I was shocked by how enormous it was! It was bigger then my house all together! The door shut loudly behind me making me jump. But I was still in awe! There was a big half circle window on the opposite wall of the entrance. It had a huge bed underneath, it was covered in soft furs and pillows. To the right on the other wall was like a reading area, there was a fur carpet and on top of it was a big reading chair with a little table on the side of it. Across from it against the wall where I stood was a desk with paper scrolls and pens. On the wall was several tall bookshelves. And in the center of them was a stoned fire place. It seemed weird to have books and papers next to a fireplace but I bet it would be wonderful to read by.
To the left side of the room there was a large vanity. It was a dark wood, and next to it was a matching wardrobe. I wander if they'd even have my size since I just got here? I strutted over the wardrobe opening it to find at least twenty different gowns! All different styles and colors, I grabbed a green one and slipped it on. It needed to be tailored but other then that it was gorgeous. I twirled around, just to be silly for once. It was so elegant. Emerald green, my favorite color. I walked around the large room and opened a door. A big bathroom, with a large mirror and a humongous bath tub! You could probably fit six people in there comfortably.
I took my eyes back to the mirror.
My hair was still in a braid, the gown framed curves wonderfully. I was clean from the prepping, my eyebrows had been shaped perfectly. This is what the prince wants, he wants someone like me to give birth to his little brats. I suddenly became overwhelmed with anger. I didn't want to be here, I didn't want that ass of a prince pawing all over me and Roma. I didn't want him touching Amelia either. He could marry a horses ass for all I care!
I huffed loudly, and went back to my room taking the gown off looking for a more casual lounging dress. I found one and put it on.
I sank to the cold stone floor, goosebumps raised onto my legs. I put my hands in my face, and sighed loudly. I should have married that carpenter with five cows.
Suddenly someone knocked on the door.
" Come in. " I sighed, rubbing my eyes. The door opened slowly. I was still sitting on the floor while I watched a pair of bare feet shuffle in quietly.
" Ailani." Chirped a sad voice. I stood up to see Roma there, her red hair even sitting sadly on her shoulders.
" Oh Roma." I said as I rushed over to her, hugging her tightly. She buried her face into my shoulder. I shut the door with my foot and walked her over to the bed. We sat on the edge, she wiped face with her sleeve, she was wearing an identical dress as me. I rubbed her arm sympathetically.
" Why couldn't I just be ugly? Or at least the prince hate red haired girls? I know my father will live comfortably from now on, but my Matthew will be in such despair. I mean look at me! I'm thinking of killing myself and it hasn't even been a day!" She rambled. I sat up in shock, I grabbed her arms and made her look at me.
" Don't say that! Please! My god Roma, you must stay strong for Matthew! What do you think will happen when Matthew hears you've taken your own life? Or if that ass of a prince goes searching for another poor girl to pry away from her family? You must be strong, and live life as best as we can... And besides, you are my only friend in the world, who else will bother lady Martha with me?" I smiled sadly, Roma smiled a little. She sniffled, and nodded her head, her red curls bouncing on her head.
" You're right, maybe we will be allowed to go to see our family sometimes...I can see Matthew. " She breathed out shakily. Her voice had a lighter tone to it. I pushed her hair behind her ear.
" Yes. Maybe..." I sighed. We hugged one more time.
We decided to go talk to Amelia and get to know her. We knocked on her door, and we walked in when she let us come in. Her room was exactly like mine. She was sitting on her bed, wearing the same dress as Roma and I.
" Oh, hello." She said. We both smiled, and asked her if we could get to know each other. She was very bubbly, she seemed happy to be here, despite our jerk of a soon to be husband. We told her about Matthew and Roma, she seemed very empathetic. She came from the other side of town, her father was a baker, and her mother helped in the bakery.
" 'Fraunt's Cakery', That's what we call it, Cakery like bakery? But Cakery, because my papa makes cakes the best." She smiled, obviously missing her home. She loved to talk, she had a brother that was eight. He isn't allowed near the icing because he sticks his whole hand in it. We laughed at that one, she had dimples when she smiled. She was lovely to be around, I could see the three of us watching our children together. She wanted a girl, she would name her Mina, and she would teach her how to bake cakes like her father.
We listened to her, and she listened to us. Roma talked about her father the blacksmith, and how her mother died at childbirth with her. Her father never married another woman, he always said Roma is the only girl in his life for now. Matthew was orphaned at ten and her father took him under his wing, teaching him how to make swords and armor. Roma had to stop talking about him, or else she would cry again.
I told Amelia about my father, how he was from a land in the south, he came to Ostham when his mother and him were captured. They were slave workers for awhile till they were freed when he was 17. He met my mother, got married, bought a plot of land, and my grandmother lived with them till she died when I was a baby. Amelia seemed very moved by that story.
By the time when a group of tailors and servant ladies came in and started dressing us up, we were already good friends with Amelia. They measured us and tailored the gowns we were to wear tonight at dinner. Our dresses were pretty much identical except they were each a different color. Roma wore a gown that was a light peachy color that made her hair stand out, they braided her hair and some little curls around her face kept springing out of the braid, so they gave her a jeweled head band to wear. They powdered her face a little and gave her a red lip. She was stunning, and it made me wonder how they could possibly make her look better for the wedding tomorrow.
Amelia had a light yellow gown, it made her face brighter and her blonde hair also. They tied her straight hair into a beautiful up do. The gave her little flowers to stick into her hair. Her face was powdered too , and had a pinkish color lip, that was close to her natural one. She reminded me of a spring tulip. She was beautiful none of the less.
Finally with me I had a blueish green gown. The woman who dressed me said that she couldn't decide if blue or green was my color, I told her green was my favorite, she nodded and said she'd remember that tomorrow during the wedding.
They left my hair down and my natural waves fell behind my back. They gave me a fancy headband that pushed the hair out of my face. They didn't want the powder to take away from my olive skin. So they gave me a natural makeup look.
" You look stunning." Said Roma smiling. Amelia nodded in agreement. I smiled and thanked them.
" You two look amazing as well!" I smiled. They really did. I hoped the king and queen would like us. And so would everyone else. The sun was starting to set, and I could smell the amazing food from downstairs in the dining hall.
The three of us walked together down the hall being escorted by guards.
We approached a giant set of double doors. The two guards opened the doors, light from the hall poured into the hall way, candles and torches everywhere lighting up the room. A table probably twenty feet long at least, was centered in the middle, with chairs along its side. Groups of a few people were scattered around the hall, Prince Harry was standing and laughing. He was talking to the general. The beautiful man from the prepping hall. I looked at his gorgeous face and suddenly my heart started racing. I couldn't help it, and I couldn't stop staring at him. He was tall, as tall if not taller then the prince.
The three of us walked over to our fiancé. They both looked at us, the prince broke out into a huge grin. General griffin stood, with no emotion revealed from his face. His eyes seemed to glow in the dark, the bright blue stood out like one of the torches on the walls.
" Darlings! Well don't you all look wonderful!" Said Harry. Acting as charming as possible, he kissed each of our hands. His warm lips made me want to scream when they touched me.
He turned toward general Griffin,
" Darlings, meet general Griffin, he is the youngest general Ostham has ever had, and he is also undefeated for the past three years as General." He patted him roughly on the back. Griffin smiled at him , then still smiling looked at me, my god. His smile made my knees weak. And I think he knew it too.
I've never met someone to have this affect on me, I wanted to just reach out and touch his lips, those full pink lips-
" How old are you General?" Asked Roma. Her curiosity peering through her eyes. He cleared his throat, ripping his eyes away from mine.
" Twenty." He said. His voice was deep and it reminded me of thunder. It ran down my spine and all the way down to my toes. Twenty? He looked like he had seen way too many things to be twenty.
" Only a year older then me." Chimed in Harry. Clearly the Prince liked being the center of attention. A 19 year old Prince, and yet he seemed like an old man who preyed on poor girls. He left an awful taste in my mouth.
" How about you ladies? You seem to be at least in your fifties by the looks of you." Griffin asked, he was playful, and made us giggle.
" Oh how sweet, no, I'm actually in my seventies. But thank you for the compliment young man." I flipped my hair behind me, looking at him playfully. Us three girls giggled, and Griffin smiled his amazing smile.
The prince cleared his throat.
" Just answer the question Ailani, we don't need your sass." He said bitterly. We stopped smiling, it got uncomfortable quickly. I cleared my throat and looked down at my feet.
" Sixteen." I replied. He was angry at me, I don't know why though, I was just trying to be social.
" Look at General Griffin when your talking to him." He snapped. I raised my head and said it again.
" Sixteen."
" Harry we were only joking-" Griffin started, his voice was steady trying not to anger him again.
" I hate it when she doesn't look at me when I talk to her!" He stepped closer to me, but Griffins hand blocked him from getting too close.
" It's alright Harry. I'm sure she won't do it again. Right? " His voice was full of caution. He looked at me to answer.
" Right. You're right, I'm sorry your majesty." I said looking into his brown eyes. I was scared of him. He was bigger then me and he had all the power in the country. I saw a smile on his lips, " Don't be scared darling." He cooed. He leaned closer and kissed my cheek. My skin crawled under neath his lips. I stared at Griffin. I thanked him, with my eyes, I was happy that Harry didn't try to hurt me. Griffin nodded and exhaled slowly, looking at me the whole time yet not revealing anything.
" Ladies and gentleman! I present King Harold and Queen Sophia of Ostham!" An announcer boomed in side the hall, everyone turned to the entrance as the king and queen walked in side by side.

Dinner has begun.

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