Chapter - 32

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Was it too late for him to make everything right? Was it too long and far gone that he couldn't correct the situation and make everything right? Most importantly, to make her happy, to make her understand now that he loved her, and not only her bu...

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Was it too late for him to make everything right? Was it too long and far gone that he couldn't correct the situation and make everything right? Most importantly, to make her happy, to make her understand now that he loved her, and not only her but their unborn child too.

It would be a lie if he said he didn't care for their unborn child and her. But the only thing he wanted to know now was if she had any sort of feelings for him, or was she still in love with his brother. Whatever it was, he wanted peace now.


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At the dining table everyone ate silently an awkward silence surrounding the whole family on the table .The sound of cutlery and soft noise of fan creating a hazy sound.

Both brothers, though blood-related, behaved like strangers, and she had never once seen them engage in conversation. She couldn't help but wonder if she was the reason for their distant relationship or if they had never had a good relationship from the beginning. Or if her husband reason of resentment towards his brother was this forceful marriage he was forced into which he hated.

She was broken out of her trance of thought when her now so called brother in law disturbed the peace of the moment revealing his plan to continue traveling.

"I've made up my mind. I'm going to keep traveling. I'm leaving India for now, and I'll be gone for a year," he declared, a mixture of determination and excitement in his tone.

"How can you even think of going away right now? How could you decide to abandon your old parents like this?" his mother hurriedly interjected, desperation lacing her words as she tried hard to persuade her younger son from going away

"This isn't what I raised you for. You're not meant to waste your life wandering alone in strange countries. No, this time I won't stand by and let you go. You're not going anywhere. Your entire family is here, your big brother needs you, you can't just leave him alone," she stated firmly, her voice tinged with a mix of concern and determination.

"What family, maa?" He questioned, his voice tinged with bitterness. "What big brother? The same one who hasn't even talked to me once since I arrived in this home," he added, his words laden with hurt and resentment.

She stiffened at his words, unable to believe his audacity to question the loyalty of his big brother, the one he had forced to marry someone on his behalf.

She expected her husband to say something or even a reaction in the reply but he remained silent. Uneffected and busy in his food without paying attention to any words of his brother.

"That's it. My decision is final, and I'm not staying here for you or anyone else. I'm going to do what I want to do," he stated firmly, his gaze fixed on his elder brother and mother.

"& How are you planning to do that?" He spoke finally, his voice calm yet carrying an undertone of skepticism. He continued, "As far as I know, you have sold your shares and spent all of it, and right now you don't have any source of income."

His younger brother became a little taken aback, his confidence faltering under the weight of his elder brother's scrutiny. Their parents looked at him questioningly, awaiting his response.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, the younger brother snapped at his elder brother, "It's none of your business! You should focus on your own family instead of poking your nose into my matters." His tone was sharp, laced with frustration and a hint of defence.

The elder brother with a measured tone, replied "I will tell you how it's my matter and how it directly relates to my family."

He continued, his voice carrying a mixture of bitterness and pain, "I know why you came back. Why you decided to step back into our lives and our home after creating mess of our lives. I know why you came."

And then, with a gaze fixed on his parents, he uttered in a tone laden with frustration, "He isn't here for you guys or for family. None of this matters to him. If it had, he would have married her and not left her at the altar," he pointed at his wife, who already knew that man but was still in disbelief

"He's here for money," he accused his brother, his words sharp and accusatory as he laid bare the truth.

He continued, his voice trembling with anger and betrayal, "I suspected something wasn't right when I was at the office. And my suspicions turned out to be true when I received a call from the bank informing me that my brother had transferred mine and our father's accounts into his own name. Our father's retirement fund has been significantly depleted, and I knew then why my brother came back. Not for his family, not for his parents but He came back to loot his own family," he accused, his words dripping with betrayal and disbelief.

His brother's face twisted with disbelief. "I did no such thing," he said firmly, sounding upset. "He's lying," he added, clearly frustrated. But there was something unsure in his eyes, making it hard to believe him completely.

They stood there, a family torn apart by accusation and disbelief. As the tension mounted, their father's voice cut through the air like a knife. "Shut up. Shut up, both of you," he demanded, his words echoing in the room. Turning to his younger son, his eyes reflected not anger, but a deep sense of betrayal. "I can't believe that my own son has become a thief in his own house," he murmured, his voice heavy with sorrow. "I would have given you money if you had asked for it. But now, it seems I have failed," he concluded the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air.

And then, in a heavy silence, both of the parents rose from the dining table, their hearts heavy with disappointment and grief. Without another word, they left the room, leaving behind a palpable sense of emptiness and shattered trust.

Leaving the three of them alone in a suffocative silence, she felt a wave of shock wash over her. Before she could gather her thoughts and rise from the table, her husband stunned her by standing up abruptly. He held her hand tightly, his grip firm, as he turned to his brother.

"All of your accounts are now frozen," he declared, his voice firm. "I want you out of my house and out of our lives as soon as possible." The words hung heavily in the air, final and resolute, as the tension in the room reached its peak.

With those words hanging heavily in the air, they left the room, her husband gently pulling her along with him towards their room. The weight of the situation settled upon them as they retreated, seeking solace in the privacy of their own space.

 The weight of the situation settled upon them as they retreated, seeking solace in the privacy of their own space

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