4. Drinking wine at Crimson Rain's captain cabin, He Xuan had an idea

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The cabin wasn't small – Crimson Rain was once an imperial battle ship, so its captain quarters had to double up as a war room – but with Hua Cheng's chests open, robes everywhere, there was hardly any space to stand. He always made a point of being well-dressed, with quality, well-cut robes, only he wasn't counting on a formal dinner at the underwater palace, on the crown prince's invitation!

"Oho! Somebody is distressed, feeling they have nothing to wear", He Xuan appeared by the door.

"Can't you just knock?", Hua Cheng snapped; now he started to hate He Xuan even more.

He Xuan chuckled and barged in, sitting by Hua Cheng's desk and helping himself of some wine. I'll keep poisoned wine on my desk from now on, Hua Cheng noted to himself, looking at He Xuan resentfully. He only dressed in black, which Hua Cheng had to admit was a good move: it was an easy to maintain striking look, effortlessly sober and scholarly elegant.

He Xuan kept looking at him in amusement, "I never saw you like this. So eager to look good and impress someone, as if you were going to ask a pretty girl her hand?", he then laughed again.

Hua Cheng gave him a hard look, and replied, "You might have noticed there's no way we can take this palace by force, hack and slash, our usual thing. This time we need some diplomacy. Finesse".

Hua Cheng now was a long way from when he was young, relying on fishing and pearl hunting to survive, then becoming a pirate slave boy scrubbing the deck, almost dying a dog's death many times. He worked his way up, raising to captain of his own ship, then fleet, then the Confederation – all the while trying to educate himself not only in worldly affairs but in manners and style.

"I wholeheartedly agree", He Xuan replied, sipping on some wine, then, giving Hua Cheng a long look, commented casually, "That crown prince, he's quite good-looking, isn't he?"

Good-looking... Hua Cheng thought dazedly, no, he was as different than good-looking as heaven and earth! He was beauty itself, above anything: other-worldly, transcendent and divine.

He Xuan, looking closely at Hua Cheng's reaction, smiled and observed, "Just as I thought. You liked him. And, my friend, I'm glad to tell you this sea dragon crown prince seemed to like you too! In the whole time we were there, and I was watching closely, he never took his eyes off you – "

"He Xuan", Hua Cheng interrupted him rudely, "Stop your nonsense. Where are you getting at?"

He finished his wine then poured on another cup, seemingly enjoying himself, and said, "Oh, nothing much. Just, well, why not setting your charms on this crown prince? Seduce him, get married – naturally with a pre-nuptial contract, something like a hefty amount of gold against the underwater palace as a guarantee. Then – "

"Then what?", Hua Cheng asked in annoyance, fighting the urge of kicking He Xuan out of his cabin.

"After one year, which is the time most pre-nuptial contracts go, divorce him, and keep the palace. Truly a carp leaping through the dragon gate, if I can put it like that".

Hua Cheng was astonished: how could He Xuan be as immoral as to devise such a plan towards someone he had just met? And a sea dragon demon no less! But if he was honest to himself, he's done similar things in the past – not going as far as to marry, but flirting and using his charms to get what he wanted, to his own selfish benefits, with no regards to the other people involved.

"It couldn't be easier actually", He Xuan added, "And bloodless. Hua Cheng, everybody knows no one flirts like you – only you never bed anyone, which is quite a mystery and gets the men talking! Ahem, anyway. But if you liked the prince, maybe you're not up to the task".

It was true Hua Cheng never bedded anyone, he just couldn't be bothered. He had never felt what was described as being in love, or feeling attracted to someone, lust, desire... he considered it a blessing to be able to avoid this trap every single time. Why was he hesitating now?

Hua Cheng's mind was in disarray: he had to admit it was a good idea, and if, like He Xuan said, the prince liked him too... no, he must have been looking at him out of curiosity. That sea dragon prince is so beautiful, a cultivated demon of thousands of years, so much above himself, what could he even see in Hua Cheng, a mortal? Although he did seem to be interested in the Mortal Realm.

"Unless I give it a go myself", He Xuan added with a thoughtful look, "I'm told I'm attractive, in a kind of mean and sombre way. So maybe the prince – "

"Stay away from him", Hua Cheng replied between gritted teeth, trying to avoid thinking of He Xuan, that toad, lusting after a swan's flesh. Picking up a robe, he added, "Alright, I accept your challenge, I'll seduce the crown prince, unless sea dragon demons can't – "

Do you think the sea dragon prince will fall for He Xuan's dirty little plan? 😉

Let me know in the comments.

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