20. At an unknown beach, only the Heavenly Dao is absolute

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When he came to, he was lying on the sand with waves licking his legs, as if he's been washed ashore. For a moment he thought, did I survive a shipwreck? Then he suddenly remembered everything.

"Gege!", he exclaimed opening his eye, and, seeing the crown prince lying unconscious by his side, he jumped and dragged himself close to shake him gently, his whole being in a state of panic.

The prince sighed and frowned slightly, and, fluttering his lashes, slowly opened his eyes.

"Ah Gege", Hua Cheng sighed in relief and hugged him tight, sinking his face in his damp hair.

After a moment he looked at him tenderly, caressing his face, and noticed the crown prince's eyes were now of a light honey colour – still as beautiful as limpid autumn water, but definitely not golden. His skin, white as jade, also didn't have that pearly shimmer anymore, and he was wearing plain grey robes, just like Hua Cheng himself.

Before he had the chance to wonder about what happened and why they were there, the crown prince sat up and, looking around, asked, "Where are we? This looks like the Mortal Realm".

They were on a beach with white sands and green seas, the waves of the falling tide crashing at some reddish-purple reef rocks at a distance. The sun was close to the horizon, but the sea breeze was so warm it was definitely late afternoon, close to sunset.

Feeling a strange sense of déjà vu, Hua Cheng helped the prince up and, pulling him by the hand, walked swiftly, reaching the far end of what seemed a little bay in half an incense time. Walking faster and faster, Hua Cheng saw, beyond a few coconut trees, a sight definitely familiar.

"This", he muttered to himself, "It can't be. Gege, I think I know where we are but it's... impossible!"

Half-hidden behind some thick bushes, there was an old, run down shack made of bleached wooden planks and a thatched roof of coconut leaves, small but seemingly quite sturdy. Hua Cheng kept looking around it in amazement, keeping the prince close to him.

They looked inside: the wooden floor was covered in sand, with a straw mat rolled up at a corner. There was also a battered chest with what looked like clean blankets inside, and two shelves with fishing tools: a rod, nets, a basket. A crude shrine had a plain clay incense burner in front of an unknown deity drawn on an old scroll stuck on the wall.

"The 'sea dragon' god", Hua Cheng blurted out under his breath.

At the back of the shack there was a clay stove and a counter with a cupboard underneath, its crooked doors shut with a wooden stick crossed over. Nearby, a small well was covered with a cracked wooden lid, with an old bucket turned over by its side.

The crown prince squeezed Hua Cheng's hand and asked, "San Lang, what is this place?"

"This", Hua Cheng replied, "Is the shack I lived when I was young, before becoming a pirate. We are at Naozhou Island, not far off Nanxin Village. Only it's – "

Still trying to organise his thoughts somewhat, he continued, "Everything is just like when I left! Gege, is it possible that we went back in time? To the time before – "

Pondering with his hand on his chin for a moment, the crown prince shook his head and, looking at Hua Cheng with his light honey eyes, said, "It's not possible, San Lang. Time flows like a river, and no one can swim against its fierce current. Also – "

He opened up his palms, adding, "My demonic body is gone, I can't feel any spiritual energy. I'm no different than any mortal now, so we couldn't have gone back in time. I wonder if – "

Hua Cheng couldn't stop looking: even wearing plain grey robes and with damp, dishevelled hair, the crown prince was still breathtakingly beautiful with his slightly frowned face lost in thoughts. They didn't go back in time, Gege without spiritual powers... what could this all mean?

He then asked, "San Lang, while we were flying over the sea of no life nor death, what was your last wish? Do you remember?"

Hua Cheng smiled tenderly, "Of course all I wished was for you to live, Gege".

The crown prince nodded slowly, realisation dawning on his face: what he himself wished in his turn was for Hua Cheng to live, and for that he was willing to give up his immortal soul. Then – 

"The Heavenly Dao granted both our wishes, but in a devious way", he said, "We both lived, but with nothing, just these plain grey robes we're wearing. No spiritual powers, no worldly powers. San Lang – ", he trailed off, probably wondering if Hua Cheng was pleased with this outcome, but then, he didn't have to ask.

Pulling the prince close and wrapping his arms around his waist, Hua Cheng smiled and said, "As long as we're together", and kissing him tenderly and playfully, he added, "That's all that matters".

The crown prince laughed lightly, carefree and joyful, sounding like singing bowls: that laughter Hua Cheng has always loved, and he couldn't help but kiss him again, long and deep.

Only after a long time he broke the kiss, suddenly thinking of something: the sun had set, and everything looked tinted in a deep blue colour. He asked, "Are you hungry? Down the beach there's the mouth of a creek with brackish water, we can easily catch some anchovies there... Then get some wild roots..."

The crown prince nodded and said, "I'll do the fishing then, I'm good at it".

Hua Cheng grabbed his hand, interlocking their fingers, "After we eat I'll give the shack a clean so we can settle in for the night – "

They walked back to the beach hand-in-hand, making plans for their new life together, while on the clear darkening sky, stars started to lit up.

A few days later, they found E'ming and Ruoye washed ashore: both of them amazingly having retained their spiritual status as sentient beings – Ruoye even having turned into a long and white silk band, wrapping itself swiftly around the crown prince's wrist as soon as seeing him!

Thank you for reading. The Legend of the Underwater Palace and the Sea Dragon Prince is almost finished now, only one last chapter to go! ✨✨✨

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