21. Epilogue: Heaven's net is wide, and none can escape its mesh

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Hua Cheng and Xie Lian – he didn't see the point of his royal title now – settled down on that old shack, living off from fishing and foraging, and on the following days they even managed to hunt some exquisite pearls from the reefs nearby. They then decided to go down to Nanxin Village and exchange them for groceries and some tools they needed.

The former crown prince was surprisingly practical, pointing out they'd better fix the many holes on the walls and give the shack a new thatching before the rainy season started. But the first thing they did was going to the village's only bath house to change into new robes they had bought.

Hua Cheng got a red one, not at all as high quality as the ones he once owned, but with his pale skin and very black hair he looked good all the same. Xie Lian chose light white robes with a blue sash, and because his white as jade skin was particularly sensitive to the sun – he used to live underwater after all – he found a bamboo hat at the market to wear outdoors.

Then they went about their shopping: building tools, a big pan, a new kettle – the one they had was rusty – and a new padded blanket. They also bought rice, tea, spices, and some fruits and vegetables they couldn't forage for, and incense for that 'sea dragon' god.

Not fully remembering meeting the crown prince of XianLe when he almost drowned, young Hua Cheng thought he himself had come up with that deity, as a "protector of fishermen and pearl hunters". Finally, they bought paper, ink and brushes, to write The Legend of the Underwater Palace and the Sea Dragon Prince during the rainy season, when they couldn't be outdoors that much.

Before returning home, they decided to treat themselves to a meal and some wine, and at the inn, while serving them, the landlord, an outgoing young man called Shi Qingxuan, went on and on about a strange story, which they had heard repeated more or less the same everywhere.

"An epic sea battle, or a strong underwater earthquake – either way, a Heavenly Calamity indeed", he said, "These past days, vestiges of a huge fleet have been washing ashore on Cunliang, Yingming, even all the way to Nanjiaowei, on the very south of the island!"

He paused, clearly enjoying his own story telling, while bringing another jug of his best wine for these new guests – although they were wearing simple robes bought locally, by their bearing alone, Shi Qingxuan saw they just couldn't be ordinary fishermen living on a shack by the beach.

"Planks and ship parts, cargo – no corpses though. If these ships sank in the open sea, their crew was devoured by the fish long time ago! Government officials identified this fleet as belonging to a fierce pirate better known as Black Water – I'm not sure the young masters have ever heard of him?"

Naturally, Hua Cheng and Xie Lian denied and only showed a polite interest, and, hearing more details of that tale throughout the evening, finished their meal with Xie Lian's favourite flower shaped rice cakes as dessert. Then they prepared to go back home, carrying their shopping on canvas sacks on their backs.

These bags were heavy and the walk would be of two incense times, but it was a beautiful night, with clear skies and a bright waning moon. They walked on the beach, holding hands and talking about the day, the things they bought and about that strange story.

"He Xuan returned to XianLe on the day after I did then", Hua Cheng commented, "Gege, you didn't seem surprised at the whole thing – did you know something like that would happen?"

Xie Lian looked dazedly at the sky for a moment, like he did sometimes, then nodded lightly.

"My demonic body and my spiritual energy are gone, so naturally the magical access to XianLe and the airlocks were bound to collapse", he paused, then continued, "I feel sorry for them: I know you couldn't care less about He Xuan and his men, but many lives were lost after all. And your men... they were loyal to you, they didn't deserve – "

Hua Cheng smiled and said, "Before going to the Cave of Ten Thousand Pearls I asked the Guoshi to send word to Yin Yu that, if I hadn't returned by hai time, he should set sail on Crimson Rain, leave XianLe. So Gege, they probably survived. But what about your people?"

Xie Lian gave a soft laughter, saying, "They're aquatic creature demons, they'll be fine. Except for Jun Wu – I'd imagine that he will become an outcast, avoided by all – "

Hua Cheng clicked his tongue, "Serves him right, that useless trash – "

He suddenly thought: he betrayed Gege too, he's not that much better! Xie Lian, as if guessing what he was thinking, stepped close and kissed him softly on the cheek – that kiss reminding him that the prince always knew he'd be backstabbed, and yet he chose not to guard himself against Hua Cheng, giving himself to him wholeheartedly.

He didn't forgive Hua Cheng, because he never thought there was something to forgive.

"One of these days your friends from XianLe might come to visit, washing ashore just like E'ming and Ruoye", Hua Cheng commented, and, having a sudden idea, said, "In the meantime – "

Pulling Xie Lian close, he went on, "How about going for a night swim when we get home?"

"You mean..."

"Of course I mean swimming naked in the sea. The water must be so nice and warm now...", he smiled and winked, "What about it, Your Highness? Can this preposterous request be granted?"

But Xie Lian just laughed heartily in reply.

This was the last chapter of The Legend of the Underwater Palace and the Sea Dragon Prince – thank you for reading and following the updates, it really means a lot to this lowly writer! 🥰🥰🥰

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This was the last chapter of The Legend of the Underwater Palace and the Sea Dragon Prince – thank you for reading and following the updates, it really means a lot to this lowly writer! 🥰🥰🥰

I hope everyone enjoyed a bit of crazy fantasy & overly sugary Hualian romance.

Now it's over, you're more than welcome to read it again in one go, vote, comment, and of course send ideas and requests for new stories. 😉

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