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I rush away from the devil incarnate as fast as I can, the drunken me lost in her ways and soberness coming back. The day have been god for saken already and to make matters worse I do another mistake. I look back and see a dangerous smirk pulling on the devil's lips.

If I ever had doubts about why people are tempted to do the sins even after knowing that it will harm themself, it's all clear now.  Well experienced , just now. All the sins including but not limited to my devil are like magnet, they pull innocent people towards themselves without lifting a finger and corrupt them for their life. Oh but your corrupted life will be your last concern when the devil lurking for you is none other than your new boss.

I love my job. It's my way to prove myself that I am not useless as the people from my past tagged me to be. I can do work without spoiling it. I deserve my life not just because I was born as human but because I am working hard for it. I've been doing my job as a personal secretary for 4 years. 4 years of the vicious cycle of work work and work, my boss or my ex boss is a kind and wise lady. The company prospered under her leadership. She may look like your fairytale grandmother but she's sharper than most of the men I know. And that says something because I am more comfortable and friendly with men than women and in my line of work the business is ruled by the XY chromosomed species. So my ex boss wants to leave this world and wants to spend time with her adorable grand children and she's assigning her position of CEO to her second son Shaurya Bansal. The devil incarnate I was talking about.  Apparently he was the best candidate for the position as his older brother has chose his path in the music industry and younger ones still want to enjoy their billionaire lives to their fullest. And he has secured various important projects for the company.

Mrs.Bansal instructed me to meet Shaurya before he officially joins the company as now I will be working for him. We were about to meet at a so called fancy restaurant and emphasis on the word fancy. I recognized him as soon as i saw him, it's hard to not recognize when every month there is an article about him in the magazines and most of the time and I might quote titled as 'The most sorted bachelor in the business world'. He is in what you must call a million worth's black suit sitting behind a table near the window at the far corner which I am sure gives a mind blowing  view of the fairy lights decorated outside the restaurant, but just as stereotypically he has no interest in the view. He is busy typing out something on his laptop. I go straight to his table, when I am almost 2 meters away from the table that's when he realizes someone's as in me approaching him and he looks up.

I stumble on my 4 inch heels when he looks at me with so much intensity with his god gifted and the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. Once I am out of my shock I realize a waiter is standing next to me trying to balance me, I take his help all while not breaking contact with Shaurya's eyes. I am sure he recognized me as soon as he saw me because men like Shaurya don't navigate in uncharted waters . They study each and every move and outcomes before executing it. But Shaurya doesn't makes any move to get up and help me or he is trying to communicate that he doesn't cares. Well good for me cause I hate men like this. I say a thankyou to the waiter and give him my most dazzling smile which he returns with his and if I'm not mistaken i saw a subtle twinkle in his eyes. Well 've been complimented many times for my smiles they say I have a contagious smile, hardly anyone can resist. I turn back towards my soon-to-be-boss and catch something close to annoyance in his eyes.

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