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It's been a week since I started working for the devil and thankfully he has kept his distance after the first day but always makes me wait after work with additional work. I told Aarav to go back as I didn't know when I would be getting free and then the devil dropped me that night near my house on the first day, and why wasn't I surprised that I didn't need to tell him the directions. After that he never told me to wait and work overtime himself and always sends a text from the office number. He has also asked one of his driver to always drop me home and stay outside for 20 mins before leaving. I liked the gesture a little too much although I know he did all that just because Mrs.bansal asked him to do. He hasn't used any inappropriate word with me since the last time and hasn't even talked to me more than a few words in all these days. I am thankful for this distance but somewhere inside me I am feeling bad, a bit too down. I'm sure he's ignoring me to stay in peace then why the hell I'm ruining my Sunday thinking about him.

I am sitting in the club Aarav brought me to saying that I need to chill a bit and I agreed just to have a distraction from my devil's thoughts. He ordered beer for himself and hot chocolate for me although he knows he can't tolerate much alcohol.
"Do they even have anything here that don't contain alcohol ?" I ask.
"Of course they do. I did some research before bringing you here after all you're going to drop me when I get drunk." He says with a wink. I roll my eyes at him and just then my phone beeps. Before I could see who's message is it, the phone is ripped from my hand. Aarav puts my phone in his pocket.
"No distractions today Kiara. I want your undivided attention at me so that you understand you are losing an opportunity of lifetime by not being my wife." He says and laugh at that. Like really laughs hard. No one can fix my mood as good as this person and he smiles at me, his feeling of victory visible in his eyes.

Its  been 20 mins since Aarav went to use the washroom and he hasn't came back, seems the line is longer than I thought. "We'll be meeting soon gentlemen" I hear a too familiar voice and see in the direction and see a silhouette of a familiar figure and I don't know why I wish he were my devil. I think I am really going insane and the hot chocolate isn't doing it for me so I call the waiter and tell him to bring their strongest drink.

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