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I came to the club to meet one of my grandma's important client. I don't think he's worthy to waste any time on but my grandma ordered me so I was here. The old hag did not wanted to have the meeting in the office and wanted it to be at a open place and the open place for him was this club. I endured this stupid torture for grandma because I'll kill him before I know, if he doesn't stop talking shit to me but I swear I won't be meeting him ever. On my way out with him and his security I see a very gorgeous and very familiar waves of brown hair but I ignore it as I go out with him and hear her voice.
"Seems like we'll be meeting soon, we do make a good pair and next time I'll make sure I'm not the only one having fun" his voice grating on my nerves. I give him a curt nod trying to make him leave as fast as I can so I can go inside and see what my princess is doing. I texted her earlier but she didn't replied me and now I know the reason why. My princess can't wait for another lesson of her life.

I go inside the club and stalk straight towards the direction where I heard the voice and I see her and it seems like it has been forever since the last time I saw her. It may as well be, given that I actively avoided any confrontation with her and also made sure that the best friend of hers don't uses this chance to get to her. I go up to her and call her "Princess." She looks up at me with those cute and  gorgeous eyes but as if she isn't seeing me. Her pupils are dilated and I take the glass kept in front of her and smell it. Oh so she took vodka all alone in such a club. That builds a rage inside me. I take her wrist and pull her up and she starts swaying, confirming my suspicions that she is drunk. I pull her with me to the hidden lounge which only a few people know about. She follows me swaying and stumbling all her way without saying a single word as if she isn't here.

Once we reach the place I turn around and get in her face my grip tightening on her wrist and I know because now she's trying to free herself. The idea that someone could've used this state of her to his advantage brings murderous ideas in my mind.
"What the fuck you are doing here alone ?" All the anger seeping in my voice but as if she can't understand me.
"I was- wasn't alone I had my thoughts of the devi- devil to give company." She says stuttering and swaying and I wonder if devil is the nickname she gave to her best friend and that angers me more that she's thinking about him.
"Wait, why are you looking like my devil ? He isn't supposed to be here in front of me. Shhhhh I will not tell him that I saw you" she says and starts laughing.
"Princess what the fuck are you talking about , look at me now" I say irritated by the whole situation. She looks up at me only now actually seeing me. She brings her other hand up that I am not holding , swipes her finger on my upper lips and then puts the same finger in her mouth and I can see her sucking on her finger.
"Mmm what did you had ? It tastes yum I want to have it too" she says clearly lost in the flavour of the drink I just had and damn, that gets me hard. I've never seen something so innocent and yet erotic at the same time.

She tries to bring the finger back at my lips but this time I hold her other hand too and bring them together in my one hand behind her. Using my other hand to hold her neck so she's looking straight at me. As if anticipating what is coming she swipes her tongue on her lips. And that undoes me. I need a taste and I bent down and seal my lips on hers. Hers are softest thing I've felt in my whole life. I nibble on her upper lips until she opens her mouth to let me in. And when she does I lose every control I had and start devouring her. She tries to meet my strokes with hers. Maybe coming back to her senses she tries to push me away but I don't let her, I keep on kissing her, devouring her, relishing her taste. She bites on my tongue and it bleeds the metallic taste adding to the appeal but I still don't stop.

When I finally leave her she puts both her hands on her lips.
"Don't ever drink when I'm not aroun-" I am cut off from whatever I was saying by her slap straight on my cheeks.
"That was my first kiss asshole. Who gave you the permission to take it." She says finally realizing it is me. The idea that no one but me knows the taste of those heavenly lips fills me with pride but I can't show it to her.
"Either it was me or other asshole who would've done it given your drunken state. Are you insane princess ? Why the hell would you come here of all places alone and get drunk ?" I ask. She flinches from my tone but otherwise keeps her composure.

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