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I carry her to the bathroom to clean her up because it would be a cold day in hell if I allow her to suffer more. My princess may look like the most careless person in the world but I've realized the fact that she just cares too much. It's just that all that care ends when it comes to her, she can definitely cut a bitch for anyone else. But for herself, she just becomes a casualty. And it's not that she doesn't tries to do things for herself ; she just don't know what to do to care for herself. And in such a case, I'm there to spoil my princess because she deserves the whole lot of it. She can give all her care to the whole fucking world and I'll give them all to her. Only her. I know she wouldn't have ever agreed to come stay with me if she didn't cared about her sisters. And at a certain point I hated myself to make her do something she doesn't want to but now, I think it was the right thing to do. Or else how would've I known of her sickness. I was down preparing some cheesecakes for her because the other day, when Nate brought her food she asked if he could get some but unfortunately the stores were closed. When I heard that sound of something falling, it was like my soul left my body and went back to that little boy who lost his mom and dad. Every wrong possibilities I could think of came running to me. Each one more horrifying than the previous one. I came rushing and when I saw her weeping on the ground, it felt like something was breaking inside me. Nothing has ever felt so damn threatening. I could see those dark smoke like demons coming from the place where she was lying on the ground, trying to get in the segments of my whole being and take me somewhere away from my princess.

She groans in my arms , probably it's another cramp hitting her and that sound shakes me all from the inside. I open the door with my free hand and hoist her up to the marble surface near the sink.
She's not looking me at me, her eyes are everywhere but me. That's when I see it. It's shame. She's feeling shameful. And for what ? For being ill, for throwing up. Fuck, at this moment all I want to do is give her a knife and ask her to stab me. Might as well make my dream come true. I reach up my hand to her cheeks but she turns her head away.
"Look at me, princess" I say quite firmly and she raises her eyes to meet mine. There's unshed tears , and what I was thinking : shame. Any other person would expect sympathy or some soothing words but I know if I give her those, she'll fight me more. She's just like an injured lioness; she doesn't need any soothing words and I too am not sure enough that I can give them those so all I do is stay silent and look at her. Actually look at her. Her eyes have that brown shade but completely different. Deep and rich just like the colour of the chocolates she like so much. The brown during the dawn and sunset which can't decide it has to become yellow or get darker. The dried roses who may be dead for the world but holds so much affection , love and acceptance that it experienced while going from it's owner to his lover. Her eyes are so damn beautiful that even the greatest poets would fail to describe them. Her lips , those cheeks , her hair. Fuck ! I can look at her all my life and still would want to look at her after my death.
Focusing back at the task at hand , I bent down and remove a wash cloth from the drawer and put it under the tap. Once the cloth gets wet enough, I hold Kiara's chin in one hand and make her face me. Carefully I take the cloth and clean the area near her mouth properly, not applying much pressure. Once it's done I take away the cloth. And give her a glass of water so she can cleanse her mouth. She takes the water and gurgles and rinses her mouth clean.
"Now let's do it my way. Can you take a bath or I help you to take a shower ? I do prefer the second option better."
I ask with a smirk but can't help the image of her in the shower forming in my brain. I'm hard just by the thought of it. She has the body of a goddess and I don't need to look at her to know the fucking fact.
" Shut up idiot. Ever seen a mirror ?" Oh I see my princess is back. I catch hold her head and she tries to fight, but her strength is nothing in front of mine . I turn her so that she's facing the mirror behind her. The reflection of us both in the mirror clear and the realization hit me right at that moment. No one fits my image so perfectly. No one can make me look so complete by just existing except my princess. I never believed in matches made in heaven ; but looking at her , i fucking know she's the one.
" Look at that, we look quite good together "
"In your dreams"
"Naah , right in front of me. And don't bring up topics like my dreams. You've got no idea what all things we do in them."
I expect some snarky comment from her but all emotions drain away from her face. At this moment she can pass as a fucking feelingless statue but then she looks in my eyes in the reflection. This time they are filled with dare , challenge and fight. She bites her lips ever so slowly as if her teeth and lips are playing a rhythm together causing every libido on my body to rear their heads up.
"Like what ?" She asks in a voice so deep and seducing that it's fucking impossible for me to stop anymore.  I plant a kiss on the mirror where  the reflection of her cheeks are visible. She eyes my every momeng with so much curiosity as if she can't wait to see what else I do. I turn her head back again so she faces me.
"You are getting yourself in a big trouble princess."
"And you think I am scared of them ?"
"I want to kiss you."
"I just threw up , I'm sure you won't like the taste. A glass of water can't clean all of it "
Fuck. I lean down low enough that our lips are just touching and then I feel her nod and that's all the invitation i need.

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