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This egoistic, narcissistic, rude man needs a lesson of his life. Well both can play the game. I drink the water kept in the glass all while staring him. The cold water hits my throat, the airconditioner is doing it's best to keep it cool but can't seem to cool the hot rage burning inside me because of this man who has made me furious by just existing.

"Yess ?" I almost choke on my water hearing his gruff voice. And the hot tone isn't helping with my anger. I straighten myself and answer him with my most rude voice which I may even reserve only for him, "Hello to you too, your soon to be assistant here."
"Didn't anyone thaught you to introduce yourself with your name before your soon-to-be or may-not-be post, miss ?"
This man, ughhh. "And here I assumed  you were smart enough to know who you are meeting" I say with as much sass I can gather.
He finally turns his attention from me to the laptop and closes it. Sliding it aside and brings back his attention at me. But doesn't gives his customized remarks on my comment.

I know this play too well, men like him throw their opponents in these uncomfortable silence situations so  that they say something inappropriate and these men grab it like a wolf on hunt. He lifts his forefinger in the air and a waiter comes rushing towards our table. He orders some god knows what salad maybe and And nods towards me and just like that the waiter brings his attention to me. This man can be all rude he wants to be but I'm not rejecting a free dinner so I put on my best smile. "Manchurian chilli, Shahi paneer and 2 generously buttered naans would do it for me," I say. And as I expected he somewhat relaxed, all the uneasiness since he was summoned by the devil almost gone. He scurries away as soon as I order him and I am again alone with the devil.

"I assumed girls don't eat these stuffs to maintain their body or something" he says countering my previous statement with his.
"You can assume all you want about me, Mr.Bansal but the possibility of them being right is close to zero. And a very kind reminder, I am a women last I checked. "
"You may as well be a kid with all the clumsiness you displayed on your tour to the table, and don't forget to add the lack of manners and ethics."
"That was because of the godforsaken heels."
"Semantics." He says it and complete
l goes silent as if he never said that.
"And a kind reminder to you too, I have a lot more work other than wasting my time on assuming things about you." His voice so cold trying to convey that what he said is right but I am not afraid, I keep my expressions unfazed and bend towards him ever so slightly and say "Yet here we are." In a sultry voice.

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