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He stands from his chair and come towards me until he's standing just in front of me. And I finally can see his height , he's almost 6 feet 2 with broad shoulders and a lean waist like the ones you see on the magazine cover pages and keep drooling over it. The suit fits him well and his black hair shines when the moonlight coming from the windows fall on them. His high cheek bones , full lips , long lashes all adding to his appeal. I hate myself to say this but he is perfection personified.

I am still sitting looking up at him when he ever so slowly starts bending towards me. His face is  just a breath away from mine, his eyes studying me keenly to find something that I don't know. He bends a bit too as if he's going to kiss me. And damn if I am not excited to taste him although I've never kissed a man and have no idea what the hell happens other than what I've read in my books. He shifts a bit so that his lips are near my ears and I see a napkin in my peripheral. "I think you are right, it would be hell lot of fun to have you as my assistant, to order and dominate you " he says in a voice that I'm sure should be labeled illegal because of the things it is doing to me. I am so immersed in his voice that I don't register the dab of the napkin at the side of my lips and the words he just used. I pull away so fast that I tip on my chair, I think god really wants me to fall today but Shaurya catches my hand firmly. I pull my hand away from his hold and glare at him "You didn't just say that ." I say in horror and he pounces on my strong reaction immediately.
"But I did" he says with a humourless laugh.

I do the only thing I know I am capable of right now. I run away as fast as I can not waiting for anyone. When I reach the exit I turn around and see a smirk pulling on his lips and that's the moment I know I am doomed for the next coming days or months even.

I drink the milk in the glass in one go and go find my keys. Apparently today is my first day as the devil's assistant. I got a message yesterday from Mrs.Bansal informing me to be on time today. She said and I might quote ' Shaurya is a very discipline obsessed person and can't tolerate any mistakes.' As if I don't know how much of a dick he can be. But he doesn't know me yet and I'm sure I'll make him know it so that he doesn't pull such stunt again on me like the last time.

I am standing right in front of the building where I'm supposed to start working for the devil. Book my advanced tickets to the hell please. Suddenly a hand wraps around my neck and I know immediately who it is. My bestfriend. I'm about to cry right here. I needed him so much. He knows what happened that day except for the parting words- if you can call it that about ordering and dominating me that the devil said me. I was feeling too shameful to tell that even if it wasn't my mistake.

"Hey beautiful", Aarav says and I give him my smile which may be a bit forced. He knows me too well and catches that squinting his eyes at me. We practically grew up together and he knows me better than anyone. I mentally curse myself to be a killjoy to him when he doesn't deserves this. I close my eyes to bring the normal me back.
"Hey you okay ? You know we can run away and marry if you don't get a partner and I can surely protect you from your boss."
That makes me laugh usual me coming back. This is his way to comfort me, I've been always teased because I never had a boyfriend and then he decided that he'll play as my love interest so that no one teases me. He never stopped teasing though. My phone beeps

Unknown number : If your get together with your boyfriend is over , come in my office.

My Office
Ohh seems like I know who this unknown person is. Stupid.

Kiara : Last I checked I was scheduled to come at 9 and if my watch is right there's still 20 mins left.

I hit send and put the phone in my bag. I'm not letting this man ruin my happy people. "You weren't supposed to be here until tomorrow, what are you doing here ?" I ask because he was at his native place in Rajasthan for one of his cousin's wedding.
"All important rituals were completed, you needed a complete emotional support, I didn't find my soulmate, And many more reasons to be here" He says. Soulmate talks from his mouth seems too odd because he's too afraid of relationships not that he would say that loud but I know it. That's what bestfriend are there for after all.

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