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My vision blurred as I opened my eyes, and I hissed in pain at the intensity of the light that blinded me. Pain rolled through my head in waves making me groan. A sound I think is familiar rings somewhere near me but I can't bring myself to think about it. "Fuck" I groaned trying to focus on the soft fabric under me. I tried to open my eyes squinting my eyes a bit and huge mistake ! The world rolls in a totally different way which I can't orient myself to. The sound is still coming but I don't care about it anymore as something really really sweet assaults my nose. I don't open my eyes and let my nose lead me to the sweetness. After I take a few steps i open my eyes and quickly realize i am in my room and the light from earlier was coming from the windows. I am still disoriented to think about anything else so I do the only thing I can I follow the smell and reach my dining table and holy shit. I blink a few times to make sure that whatever I'm seeing is true. As if I just entered a exhibition if desserts, all various types of desserts are lined up on the table. Different shapes different colors and damn sure they must taste like the sweetest oblivion. I pick up the nearest donut and am about to taste it when I hear.
"Ofcourse the child needs a supervision. Where are your manners princess and did you take the pills I kept on your vanity. I should've expected that you won't go to the mirror as soon as you wake like other women do." And the devil appears in front of me.

I am stunned to silence for a good couple of minutes before I finally find my composure and see him. Everything from last night coming back. My first kiss. Drunken Aarav and dear god i slept in the devil's arms and now standing in front of me without anything but his joggers that is hanging low on his hips. I've imagined his body many times than I would accept but dear god nothing could've made me ready to face the real him. He has a body that would give all the top models in the industry a run for their money. His tan skin with the abs and are they tattoos snaking from his biceps and going towards his back. This man is sin personified and for a fraction of second I wonder he would be up to be my meal with all those desserts. Shut up kiara. Come back to your senses I say to that forbidden small part and put my mask of indifference.
"What the hell are you doing here and how do you know the code to my house lock ? Started stalking people around sir ?" I stretch the last word clearly trying to provoke him but he doesn't shows any changes.
"Ignore my calls and texts again princess and me knowing your codes will be the least of your worries." He says in a non negotiable voice and that makes me tick. Both can play the game devil. I know he's expecting a burst out or a strong reaction for me but I am not stupid enough to give him the satisfaction. I turn around and go back to my room.

After 30 mins I come back to the living room cleaned and dressed for the day.
"Did you take the pills ?" He asks typing away something on his phone while sitting on the dining table. Ofcourse I took the pill. I love my self respect but to defend it I needed a clear mind and I took it but he doesn't needs to know it.
"We need to take those pills for it to work ? I thought draining them in the basin would do it for me." I say in my most innocent voice.
" And when are you planning to leave my house if you don't know I'll take pleasure to show you the door" I say and that gets his attention because he looks up at me.
"I am already late and I'm not a fan of leaving my work on pending and returning home will only waste my time. And if you remember there's a fundraiser we need to attend this evening. So it's only fair I stay here until we need to leave for the event." He says and clearly I'm too tired to argue so I let him be and go to my desserts.
" Care to explain why so many desserts are here ?" I ask in sarcasm.
"I figured you aren't a black coffee person and it would be a hell to handle a hungry kid right in the morning " He says, a smug smile appearing on his face.

Once i'm done taking my fill for the day I put all the remaining desserts in the refrigerator. This asshole can't make me hate sweets even if they are coming from the devil.
"I've sent you some documents princess study them and we need the same conditions in the other document because we are changing our client." He says.
I narrow my eyes at him and say
"I thought you don't send important documents on personal phones " and he just lifts a shoulder . This man is impossible.
I look at the documents and instantly know who the client is.
"Why are we changing the client this one will bring more profit to the company than any other option. " I say. He groans and says
"I know that princess but he isn't ready to accept our conditions I personally called him this morning but the man was unmovable."
"Let me try he won't say no to me" I say.
"And why are you so sure about that princess ?"
"Because I am very charming and everyone likes me."
He frowns and scoffs
"I don't like you princess." That makes me bristle at him.
"I don't like you either but you don't see me announcing it to the world."
"I'm not the one claiming to be charming and very likeable "
"Good thing because you are not charming."
We stare at each other for a few beats and then he says
"I've been told that I have very good body and personality "
And that makes me chuckle and I go in a fit of laughter.

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