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Something is wrong. Something is definitely wrong and I am not just saying it because I woke from a bad dream. A bad dream that has been haunting me since a decade and yet I can't understand it. I peek out from the blanket and regret it the very moment. He is sitting right in front of me. Realization starts settling in. I dozed off in what ? Yeah, a bath tub. I wouldn't have believed it if someone else would've told me that. Realization starts settling in. I was naked but now I am wearing something though my legs are still bare. Did he ? Did he saw me ? Without my permission. I am going to kill him. I wake up so dramatically that for a second he too is shocked before he schools his expressions.
"How dare you ?" I ask trying to put all the venom in my voice. But I think he hasn't read the situation yet because he quirks a bow and says "Well I am a daring person." This is too much. I am hating him more day by day.
"Who do you think you are to put clothes on me ?"
"Your fiance. And are you offended because I covered you with clothes ? Would you rather be all naked ? Seriously I would love that idea." That smirk again.
"You are my fiance only on papers. Once the period is over I'd never see you again." Ahh, I hit a nerve there because he sits straighter in the chair and I kind of feel sorry for the chair. It's practically getting crushed under his weight. He keeps staring me for a good minute and that stare makes me feel uncomfortable in my own skin and then he stands reminding me how huge he is. He was hurricane in his suit but this ; in only sweatpants hanging low on his hips is more disastrous. I can recall him wearing a t-shirt when he came in my room in the morning and then i look down and realize that I am infact wearing his t-shirt. He's charging towards with such slow steps and now I can imagine how does a deer feels when he gets trapped with the lion.  Hoping and praying for the mercy he will never get.

A storm brewing in the middle of the ocean , ready to destroy anything that comes in it's way. Ready to take lives and wreck havoc in it's wake. The winds surrounding it so dark that even the sun hides in their shadows. The almighty sun too fearing it. That's all I can see in his eyes as he's staring at me trying to claw my insides and pull out every dark things to add in his dark collection and good things to turn them in to darkness too. And honestly I should feel afraid. There's this aura of him which anyone close can feel and get the intended message to stay away. He catches hold of my hand and pulls me so brutally that I am sure that it will hurt like hell when I hit the ground so I close my eyes to protect myself from the impact though it won't work. I  hit something hard , oh god I don't want to die so soon. I feel something snaking around my waist and that might be the whips of the death angels came to take away my soul. Oh god, this is really happening .

 "Open your eyes, princess" the sound of the death god too is similar to that idiot. Wait , princess ? I open my eyes and find myself in his embrace and he has held me high enough that my feet can't touch the ground and that whip, yeah that was his hand. 

"Say those words again and I'll show you how real our marriage will be" he says and his voice itself is a weapon.

 "The contra-" before I complete my sentence he cuts me off

 "Don't complete that" and goosebumps erupt all over my skin. His body provides so much warmth that I might stay like this for decades and at the same time his eyes and voice give away such coldness and I am trapped between this not sure what I have to do. So I do the only sane thought I can think of which definitely does not include anything sexual or related to his body and he moulds against me as if he was custom made for me.  I start throwing my hands 

"Put me down . I can walk myself" 

 "Try some new words, princess. I am kind of bored hearing the same thing.

" Saying that he starts walking out of the room, down the stairs. I swear if I fell I am definitely going to kill him.

 "You really think I'll let you fall ? hmm princess?" I look at him but his gaze is on my hands which are holding for dear life. I quickly remove my hands and he lifts me up to the kitchen's counter and makes me sit there. 

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