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Drip Drip Drip
The sound is reverberating in my head like a mantra. Everything's getting blur. I can't comprehend where the fuck I am. All I can understand is the drip sounds are creating a havoc in my brain.
Someone's saying something. I don't know what they are saying or doing but I can hear their sounds. "Shaurya , Shaurya " oh they are calling someone. The fuck. They are calling me. I am Shaurya. And they aren't calling they are screaming my name. I try to open my eyes the moment my eyelids move, a shit ton of pain spreads in my head. What the fuck is happening. "Shaurya , open your eyes you idiot." I recognize this voice. It's...... It's my brother. Raj. I really need to know the situation around me. I try opening my eyes again. And this time the pain is bearable so keep on trying . I can see tiny bits of light here and there. But it's still too much dark.
"Thank god ! " it's Raj again. And he looks relieved even his voice has changed it's pitch. But me ? I am still not getting what the hell happened. I try to move my hands and thankgod they move properly. But the surface down is too rough. "Help me to get up " I say in my dishelved voice or whatever my brain was able to form. And Raj helps me to get up. "Yo big bro ! You are giving me more worries than I should have at this age." I gingerly hear him and look around. And it is indeed dark here because it's still midnight. And the place. Fuck !! I was laying down on a fucking road. What the hell happened.

"What am I doing here ? " I ask to Raj and he looks at me as if I've grown another head or maybe two judging by the look he's giving me.
"You are asking me what happened ?"
"Stop joking around. Is there anyone else here whom I'll be asking."
And he starts laughing. Laughing so hard that he might've laid down on the ground too if he wasn't holding me. And this shit is getting at my last nerves.
"This isn't the place or time to joke so you better start speaking . What am I doing here and what happened ?" I give him my no nonsense look and thankfully he takes the sign.
"Ohkay ohkay, I am telling but first let me takr you to that bench . Look brotherhood and all is good but it's bad for my reputation to sit here like homeless."
"You better start speaking or I'll make sure you just don't look like homeless but be homeless." I start to stand up, because whatever rubbish he's saying ; I think I better not sit any longer here. But as if my body has decided it won't be supporting me today, my legs start shaking again and another pair of hands hold my biceps. And these belong to my another brother Ansh. He's younger than me and older than Raj by a year but he's a perfect combination of my calmness and Raj's playfulness. "Look where you're going bro. " And now the situation is escalating. What the fuck is happening ? What are they both doing here ? And they are helping me from god knows what happened to me. And I do hope there isn't much damage considering that I can still walk talk and think . They both help me to the bench and once I settle down. They come and stand in front of me. And their scrutinizing looks are making me go crazy.
"What the hell fuckers ? Tell me something don't keep on looking like that."
Raj looks at Ansh and says.
"I was having a really amazing night at the downtown club"
"And I was playing my game while munching on my favorite pizza and popcorns."
They both look at each other for a while and then at me.
"That's when you called us on our group chat" they both practically shout in unison.
"And ?" I ask. Ansh removes his phone from his pocket and taps on the screen something and an audio starts. And I recognize all our three voices.
Raj : Yo bro ! I knew you'd regret      rejection my offer to come club with me.

Shaurya : Hello my brother. I really need your help right now.

Ansh : Shaurya ? Are you ok ? Where are you ?

Raj : What happened to your voice ? Are you by any chance drunk ?

Shaurya : No shutup. You don't get to tell me whether I am drunk or not. Listen carefully. I need money. Lot's of money.

Raj : I don't know why but my instincts are saying this is going to be fun. 😂😂😂

Ansh : Let him say. Why do you need money and how much ?

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