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Marley is laying on her bed, sketching a picture of Luke, when Jane comes in to tell Mal the bad news. Marley smiles at Jane, causing Jane to give her a small smile back.

"Mom said, 'If a boy can't see the beauty within, then he's not worth it' Can you believe it? What kind of world does she live in?" Jane says before she flops down onto Evie's bed.

"Auradon." Mal says.

"Mars, Mal. Do you like?" Evie asks as she holds up the dress she just made.

"Yeah, it's cute." Mal says barley looking up.

Marley rolls her eyes playfully at her sister, "It brings out your eyes, E." 

"I know." Evie says with a smile.

"I'll never get a boyfriend." Jane complains.

"Boyfriends are overrated." Mal says.

"Eh, I wouldn't mind one." Marley says as she goes back to her sketch of Luke, smiling slightly.

"How would you know. You've never had one, M." Evie says with a smirk.

"Cause I don't need one, E." Mal smirks back.

Evie suddenly gasps, "I forgot to do Chad's homework!" She gets up running to grab a bag, "Oh, no! Oh no, no, no."

Marley looks at her confused, "Why would you do the airhead Prince's homework?"

"And that is exactly what I mean." Mal says.

"Hey guys!" A girl with short hair says as she knocks on the open door, before walking into the room, "I'm Lonnie." Marley, Mal, and Evie just look at her, "My mom's Mulan. No?  Anyways, I love what you've done with Jane's hair. And I know you hate us, and well, you're evil. But do you think you could do mine?"

"Why would I do that for you?" Mal asks.

"I'll pay you 50 dollars." Lonnie says.

"Good answer." Evie says as she takes the money from Lonnie, "I need to buy more material, and I know Mars needs a new sketch book." Causing Marley to nod her head, this one was almost full, "Let's see, I'm thinking we lose the bangs, maybe some layers and some highlights."

"Yeah, yeah. I want it cool. Like Marley's and Mal's." Lonnie says.

"Really? Mal's split ends too?" Marley asks in fake shock, causing Mal to glare at her sister, as Evie shakes the money, making Mal let out a dramatic sigh before grabbing the spell book.

"Beware, forswear, replace the old with cool hair."  Mal says as she moves her finger causing Lonnie's head to move before her hair grows longer with curls.

"I know. I know. It looks like a mop on your head." Evie says as Lonnie stares in the mirror speechless, "You know what? Let's cut it off, layer it..."

"No,no,no,no,no,no! I love it."Lonnie says excitedly.

"You do?" Evie asks shocked.

"It's just..." Lonnie says before she rips her skirt on the side, "Now I'm cool."

"Like ice." Marley and Mal say.

Jane then walks in front of the mirror before ripping her skirt, then gasping in shock, "What did I just do?Mom's gonna kill me."

After Lonnie and Jane left, Carlos came over with a dog, much to the three girls'surprise. They were all working on homework, waiting for Jay to show up.

"Yo-ho-ho! Hey!" Jay says as he enters the room wearing a jersey with his name on it.  Carlos whistles at him before Jay walks over to Mal, "Did your plan work with Jane? Are you going over there to see the wand?"

"Do you think I would be going through every single spell in the book, if I hadn't completely struck out?" Mal asks frustrated.

"Oh, someone's in a bad mood." Carlos says causing Mal to glare at him.

"Our mom's counting on us! We can't let her down!" Mal says before flicking the Carlos on the back of his head.

"We can do this...." Jay says gaining everyone's attention, "If we stick together."

"And we won't go back....until we do." Mal says firmly.

"Cause we're rotten..." Marley starts with a nod of her head.

"To the core." The others finish.

"Oh, yeah. I found out that Fairy Godmother blesses Ben and Luke with the wand at coronation and we all get to go." Evie says, "I have nothing to wear, of course."

There's a knock at the door, when Evie notices everyone's look on their face, "What?"

"Hold that thought." Marley and Mal say, before getting up and answering the door.

"Hey Mal/Marley." Ben and Luke say with smiles on their faces as they answer the door.

"We didn't see you guys today. We were just wondering if you guys had any questions or anything...that you needed." Luke says staring at Marley.

"Not that I know of." Marley says with a smile, before looking at the others who shake their heads no.

"Okay. All right. Well, uh, if you need anything just, uh...." Ben says as stares at Mal, before starting to walk away with Luke, as Mal gets an idea.

"Oh, wait!" Mal calls out causing Ben and Luke to stop, "Um, is it true that we all get to go to your guys coronation?"

"Yeah, the whole school goes." Ben answers with a smile, as they walk back over.

"Wow. That is beyond exciting." Marley says with a dimpled smile, causing Luke to mentally swoon, "Do you think that it's a possibility that the five of us could stand in the front row, next to Fairy Godmother just so we could soak up all that goodness?" Luke and Ben look like they want to answer yes, but they stop.

"We wish you could. Up front it's just me, Ben, our folks, Ben's girlfriend, and my girlfriend." Luke says.

"If he ever gets one." Ben says teasingly, causing Luke to punch his shoulder and glare, as Marley snorts before she covers it up with a fake cough once seeing Luke playfully glaring at her.

"And your girlfriends?" Mal asks, coming up with an idea in her head.

"Yeah. I'm sorry." Ben says causing Mal to flash him a fake smile.

"Okay. Thanks, bye." Mal says before she closes the door in their faces, as Marley looks at her sister confused.

"I think it's time that Bennyboo got himself a new girlfriend, and for Luke to finally have one." Mal says with a smirk as she looks at her sister.

Marley starts to shake her head no, "No. No. No. I'm not casting a love spell on Luke, Mal. Believe it or not I actually really like him, and I'm pretty sure he likes me. I want this to happen naturally if it's going to happen." 

Mal and Marley glare at each other, their eyes flashing purple and green. The other three watching and waiting to see who cracks first this time.

Mal huffs, before looking away from Marley, "Fine. I can see how you guys look at each other. We won't use a love spell on Luke." Marley smiles happily before wrapping her sister in a hug, causing Mal to laugh and push her off her.

"I, on the other hand am going to need a love spell." Mal says as she claps her hands for her book, which Carlos throws to her.

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