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Marley and Mal are looking towards the Isle, both with a pair of binoculars trying to find any sign of Uma. Ben and Luke sneak up behind both girls before hugging them from behind, causing both girls to let out squeals. Mal lightly hits Ben on the shoulder causing him to laugh, while Marley just shakes her head and smiles up at Luke, who places a kiss on her head.

"Not a tentacle in sight." Marley says as she looks out at the water.

"I think if Uma was up to something..." Luke starts.

"We'd know by now." Ben finishes.

"No Ben, Luke, we know how villains think. And we don't trust Uma as far as we can throw her. She's gonna wait until our defenses are down and then, that's when she's gonna strike." Mal explains to the brothers.

"I really wish Mal and I had time to go do a dragon flyover, because we can go so much higher." Marley goes to look through the binoculars along with Mal but Ben and Luke grabs them.

"Well, you guys can't be everywhere at once." Luke says causing the sisters to look at him, "Besides, we've got your back." They all look up to see guards looking out at the water with binoculars.

"Now, come on, everyone's waiting for us." Ben says as the brothers try to get the sisters to move.

"Wait. But you're getting more guards?" The sisters asked.

"We're getting more guards, now breathe." The brothers tell them, before all four take deep breaths together, "Now, come on."

"Here they come." Evie tells Doug excitedly as the crowd starts cheering, Marley and Luke walking in front of Ben and Mal, waving to the crowd as Ben and Mal do as well. Doug then gets the band to start playing. Both couples step onto the platform.

"Stay." Fairy Godmother tells they sisters as they try to step off the platform, Ben and Luke wrap an arm around Mal and Marley's waists as they couples wave to the people before the band stops.

"Bippity-boppity, one, two, one, two. Can everybody hear me?" Fairy Godmother asks through a microphone.

"Yes." Jane laughs from beside Carlos, holding his hand. Fairy Godmother then hands two microphones to Ben and Luke.

"Thank you, Fairy Godmother." Ben says through the microphone before looking out at everyone, "What's up Auradon? Thank you. Thank you so much for coming out to welcome our new arrivals. They'll be here soon." Everyone cheers besides Chad, Audrey, and Queen Leah.

"It worked out pretty well for the last five." Luke says as Marley smiles up at him.

"Yeah, especially for you two." Chad says earning a glare from Audrey.

"We have another special announcement to make." Luke says looking down at Marley who smiles and kisses his cheek, "A few days ago, I asked Marley a very important question and I am very pleased to say she said yes." Which caused the crowd to gasp and some to cheer already having an idea what the question was.

"So I'm very excited to introduce you to my future wife, the future Princess of Auradon, Princess Marley." Luke says with a blinding smile, bringing Marley's hand up to his lips and places a kiss on her hand that showed off her engagement ring.

The crowd cheered loudly as Mal and Ben pulled the couple in a hug, and then Luke pulled Marley into his chest and placed a kiss on her lips as the crowd aw'ed at the sweet moment. Luke then handed the microphone back to Fairy Godmother, and the couple waved to the crowd once more before joining Belle and Beast by the stage. Belle and Beast pulled the couple into a group hug as they once again congratulated the couple.

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