Chapter 07

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Jeremy had the idea late one night while sleeping on the pull-out couch in the cottage. They'd had another night talking until late, but despite the easy nature of her words he could see stress piling on her shoulders.

It seemed unnatural seeing her burdened by the weight of something powerful. It hurt him to think of the comparison to seeing her in the kitchen that first time. Gracefully moving as if there were no care in the world. He wanted that Georgia back. He would do anything for that Georgia.

'Are you sure?' Georgia asked, frowning at him.

'You'd be doing me a favour,' he insisted.

She sighed. Something was building in her mind, and she couldn't get away from it. The past few days had her struggling to smile, to keep encouraging Jeremy. Her sunshine was dimming, and she felt the loss like a plant without leaves, standing but unable to bask in the sun.

'Alright then.' She found a small smile. 'Only because it's a favour to you though.'

Georgia swore she saw a twinkle in his eye as he -pumped the air like a child who just got the upper hand on his mum. Seeing the excitement on his face caused a flutter in her chest, something she had been avoiding.

He'd mentioned once about a complicated dating history but hadn't gone into the details. It bugged her, not knowing where she stood or where he stood. He confused her.

'You could invite Kelly, provide another opinion,' he suggested, pushing her phone towards her.

Now she was suspicious. He hadn't mentioned Kelly since she was here the other day and hadn't seemed interested in learning more about her since the first time he'd met her.

Kelly had been coming over like clockwork for the past two weeks. Tuesdays and Saturdays. He had mostly found reasons to be away from the cottage and once had been back in the city for a long weekend. He'd been a shell of himself when he'd returned to the cottage. The smile had been left behind and he looked like the first day she'd met him. Tired and lost.

Georgia wished she could go back to before the weekend to see that smile once more. She didn't know what had happened in the city over the past few days – she wasn't sure she wanted to know – but she did know that it hurt her It didn't reach his eyes. Those were exhausted, hurt and frustrated.

'It's Sunday. She doesn't usually come on Sundays,' Georgia questioned with narrowed eyes.

'I didn't think you'd be a stickler for the rules?' he teased her, a half-hearted smile painted on his lips. 'She didn't come yesterday.'

Georgia watched him as he broke eggs and estimated spices, stirring and folding, at home in her small kitchen. He kept attempting to smile at her, nodding towards the phone. She gave in after a while.

She was fine with the idea of a low key day, spending the hours trying to cheer up Jeremy, but this is what he kept insisting on, so far as to say it would be the thing to cheer him up when she asked why.

She contemplated texting Kelly but knew Jeremy wouldn't be satisfied with a pending answer. Kelly sounded like the way Georgia felt lately, tired.

'It sounds like a date, Gia; I don't want to interrupt.' She hesitated.

'It's not a date, Kel, he asked if you'd like to come. Besides, he's cooking, and it smells heavenly. I'd marry that man if I could smell that every day. Hell, even if only on Sundays.' She laughed, unaware her words carried through the open window and into the cottage.

'That good? Count me in. I'll be there in twenty.' She reluctantly gave in, promising to bring a bottle of juice. Neither touched alcohol, Kelly following Georgia's advice with that.

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