Chapter 08

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The sun slipped behind the clouds on the horizon, a dull shade of pink lingering for a mere moment. It was not a sunset worth noting, Jeremy had pointed out twice in the space of five minutes. Dinner had been enjoyed with Georgia's favourite playlist in the background. She had played the song Hesitate by Hazlin many times already and had danced slowly to it. Much to Jeremy's chagrin, she'd convinced him to join her.

Her fingertips grazed the nape of his neck as they swayed together. His dug slightly into her hips, pressing a little harder each time she stood on his toes. Blush decorated her cheeks each time, sometimes a giggle would slip out. Despite his earlier complaints, Jeremy led them around the small living room, eyes half shut.

'You're good at this.' She murmured.

'You're not.' He tried to hold back his grin. She pouted but didn't deny it. She wasn't well known for her dancing skills, but that never stopped her. 'Maybe I'll teach you one day.'

Her heart skipped a beat at his words. An image of them dancing in the cottage with grey hairs and wrinkles sprung to mind, slowly rocking back and forth and holding each other with nothing but love and cherished memories.

Georgia couldn't recall a time she had been so connected to someone else. It felt intimate. Perfect. As the pink grew a little brighter, the feelings grew deeper. Mister was curled up on a pillow on the bench seat, her favourite song warmed her heart, and the man she was falling for danced with her in the kitchen. It couldn't be any better.

As the tempo rose, Jeremy swung Georgia out and twirled her, bringing her back to his chest without breaking eye contact. She rested her head on his shoulder as the tempo fell back down. Her heart raced like a little rabbit as she closed her eyes, taking every opportunity to keep this moment going. His thumb drifted across the back of her hand as the other tucked a tendril behind her ear. Thump. Her heart rattled in her chest. If she didn't know any better, she'd swear she was falling in love.

Music continued to linger as they moved to sit on the couch together, barely a whisper of space between them. They laughed about a few small things, pausing as the eye contact built the tension around them.

'You are so ...' Georgia watched him, words dancing on her tongue. She couldn't figure out where the line was between them, but it was there. It was stopping her from kissing him every single day. She wanted to, but she couldn't.

'So handsome, smart, funny, talented ... I could go on.' Jeremy continued her sentence for her, the twinkle back in his eye.

Georgia barked a short laugh. 'They may be all true, but I was going for odd.' She smirked.

' you think I'm handsome?' He tilted his head.

'Yes. But that you are odd.' She gestured to her sentence only moments earlier.

'I prefer the words I said that you agree with.' Jeremy winked at her, feeling all warm and content.

'Any woman would be blind if they didn't think were handsome, Jeremy. I'd assume you would know that.' She frowned, hands twisting the blanket on her lap.

He sighed, feeling the moment turn more serious. 'Maybe. But that's got nothing on personality, and when they find out mine, they're more than happy to leave.' Jeremy closed his eyes and swore internally. He didn't know why he was saying those words. They were something he had felt once upon a time, but could he really be complaining now?

Not that Georgia knew, and not that he wanted to admit it, but there was someone who had helped him through that insecurity. Someone who laughed with him, loved him, and spent time growing with him. But somehow that didn't mean enough to him in this moment. He wanted more, needed more, and he knew that it was right there in front of him.

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