Chapter 13

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Songs for this chapter:

Ren : Humble

Ren: Murderer

Ren: Hi Ren

A frantic knocking at the door woke Georgia from her slumber. It paused as she opened her eyes, causing confusion to swirl around her head. Was the sound reality or her dream?

It started again, this time more frenzied than before. 'Georgia, please!' Kelly's voice rang through the front door.

'Are you okay?' Georgia pulled the front door open, concern laced in her words. Sleep was decorating the corners of her eyes where tears sat in Kelly's.

'No,' Kelly cried.

Georgia peered out into the early morning sunrise. There was something unsettling out there. She didn't know what it was, but something was waiting on the horizon, poised to attack.

'He's found me, Georgia. And this time he doesn't care about the restraining order,' Kelly fretted, pacing back and forth in the kitchen.

Georgia felt helpless as Kelly rambled about the past 24 hours and the fear that had surrounded her. 'He was standing at my window. You don't understand the smile that he had, it was like he was telling me that this was it. He had me again.' Kelly held her hand in front of her mouth as she fought against the fear in her chest, the tears slipping down her tired face.

Georgia wrapped her arms around Kelly, unable to share any words of comfort. She didn't know what it was like to live in fear of Mike, a true living . There were rumours he had been diagnosed as a young boy, but the proof hadn't been found. His brother, Jake, had also been a horrible man to live with, but he hadn't chased her down when she left him.

'I don't know if I can keep living like this, Georgia. Looking over my shoulder at every turn, knowing he will always find me and watch me break.' Kelly shook at the idea of never being safe.

'How did you get here?' A wave of ice-cold water spread through Georgia, fear snowballing as seconds ticked by.

'I tricked him by opening the backdoor and he snuck in, but while he was doing that I was creeping out the front door.' Kelly shared the same look as Georgia. The colour drained from her face when she realised what today could bring.

'Lock the doors.' Georgia wished Jeremy was here to keep her calm, to ensure her that everything was going to be okay.

She hated that she felt the need for his presence here to be okay, as if that was being weak, but she hated the fact that he wasn't here because of his lies more. If he hadn't lied, he would be here. But she knew, if he hadn't lied, she wouldn't have fallen in love with him.

Georgia checked all the windows in the house, shutting everything and locking it all down. There were no risks worth taking when it came to Mike.

'I didn't bring my car. I ran in the dark and hid every time there was a car.'

They stood there in the living room, thinking about the curse of the day. Both ladies jumped out of their skin at the sound of Mister climbing through the cat door.

'Oh god,' Georgia swore, grabbing the cat and pulling him into a close hug. 'Does Mike know where I live?'

'I don't think so ...' Kelly paused. 'I wouldn't put it past him to find out though.'

Georgia twisted the lock on the cat door slowly, mind racing a million miles a second. 'We have to call the police. We can't protect June from in here, but we can't leave because he could be anywhere.'

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