last cave drawing

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I sat on the couch in my room as Sav and Johnny were looking at the video I took once again. “I’m telling you Johnny it’s some kind of ancient prophecy!!” Johnny looked at Sav and said “Savanna how is it a prophecy? It’s a cave drawing of a dude with a dog! Nothing special about that. I have a dog!” I laughed they always argued like a married couple. “will you just listen to me! First off she finds the cave then finds a secret room? Seriously it’s like a mystery book it’s all connected.” I shook my head. They were completely nuts.

I got off the couch and asked “anyone hungry?” they both raised their hands. Idiots. I walked back upstairs they’ve been looking at that video for a week now. I sighed and grabbed some chips and dip. *knock, knock* I groaned and walked over to the door my aunt went on a business trip for a few months so it was just me home. I opened the door and I was totally confused how did he know where I live?


I smirked she was completely confused, well she is the only house on this road besides the old couple half way down. I knocked their first. “hi.” I greeted, I to see if she really was my mate I had to… I know I’m attracted to her but a wolf can be attracted to a lot of girls. “how do you know where I live?” she asked I smirked and said “there are only two houses on this road.” She thought about it then shrugged. “true.”

I took a deep breath then reached for her hand she pulled it out of my reach. Dam it. “Listen Vesta um I know I’ve been a little pushy lately.” Lie… I’d fucking lie my way to touch her one touch and I would be sure if she was my mate or not. “a little? You and your friends have been stalking me for like a month! What do I smell good?” she asked… Yes but besides that… “yeah I know I’m really sorry it’s just that… um…” she started tapping her foot she’s impatient isn’t she. “After I saw you in the tattoo shop I kind of started asking around about you and well the guys said that you really never dated so I wanted to ask you out then they all wanted to ask you out.”

That was a complete lie its was half true. She thought about it “fine whatever why are you at my house?” she asked I looked to the porch god this was stupid. “I wanted to apologize.” She looked very relaxed I darted my hand out and touched hers. As our skin touched I felt it… the pure sign of mating… I felt heat rise from where our skin was touching to my whole body. Oh god... my mate was a human.

I watched as she looked at me then pulled her hand away she inspected it so she does feel something but the pull isn’t there. Why is there no pull? I watched as she said “fine apology accepted now go away.” She shut the door in my face. I turned and walked down the steps but I was not leaving yet. I walked around the house and peeked in her windows I watched as she took chips and dip then walked down stairs. I got on my belly and looked in the little windows. I saw her two human friends watching a tv. “we found something!” Savanna shouted. Found something. “yeah check this out before you turn off the camera.” They all gathered around the camera.

“is that a tunnel?” Vesta asked “looked like we have to go back. You gotta check it out with the camera.” Johnny stated getting up. “are you nuts! Go into an old cave into the secret room and down a tunnel! By myself!!” Savanna nodded and said “yeah You’ll be fine.” She shook her head and said “fine. Lets go.” The grabbed a camera and walked up stairs. I ran into the woods and hid. I watched as the walked out of the house and down the road. “this is nuts I still think it’s just some old paintings.” Vesta stated “yeah ok it’s everything about you on a cave wall I still claim Prophecy.”


 I followed them down the road as I walked through the woods I saw Josh. “go to her house and get the dvd in the basement it’s in a dvd player.” He nodded and walked towards her house. They stopped walking and I saw them walk down a small path in the forest. They came to a cave in the earth and I watched as they went in with flash lights. I peeked in seeing Savanna and Johnny standing around a hole in the cave as my mate Vesta went in. “this is ridiculous.” She stated and was gone from sight. I felt a pull when she was out of sight I wanted to make sure she was safe but then I would give myself away.


I walked towards the tunnel with a flame in hand and a camera in the other. As I reached the tunnel I saw more drawings I started filming. There were drawings of the dog guy and flame person being pulled apart. By people like them. Hmm? They looked to be reaching for each other. I kept walking seeing it went to the flame person… she held a child as another flame person stood by her. Oh I get it it’s a story about two lovers who were forced apart they had children with their own kind… so why was this about me?

I turned around seeing it was the dog people… they had a child too… cool. I was about to keep walking when I noticed something like sun rays going up. I followed them to see a heart thing on the ceiling of the cave. Whatever… I took two steps and saw the two babies on either side of the wall. The same heart thing was on the ceiling connected the two babies. Cool. Then on the walls was a heart with the children the on baby had a fire mark, while the heart around it had a dog. It was the opposite for the other baby.

Ook… I walked on then say the two babies were toddlers… it went from toddlers to adults. I saw them together on one wall showing the dog guy was on his knee before the girl… then it showed a heart above them next picture was the girl turning away and the heart broken. Ook I reached the end of the cave on the wall was the two the girl had no interest while the guy was trying to be all romantic. I turned facing the end of the cave with the camera my eyes widened.

“AHHHH!!!” I ran out of the tunnel, climbed up and ran into Johnny. I sat on the ground outside the cave and shouted “that was the freakiest cave drawing I ever saw it looked like it was real!!” Savanna ran over to me and asked “what was it.” I shook my head saying “I have no idea and I don’t want to know!” I got up and said “I’m going home.” I left the camera on the ground and Johnny picked it up. “I have never seen her so freaked out.”


What did she see down there? I watched as she ran home. I was compelled to console her but that would be weird right now. I turned seeing Savanna and Johnny looking at the camera. As they watched the video Savanna screamed and fell on her but and Johnny dropped the camera “WOAH!!” he shouted what was scaring them? “what that a demon thing?” she asked he shrugged and said “who should I know you think it’s a prophecy!!” they both picked up the camera and walked away from the cave. “hopefully I’m wrong.”

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